
Realm Reborn: New life as a Demotic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Lovers Embrace

Time marched on, and Nate, now sixteen, was getting ready to enroll in Aetherium Academy, situated in the capital city of Eldoria.

His parents had dedicated years to saving up enough funds to afford sending their children to a reputable school, aiming to secure promising futures for them.

Throughout the passing years, Nate attempted to assure them that staying in the village as a guard alongside his father would be sufficient. However, both his parents remained resolute in their belief that he should venture out and acquire more knowledge.

Perched atop a tree, Nate surveyed the small village below, a tinge of sadness settling in as he contemplated soon being far from the home where he had grown up. Casting a glance at the blue screen before him, he sighed, noting that not much had changed, except for his age and a few attributes gained from training with his father.

Blinking away the screen, Nate observed a charming young woman with flowing chocolate hair and warm hazel eyes approaching. Trying to remain unnoticed, he stayed silent until a small clump of earth came hurtling his way, striking him and causing him to tumble from the tree.

His body crumpled on the hard ground as Sam peered down at him, her smile not quite reaching her eyes. "You need to get ready for our engagement ceremony," she declared, leaving no room for any objections.

Nate sat up, running his hand through his thick black hair to rid it of the dirt. "Do you think an engagement is a bit premature?" he inquired.

Sam simply shrugged, maintaining a lovely smile. "I'm just securing my place in your life before you head off to the academy."

Nate let out a groan but refrained from further comment. He had no objections to being with Sam; she was his best friend. While she might not be the most strikingly beautiful, there was a calming charm about her that could soothe anyone in her presence.

This very charm was the reason numerous young boys from the neighboring towns and villages approached Sam's father, seeking her hand in marriage.

Fearing her father's eventual agreement, Sam collaborated with Nate's mother, Cathy, to orchestrate an engagement between the two. Although Nate found Sam charming and likable, memories from Earth made him somewhat hesitant about committing to an engagement at such a young age.

Nevertheless, he ultimately chose to give in, recognizing that his ideals held no sway in this world, and knowing that Sam's father would soon decide on a partner for her regardless.

A faint blush tinged Sam's cheeks. "I realize I pushed you into this a bit, but I can't bear the thought of being with anyone else but you," she confessed in a soft, nervous tone. Her eyes were cast downward, attempting to conceal her embarrassment.

A warmth filled Nate's chest as he looked at the enchanting girl before him. Rising to his feet, he gently cupped Sam's cheeks with his hand, then lowered his head to place a tender kiss on her forehead. "I'm delighted to share my life with you, Samantha. It's just a bit overwhelming," he confessed.

The blush deepened on Sam's cheeks, and then a radiant, warm smile adorned her lips. "I'll see you soon at the ceremony," she quickly replied before dashing off.

A slight smile graced Nate's face as he observed his charming fiancée dart away. Clearing off the remaining dirt, Nate strolled back to the modest cottage that housed his family.

"I'm back!" Nate hollered upon entering the door. Almost instantly, his mother Cathy charged toward him, seizing his ear. "Where were you? Do you realize how much effort it took to persuade the village chief to agree to your marriage with his daughter?" she scolded, continuing to pull Nate by the ear towards the back of the house to ensure he cleaned up.

"Girl's got far brighter prospects than you. I've heard even the heir to the Blackwood barony is eyeing her," she hollered, still tugging at his ear. Cathy, expressing clear frustration, ran her hand down her face. "Listen, lad, your main asset at the moment is your growth potential. That's why the chief's taking a chance on you. Why else would he be intrigued by the son of a town guard and herbalist?"

Nate's mother released his ear at last. "Consider yourself fortunate that man cares for his daughter; otherwise, he would never have consented to your presence. Remember, potential alone does not guarantee results."

A cloth was tossed onto his face as his mother, still grumbling discontentedly, started to stroll away. Rolling his eyes, Nate set about tidying himself up to appear suitable for the engagement ceremony. Once he had washed up, he adorned himself in his finest attire—brown leather trousers paired with a stylishly buttoned-up white dress shirt.

Employing a touch of illusion magic, Nate conjured a mirror before him. His shoulder-length black hair was meticulously fastened behind his head, revealing his petite, pointed fae ears. Possessing a refined and elegant countenance, his strong jawline accentuated his emerald green eyes. Despite being just sixteen, he was starting to exude a mature, manly aura.

Content, he made his way to the kitchen where his parents engaged in light conversation. Catching sight of Nate, his mother beamed and exclaimed, "Now, that's the handsome boy I lovingly raised." She then approached Nate, wearing a broad smile, and pinched his face, gently moving it from side to side to ensure that everything was in order.

Satisfied that everything was in order, Nate's mother resumed her preparations for the celebration, intending to bring the food once the ceremony concluded. Nate then settled beside his father, who appeared quite content observing his son's discomfort.

In a decision to teach his father a lesson, Nate spoke up, a playful tone infusing every word. "Hey, old man, remember Ms. Racheal handing you some baked goods earlier? Mind if I get a taste?"

The smile on his father's face vanished instantly as beads of sweat started to form. He shot a quick glance toward his wife, only to find a huge smile on her face and a wooden spoon armed in her hands. "Oh, Ms. Rebecca, she is quite the lovely woman," Cathy said, her voice laced with venom.

