
Realm Reborn: New life as a Demotic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Farewell to Familiar Skies

Several months had elapsed since the engagement ceremony, and Nate cherished every moment spent with Sam before departing for the academy. As the anticipated day arrived, he meticulously ensured his backpack was stocked with essential items for the journey to the capital.

Regrettably, Nate grappled with the complexities of harnessing his rare spatial magic, which would of allowed him to store more of his things without the need to carry it. Inwardly, he harbored the hope that, upon reaching the academy, he would find a mentor who could illuminate the path to mastering this elusive form of magic.

With all his affairs in order, he exited his modest room to discover his parents seated at the dining table, both wearing expressions of visible sadness. As soon as he stepped into view, his mother sprang up and embraced him tightly, her voice laden with emotion. "My youngest baby is leaving me," she lamented.

Nate offered a gentle pat on his mother's back, seeking to provide solace. "I'll be back in three months for a holiday," he reassured, attempting to ease his mother's distress.

After some time, his father successfully separated his clinging mother from him, offering Nate a proud smile. "Next time I see you, your muscles better be as big as mine," he teased.

Nate chuckled; his physique had always been lean and defined, but it never boasted the same bulging muscles as his father's. "Even if I don't, I'll still beat you in terms of handsomeness," he retorted with a smug grin.

A scowl briefly crossed his father's face, only to be replaced by an affectionate smile. "Hmm, I'm sure Samantha will love to hear me talk about all the letters I receive from you about the countless young girls you charm at the academy," he remarked, wearing a contemplative expression.

Deciding it was wiser to sidestep the banter, Nate recognized that the playful exchange could linger indefinitely if not interrupted. Leaning in, he embraced his father and whispered quickly, "If she ends up murdering me, Mother will blame you." With a step back, he concluded the brief moment of affection.

Concluding his farewells with his parents, Nate departed from the house and headed towards Sam's residence to bid her goodbye. As he reached the door, it swung open abruptly, and Sam enveloped him in a tearful embrace.

They held onto each other for a moment, and when Sam stepped back, her eyes still red from crying, she uttered softly, "I wish I could go with you."

Nate nodded in understanding. Sam's father had chosen to employ tutors for her education instead of sending her to the academy. Simultaneously, while imparting the skills needed to manage a village, preparing her for the possibility of assuming his responsibilities in the future.

Nate tenderly brushed away her tears. "I'll be back sooner than you realize, and I'll send letters as frequently as I can," he assured.

Sam grinned. "You better, or I'll borrow your mother's wooden spoon when you return." With a bold move, Sam rose on her tiptoes and planted a lingering kiss on Nate.

The kiss endured for a full minute before Sam retreated. "I'll be waiting," she said, turning and heading back inside her house.

With a smile, Nate approached the village exit, clutching a map in hand, prepared to embark on his journey toward the nearest town to catch a ride on a caravan bound for the capital.

The closest town, Blackwood, was a few hours away on foot. Initially, his mother had expressed the desire to accompany him, but his father insisted that he was essentially grown now and should be capable of navigating the journey independently.

After an hour of travel, Nate decided to pause for a brief water break. Spotting a sizable rock, he settled down, granting his weary feet a moment of respite. Retrieving the canteen fastened to his bag, Nate took several swigs before stowing it away again.

Just as he prepared to resume his journey, a faint rustling sound froze him in his tracks. Swiveling his head toward the noise, Nate locked eyes with a gray wolf, its gaze fixed on him with hunger in its eyes.

Nate had received basic self-defense training from his father ever since he was initially evaluated for magic. Without any magical mentors in the village, Nate's magical abilities were quite lacking, limited to only a few elementary skills like the illusion mirror.

Though he had joined his father on hunting trips, these outings were always supervised and lacked any real danger. Now, with the wolf in front of him, Nate slowly reached for the dagger at his belt, his eyes never leaving the creature.

Almost anticipating the movement, the wolf lunged at Nate, who narrowly evaded the attack. Just as he dodged, a prompt materialized in front of him: [Quest system unlocked], swiftly succeeded by

[New quest: The Hungry Wolf

Description- A wolf has emerged with the clear intention of making you its prey. Defeat it and reap the rewards.

Rewards- 1 level, title- The Path to Manhood, ability to gain levels 

Penalty- become tasty wolf dinner]

Nate muttered a soft curse as he let the prompt fade away, his grip on the dagger tightening. It dawned on him that the system had remained inactive because his life had never truly been at risk. Silently flipping the metaphorical bird to the God of Balance in his thoughts, Nate redirected his attention to the ongoing skirmish before him.

The wolf circled Nate, its eyes fixed on him, hunger evident in its gaze. Nate, dagger in hand, carefully mirrored the wolf's movements, attempting to maintain a defensive stance. As the wolf lunged, Nate swiftly sidestepped, his dagger slicing through the air in a counterattack.

