
Realm Of The Gods

A Saiyan wished into the DBS reality by Zamasu. Will he be a villain or a hero?

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Five Years Later

"You've gotten stronger." Dive said blocking his daughter's kick. She looked a near carbon copy of Caulifla and her attitude was exactly the same.

"Dive! Kumiko! Come inside food's done!" Caulifla yelled to them. They both powered down and walked inside. The family was eating happily before their phone began to ring. Caulifla stood up and answered it. Her eyes went wide as she looked at Kumiko.

"What is it Mom?" Kumiko asked looking very worried and Caulifla turned her gaze on Dive.

"Bulma said a girl appeared in a time machine calling herself Kumiko." Caulifla told them.

"Oh god dammit." Dive said putting his food down. "Its like history is repeating itself."

"Kumiko grab your father." Caulifla said holding on to Dive's arm. Kumiko did as she was told and they instant transmissioned to Bulma's house. Dive looked at the group surrounding a young adult woman.

"Dad! Mom!" The girl yelled grabbing both of them. She began to sob loudly. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"What happened?" Dive asked his future daughter softly. Caulifla was surprised that he sounded so serious.

"An alien from Frieza's race came and killed all of you. He even managed to kill Lord Beerus." She said looking at the ground with tears in her eyes. Dive, Goku and Vegeta all looked at each other. Young Kumiko was just confused, it was like they had seen something like this before.

"Should we get Trunks?" Dive asked Vegeta, "He has pretty good knowledge on this time travel stuff."

"If he managed to kill Lord Beerus we need to get as much help as possible." Vegeta answered him. Dive nodded and he and Vegeta hopped into the Time Machine with Bulma and went to Trunks' future.

~Trunks' Future~

"What are you guys doing here?" The Trunks from the Zamasu Saga asked running up to them.

"More future problems but this time it was my daughter that came back." Dive explained clearly upset. Trunks was shocked by that but got serious quickly.

"Who is it?" Trunks asked knowing that if they came to his future then it was probably bad.

"We not completely sure other than the fact that he is a member of Frieza's race and that he managed to kill all of us including Lord Beerus." Vegeta explained with his arms crossed.

"We need your help." Dive told Trunks.

"I'll do what I can." Trunks told them as they walked to the time machine. He still hadn't completely forgiven Dive for what he did but he knew how it felt for a child to tell their family that they died protecting them.

"Thank you." Dive told him. They all climbed into the time machine and returned to the past.

~Back in Dive's Timeline~

The first thing Trunks noticed was a young adult woman wearing the same gi as Dive.

"I'm assuming you're the one from the future?" Trunks asked walking over to Kumiko.

"Yes I am." Kumiko said with a solemn look.

"I know how it feels to be in this situation better than anyone. Trust me when I say it'll be alright." Trunks said smiling at her and putting a sympathetic hand on her shoulder.

"How long till he'll be here?" Goku asked, he didn't have his usual excited nature.

"Four years from now." Kumiko told the group.

"Then you're coming with me." Dive ordered.

"Where are you going?" Caulifla asked concerned about Dive's plan.

"The Time Chamber." Dive said before putting his hand on Future Kumiko's shoulder and teleporting to the Lookout.

~The Time Chamber~

"What is this place?" Kumiko asked her father. She had never seen a place like this before.

"I took your mother here when she came to my universe." Dive explained, "Its a different dimension from the one outside. One year in here is one day out there."

"You brought Mom here?" Kumiko asked still in awe.

"Yeah I taught her everything I know in here. I even taught her Blue, granted she learned it in a little over a year." Dive explained as he closed the door.

"This place is cool!" Kumiko yelled at him. Dive grinned at her, she was just like her mother.

"Show me your forms." Dive ordered. She listened and powered up to SSG.

"This is all I have. You and Mom showed me up to SSJ2 and I learned this one on my own." Kumiko explained.

"Well good then we're going straight into Blue." Dive told her.

~Months Later~

Dive and Kumiko were clashing all around the Time Chamber. Their fight was destroying the floor and shaking the dimension. Dive held his hand up and powered down to his base form.

"Leave it to our daughter to learn Blue faster than us." Dive said scratching the back of his head.

"So what now?" Kumiko asked returning to her base form.

"We can try Rosè, though I'm the only one who ever had access to it." Dive told her.

"If only you've used it then how am I going to?" She asked him and he gave her a big smile.

"Well you are my daughter after all. I even told your mother that she couldn't do it." Dive explained. She nodded her head and got into their stance.

"I just want you to know that this form comes from pure rage. The two people I used it against were punished severely." Dive explained.

"It sounds a little scarey Dad." She said looking nervous.

"Go to Blue, then imagine everything that monster from the future has done." Dive told her sternly. She turned Blue and focused on everything that happened to her. Dive felt her power begin to spike and the air around them get heavier. She screamed out as her hair and aura became pink.

"Nice job Kumiko." Dive said smiling. She looked at him with bloodlust.

"Fuck..." Dive said going Rosè and getting into his stance. She rushed him and attempted a spin-kick to his head. Dive quickly dodged and grabbed her foot. He spun and slammed her into the ground knocking her unconscious. Dive picked Kumiko up and laid her down in one of the two beds.

"Well at least I know for sure she is my daughter." Dive said laying on the other bed and going to sleep himself.

~End of the two years~

As Dive and Kumiko left the Time Chamber Caulifla, who had been waiting for them, snapped her head up.

"Their power is unreal." She said watching her husband and daughter approach her.

"Hey Mom how's it going?" Kumiko said waving at Caulifla.

"Why are you still in Blue?" Caulifla asked her and Dive.

"I told her to stay Blue for as long as possible each day so her body gets more accustomed to the form and I'd would look bad if I didn't as well." Dive explained to Caulifla fearing the consequences he may have.

"I suppose that makes sense." Caulifla replied still looking at Kumiko.

"Oh yeah Mom watch this!" Kumiko exclaimed with excitement and Dive's blood ran cold. Caulifla was shocked when Kumiko went into Rosè.

"Honey..." Caulifla said sweetly to Dive.

"Cauli I know I showed her how to go Rosè but..." Dive said backing away with his hands up. He didn't get to finish his explanation before Caulifla turned Blue and began to chase him. Dive ran like hell but Caulifla hit him with a red ki blast making him land. She cracked her knuckles walking towards him.

"You showed our daughter how to go Rosè but not me huh?" Caulifla said smirking at him. Kumiko quickly ran in front of her.

"Mom wait I can explain." She said successfully stopping her.

"Better be a good God damn reason." Caulifla told her looking past her at Dive. He just sweat dropped.

"The only reason I can go into Rosè is because I'm half of him amd half you." Kumiko explained afraid of any trouble she may get in.

"I suppose that makes sense." Caulifla said calming down.

"If it makes you fell better I love you." Dive said standing up slowly. Caulifla just laughed at him.

"Yeah I love you to." She said still laughing at him.

"On a different note. Cauli go into there next with her." Dive said with a serious tone

"Why don't you go in again?" She asked confused about the idea.

"Yeah but we also need you on our level as well ok." Dive said hugging her lovingly, "Our daughter needs our help and its our job to provide it."