
Realm Of The Gods

A Saiyan wished into the DBS reality by Zamasu. Will he be a villain or a hero?

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Uninvited Guest

"I'm here for Kale." The man answered. Dive got a better look at him and he was clearly a Saiyan.

"How'd you find us and what do you want from her?" Dive asked as he flew inches from the Saiyan's face.

"I felt your power when you were fighting and as far as what I want that's none of your business." He answered.

"When it comes to my sister-in-law it is my business, but let's take this somewhere else." Dive said scowling at the man.

"That's fine by me. I have just the place." He said before flying off. Dive quickly followed behind him.

~In a wasteland~

"You knew you'd have to fight me huh?" Dive said landing and instantly going into his stance.

"Of course. I also know about your Blue form." The man answered.

"So you're why Kale randomly showed up at my house. I'm guessing she's hiding from you." Dive stated not breaking eye contact. "Who are you anyways?"

"My name is Ceriac and yes she is." Ceriac told Dive as he got into his own stance.

In the blink of an eye they clashed. The force of their hits were causing the plateaus around them to collapse. Ceriac kicked Dive hard enough for him to slam into the ground. Dive got up and went SSJ1. Ceriac followed Dive's lead and went SSJ1 himself. Their fight caught Piccolo's attention.

'Dive what's going on over there?' Piccolo asked through telepathy.

'A Saiyan named Ceriac showed up looking for Kale and I wouldn't let him have her.' Dive explained.

'Do the girls know about this?' Piccolo asked worried about Caulifla and Kale's safety. If he was causing this much trouble for Dive then there was no way they could help.

'No but tell Kakarot and Vegeta to keep them safe in case he gets past me. I have to go this is gonna be tougher than I thought.'

~With Piccolo~

'Goku get Vegeta and go to Dive's home and don't let the girls leave.' Piccolo ordered.

'What's going on?' Goku asked getting off of his tractor.

'Dive is fighting a Saiyan named Ceriac who is trying to get to Kale. Those two don't know it yet and Dive doesn't want them involved and needs you two to guard them if he fails.'

'OK I'm on it.' Goku said as he instant transmissioned to Vegeta.

"Kakarot what are you doing here?!" Vegeta yelled while training with Cabba.

"WE DON'T HAVE TIME GRAB ON!" Goku said clearly in a panic. Vegeta and Cabba instantly knew something was wrong and grabbed Goku's shoulders. They appeared in front of Dive and Caulifla's house.

"No matter what happens we can't let them leave." Goku told them getting ready for a fight if it came to that.

~Back with Dive~

Both Saiyans had gone into SSJ2 and were locked in a power struggle. Ceriac suddenly stopped struggling causing Dive to fall forward in surprise. He quickly delivered a nasty knee to Dive's gut causing him to cough up blood. They both flew back and Dive went into Blue while Ceriac went into SSJ3. Ceriac appeared in front of Dive kicking him in the face.

'How is he stronger than me while only in SSJ3?!' Dive thought while Ceriac was laying into him. He kicked Dive into the air and began charging a ki wave in his hand.

"KA...ME...HA...ME...HAAAAA!" Dive screamed out as they both launched powerful ki waves. The wind began whipping around their beam struggle. Dive was quickly losing ground against Ceriac.

"KAIOKEN X10!" Dive screamed causing red aura to blend with his blue and his Kamehameha started gaining ground again.

"RAAAAGGHH!" Ceriac yelled as he pushed his ki wave through Dive's and exploding on impact. Dive rocketed towards the ground and slammed into a nearby plateau.

~With Goku~

"What's going on?!" Caulifla yelled as she burst through the house door with Kale following close behind her.

"Dive is fighting a man named Ceriac who is after her." Vegeta said as he pointed at Kale.

"Ceriac found us?!" Kale said beginning to panic.

"Kale what's going on?" Caulifla asked turning to her sister. She had never seen Kale so scared before.

"Ceriac is a Saiyan from U6 that is obsessed with Kale." Cabba explained clenching his hands. "He was stronger than both of us combined so we decided to escape to U7. I don't know how he managed to get here though."

"We need to go help him!" Caulifla said starting to fly off. Goku teleported in front of her his arms outstretched.

"We can't let you do that." Goku told her. "Dive asked us to keep you safe and we plan on doing just that."