In a moment of quick thinking, Nate cast a minor illusion, creating the appearance of multiple illusions of himself around the wolf. Confused, the wolf hesitated, giving Nate an opening. Seizing the opportunity, Nate lunged forward, slashing with his dagger. The illusion faded, but the wolf, now wounded, growled and snapped.

The dance between the two continued, with Nate utilizing his dagger for swift strikes and his minor illusion magic to create momentary diversions. Despite the wolf's attempts to close in, Nate's combination of agility, dagger skills, and illusions allowed him to maintain a precarious balance in the fight. Eventually, with a well-timed strike, Nate incapacitated the wolf, concluding the encounter with a mixture of relief and a newfound sense of accomplishment.

[Quest Completed - The Hungry Wolf 

Reward: 1x level up - now able to gain experience by defeating enemies 

Title gained: The Path To Manhood

Description: Your balls have finally dropped enough to fight and become powerful. This title will grant an additional 1x stat point in strength at every level up—upgradable title]

The prompt vanished, making way for a new one [You have leveled up +1 point to every stat (extra 1x in strength), +3 free stat points] 

Nate furrowed his brow as he read the message, wondering if there might be something off with the God of Balance's head. Shaking off the thought, Nate cast a somber glance at the lifeless wolf. With no means to carry the carcass, he chose to leave it behind and resumed his journey towards Blackwood.

The remainder of the journey unfolded without major incidents. Nate, taking intermittent breaks to rejuvenate, reached the town just before nightfall. It differed significantly from the village he had grown up in, characterized by larger stone structures that reduced the prevalence of greenery. The townspeople moved in bustling waves through the streets.

After a bit of exploration, Nate located the place his father had mentioned—the spot where he could secure passage on a caravan bound for the capital. Upon entering the building, his eyes were met with a room filled with crates, each labeled with wooden tags indicating their destinations.

Approaching the counter, Nate encountered a gruff-looking middle-aged woman, leaning back and puffing on a wooden pipe. Her gaze fixed on Nate. "What do you want?" she asked curtly.

Nate's body tensed, unaccustomed to the brusque demeanor after years spent in the tranquil village of Mildew. Summoning his courage, he spoke, "I need safe passage to the Capital."

The woman continued puffing on her pipe, eventually responding, "The caravan leaves tomorrow at the 5th bell, and it will cost you ten silver coins." Nate reached for his coin pouch, placing the required amount on the counter. Swiftly grabbing the coins, the woman handed him a small ticket. "Bring that with you tomorrow morning," she said, motioning for him to leave.

Emerging from the stifling building, Nate surveyed his surroundings and eventually discovered a budget-friendly inn for an overnight stay. After securing his room and grabbing a swift meal, he headed toward his accommodations.

In the room, Nate freshened up using a water bucket provided by the innkeeper. After a cursory check of his remaining funds, he settled onto the bed. Once comfortable, he opted to access the peculiar system screen reminiscent of those he used to encounter in video games back on Earth.


Name- Nathaniel Cromwell  

Level- 2 / Exp (0/200)

Class- None

Race- Half-Fae/Half Unknown (SEALED)

Age- 16

Strength- 8<10< p>

Perception- 10<11< p>

Dexterity- 12<13< p>

Intelligence- 6<7< p>

Endurance- 7<8< p>

Charisma- 20<21< p>

Free points- 3

Magic Affinities- Fae (Perfect), Spatial (Perfect), Illusion (Perfect), Unknown (Sealed)

Quests (New)- Reach level 5 <Extend >, Reach level 10 <Extend >, Reach Level 15 <Extend >, Reach level 20 <Extend >

Skills- Lovers embrace (Epic Bloodline)<Extend >, Running (Normal), Climbing (Normal), Jump (Normal), Charming puppy dog eyes (Epic), Unknown (Sealed), Dagger (Novice), Survival (Novice), Cooking (Poor)

Titles- The Path to Manhood (Upgradable) 

Blessings- God of Balance (Full), Goddess of Beauty (Minor)

Nate felt a sense of satisfaction as he successfully leveled up and observed some notable changes. He also discovered that the sections marked with <Extend > would open a new window if he focused on them.

Upon scrutinizing the details, he observed that the rewards for the level-up quests were primarily foundational, promising basic achievements such as unlocking his class at level 5.

Examining the sealed and unknown sections on the screen, Nate once again pondered its peculiar nature. The villagers had long assumed he was half-Fae/half-Human, given his consistent lack of features from any other race.

However, the screen appeared to debunk that assumption. For years, Nate had grappled with the mystery of how half his race could be sealed. The scarcity of publicly available books on sealing magic had led him to let go of the pursuit temporarily, resolving to delve into the subject when he acquired more knowledge in the future.

Letting the screen fade away completely, Nate shifted onto his side, allowing himself to settle into a comfortable position before drifting off to sleep for the night.

There is a picture of what Nate currently looks like in the comments!

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