
Dangers yet unveiled

The dawn crept over the cityscape like a thief, casting long shadows across narrow streets. Finnegan and Athena, pursued by the lingering darkness of the cults events, hurried through the labyrinth of alleys. Their breaths hung in the chilly air as they sprinted toward the Temple of Eloria, a sanctuary that seemed distant in the waking chaos

"There! A straw merchant. Perhaps we could stow away in his cart?"

"An old nag pulls that cart. Do we not want a more expeditious retreat?" Finnegan asked.

The two of them ran up to the long-bearded man who was gently coaxing his old horse that pulled the straw wagon. Finnegan decided to dharma him, without as much as a "hello," Finnegan waved his hands and spoke the arcane words. Like a thread pulled taut, he felt the connection created between him and the merchant. The merchant gave him a huge smile, rushed over, and embraced Finnegan as the old friend he believed him to be.