

Eloria's Temple stood ahead of Finnegan. The street there was quiet. "Strange... Jugar always stands at the doors at this time of morning. Keep your wits sharp, wizard," Athena whispered.

The front doors of the temple stood open. Despite the concern on her face, tradition was tradition, and so she removed her boots and made Finnegan do the same before entering. Inside, bodies were strewn about. Puddles of blood marred the otherwise perfectly white floor. Blood-drawn symbols were everywhere - on the walls, on the statues, even on the altar of Eloria. Everything was still, like a horrible painting. Athena's mouth hung open in disbelief for a moment, and then she rushed over to one of the white-robed bodies. "Felicia!" she whispered hoarsely. She then ran from body to body, checking them for signs of life.