Henry swiftly prostrated himself before his wife. "My love, she was simply thanking me for helping her move some supplies into her store," he explained in an attempt to defend himself.

Cathy narrowed her eyes a bit before returning to work on the dishes in front of her. Henry cast a look at his mischievous son, who was smirking playfully. "I was thinking that tomorrow we double your strength training," he declared.

As time elapsed, the family made their way to the small temple situated in the village square. Unfortunately, Kristoff, Nate's older brother, couldn't attend, occupied with his ongoing merchant apprenticeship in the capital.

Upon entering the compact building, they found most villagers already gathered inside, eagerly anticipating the commencement of the ceremony. In the world of Riania, various marriage ceremonies existed, many of which were profoundly binding due to the overseeing gods. Mildew Village, however, observed a relatively common human ceremony, typically involving an oath to the god of marriage. Once Nate and Sam turned eighteen and consummated their union the engagement would turn into a marriage. 

Nate moved to the forefront, positioning himself near the altar where one of the village elders, Freda, stood. Freda donned a traditional white robe secured by a rope intricately woven into knots. Shortly after, Sam entered, her arm linked with her father's. She wore a long white dress adorned with exquisite green embroidery along the edges. Flowers adorned her chocolate hair, and a crown crafted from leaves graced her head.

She soon positioned herself in front of the altar, facing Nate. Freda smiled and advanced with a golden chain in her hands, gracefully looping it around their left arms before returning to the altar.

With the golden chain symbolizing their commitment, Freda stood at the altar, her gaze embracing Nate and Sam. In a voice filled with solemnity, she pronounced, "By the sacred binding of this golden chain, forged with the blessings of the gods, I declare the engagement of Nathaniel Cromwell and Samantha Fields. May this symbolic link represent the growing connection between your hearts. Cherish the love you share, nurture it through every season, and let it be a guiding light in your journey together. By the authority vested in me by the god of Marriage, your love is now bound together in this commitment. You may seal this commitment with a kiss, marking the beginning of your shared path towards matrimony." As Freda concluded, Nate and Sam exchanged a tender kiss. 

Shortly after the kiss concluded, a blue screen manifested with the message: "[Skill 'Lovers Embrace' has now been partially unlocked]." Once the message faded, a new screen emerged.

[Lovers Embrace-

Description- Enables the host to acquire a skill or affinity from partners acknowledged by the gods 


1st wife, Samantha Fields (partial) - skill 'Nature's Harmony' (Rare) 1st part allows the host to briefly project a calming aura // 2nd part Locked until the host seals the deal with his wife <Wink, Wink>]

A momentary sense of surprise washed over Nate as he read the message. He had been curious about the skill since its mention, and now he couldn't help but wonder if the universe was aiming to shape him into a charmer. Urging the prompts to vanish, Nate refocused on Sam, who wore a radiant smile from ear to ear.

The chain was removed from their arms and the two walked hand and hand towards their families. Sam's father Chief Braxton still held a bit of unwillingness in his eyes but after seeing the smile on his daughter's face he simply decided to accept that this was his little girl's choice. 

The night unfolded merrily until Nate and Sam found themselves seated on a blanket by the lake behind the village, their hands entwined. "My father has two wives, you know," Sam mentioned, her gaze fixed on the serene waters.

Nate nodded, recalling that the chief had a second wife besides Sam's mother, a mysterious figure who seldom appeared in the village. "She's a seer who arrived while my mother was still pregnant with me. She persuaded my father to marry her, offering occasional insights on safeguarding the village," Sam continued her hand occasionally flinching in his grasp.

Her hazel eyes shimmered with emotion. "A few months ago, my father sought her counsel on finding a suitable partner for me. She brushed him aside, insisting she'd only speak with me. According to her, numerous paths lay ahead, most stable, but only one leading to true happiness."

Nate furrowed his brow but remained attentive. "She informed me that this path was the most precarious she had ever witnessed, yet the reward for success was beyond imagination. She also cautioned that the man on this path would attract many flies, and if I chose this route, I should secure my position as soon as possible," Sam continued. 

A slight smile adorned her lips. "I came to terms with the fact that I won't be the sole woman in your life and resolved to establish my position as your first wife as swiftly as possible," she expressed.

A frown creased Nate's features. "I am neither powerful nor wealthy enough for more wives. I am not even worthy of having you," he asserted with determination.

A chuckle escaped Sam's lips. "That may be true for now, and perhaps in the future as well, according to the seer. But I would rather see you strive to become the greatest and most powerful man in the world," Sam said, her expression dreamy.

Shifting her gaze to meet Nate's eyes, Sam continued, "If you do manage to attain that power, I will accept your other wives. Just know that as your first wife, I will always have the final say," she added with a hint of a smirk.

Nate embraced her sentiments. "Even if I end up with a million wives, you will always be the first and the woman to whom I first gave my heart," he declared, his gaze filled with affection for Sam.

A profound blush colored her cheeks, eliciting a smile from Nate. He leaned in, bringing his lips intimately close to hers, a silent gesture to affirm the truth behind his words.

Hope your enjoying the story so far. In the comments is a picture of Samantha sorry if it's a bit slow, but we can't have the childhood friend missing her chance to become the first wife now can we;)

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