"I don't care about my safety! My husband is in-" They all stopped when they felt Dive's ki disappear.

~With Dive~

"Its time to end this little game." Ceriac told Dive who was face down on the ground in his base form. Ceriac charged a ki blast in his hand and pointed it at Dive. "Don't worry though I'll send that girl of yours to hell afterwards."

He stopped when he felt five powerful energies begin to fly towards them. He didn't even notice Dive get up until he had already grabbed Ceriac's arm.

"No dragon in the multiverse is going to be able to fix what I do to you for threatening my family." Dive said going into Rosè and breaking Ceriac's arm. Ceriac stumbled back in pain and shock. Dive slowly walked towards him with bloodlust in his eyes. Before Ceriac could speak Dive delivered a spear-kick to his gut launching him. Dive spun through the air and grabbed Ceriac's head before slamming him into the ground causing the ground under them to explode from the force. Dive picked him back up by his neck and threw him away like trash.

"I've only used this form one other time." Dive explained, "The last person who made me go Rosè regretted his decision severely."

~ With the five Saiyans~

"Oh no." Caulifla said as all five of them stopped. "This is really bad!"

"What is it?!" Cabba asked feeling Dive's power skyrocket.

"He's gone into Rosè." Goku explained. "We need to get there fast before he damages the planet!"

The five Saiyans all went Blue and flew faster than the speed of sound.

~With Dive~

Ceriac charged a ki blast and threw it at Dive who just slapped it away. Dive continued to slowly walk towards Ceriac who had fear all over his face.

"What are you?!" Ceriac yelled out in fear.

"Hell incarnate." Dive simply stated as he stopped inches from Ceriac's face. Ceriac tried to kick Dive but he just caught his leg under his arm.

"Please don't break my leg." Ceriac pleaded.

"Hmmmm. No." Dive told him as he snapped his knee with his elbow. Dive dropped the injured Saiyan on the ground and stood over him.

"Now tell me why you want Kale." Dive ordered hatred in his voice.

"I wanted her because I'm obsessed with her, but she wouldn't return my feelings and married that disgrace of a Saiyan." Ceriac explained.

"You came to my house, threatened my family and tried to kill me all because you're a stalker?!" Dive asked as his power flared up. Dive picked Ceriac up by his hair and punched him in the gut. Before Ceriac could take a breath Dive grabbed his mouth. Ceriac's eyes went wide as Dive began to charge a ki blast in the hand he was holding Ceriac with. He quickly tried to punch Dive in the face but Dive caught and crushed his fist.

"Stop Dive!" Caulifla yelled out. Dive slightly turned his head enough to look at his friends and family.

"Why should I? He is after Kale and threatened to kill you." Dive said turning back to Ceriac who was still struggling to escape his grasp.

"I know but please calm down." Caulifla said flying down to him and hugging his back.

"You're lucky she showed up." He said dropping Ceriac on the ground. Dive turned around and returned the hug going back into his base form. "I'm sorry let's go home."

"Ok." Caulifla said as they turned to leave and Ceriac tried to shoot a ki blast at Caulifla. Dive slapped it away going back into Rosè and punched Ceriac's head into the ground and vaporized him with a ki blast of his own.

"He had a chance to live and still tried to fuck with us." Dive said following Caulifla back to their friends.

~Back at Dive and Caulifla's house~

"Thank you Dive." Kale said as her and Cabba started bowing.

"Anytime, you are my sister-in-law after all." Dive said rubbing the back of his neck and smiling.

"Kale if you're ever in danger you can come here and we won't hesitate to help you." Caulifla told her giving her a hug.

"Yeah, I don't care who it is you can come here. Even if it means I have to fight every GoD." Dive told her with Goku and Vegeta both nodding their heads in agreement.

"Oh yeah Dive." Caulifla said in a sweet voice.

"Listen Cauli I didn't want either of you to get hurt ok?" Dive pleaded backing away from his wife.

"Don't you ever do something like that again. Please..." She said hugging him tightly.

"I'm sorry." He said putting a hand on her back.

"We thought you had died when you're energy disappeared." Goku said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"That was a foolish thing to do." Vegeta scolded him and Dive lowered his head in defeat. "That being said, you do have allies that you can trust in."

"Well we'll be going now." Kale told them waving goodbye and flying away with Cabba in tow. They all said their goodbyes and went back to their daily lives.