
Reality became a video game?!

*Insert synopsis here, unless you forget which probably you will. How do I know? I am you!*

S_only_S · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Information and preparation!

Perfect! I've managed to find a group of 4 goblins munching on a dead body in an alley, it's also a dead end so they've got nowhere to run!

1 goes down with a throw of the spear! I run up to the remaining 3 and

2 minutes later...

completely slau- ahem overwhelm them. There seems to be the problem with the effect of the skill, as in I don't feel a difference... maybe 4 goblins are not enough? But how can I find more goblins? Should I try finding their hideout again? But I'm no good at sneaking...

Let's go back hom-

"I'm telling you the number of goblins is suspiciously lower these days."

Did you just hear this female voice coming from outside the alley? I gotta hide quick! Social interactions are not allowed on my watch.

"Maybe we just killed most of them."

That's a male voice, they are getting closer. Luckily I hid inside a dumpster.

"Don't be stupid. We've only killed 50 so far!"

"Fuck! How did those guys on the internet manage to kill over 1000? Do we need more people?"

"We both know we need more people! They themselves said they are hunting in groups of 5 or more."

Alright, I think they're gone. Good to know that there are other people crazy enough to kill goblins around, as in good to know before I accidently bump into them. I'll have to be more vigilant to avoid them from now on. Speaking of which, isn't this weird? The two of them only hunted 50 goblins while I've managed to grind over 2000... are they seriously that weak? Or am I so strong? I suppose we'll know once I talk to some peop- I guess we'll never find out!

Alright, let's go back home and think about ways to test that skill...

20 minutes later...

Now that I'm back home and comfortable on a sofa, let's think about the goblins' hideout again...

Nope, nothing, not a clue on how to find it... I know let's check the almighty forum for answers!

A quick search later...

*facepalm* My goodness, what an idea. Why didn't I think of that?

Apparently a group of 12 players decided to follow a goblin after it started to run away and it actually led them to their hideout... or more appropriately something that seems like a dungeon, I've also managed to find out that it's extremely dangerous, as in only 3 of them survived. They said that the inside is filled with what seems like an endless amount of goblins. Just what I needed! You might be wondering why isn't this dude scared? Well, it's because I still have exp left to spend! All... [Currently possessed exp: 1008] of it! And yes I am too lazy to say the number so I'm just showing you the window... deal with it!

Which skill should I spend it on? It's obvious! Regeneration is the most OP skill I have! Spend it all!

[Skill: Regeneration

Level: 1 Proficiency: 16.8%]

There hasn't been much in the way of improvement of the proficiency but it's slow and also I'm too strong for goblins to do me much harm... my muscles are also breaking less and less the more they grow. My beautiful muscles!

1000 exp spent later...

[Skill: Regeneration

Level: 5 Proficiency: 3.3%]

The proficiency scales with level... I already knew that from the forum but damn, my hard work is... actually never mind, it's not like I tried to raise it too much.

Anyways... let's test the efficiency of the skill after leveling it up. I should get into my bloody shower for this... it's literally bloody. That's where I "prepare" my meat after all.

1 minute later...

I'm now standing in my bloody shower with a knife in my hand. Ahh, this feels nostalgic... Anyways... let's carry on with the test! I start by making small cuts on my arms... and they heal pretty quickly, small cuts seem to only need about 5 seconds to heal... there's lots of room for improvement, however I already feel better. My survivability just shot up into the sky! Alright, let's try a bigger wound this time. How about.... my thigh! I stab the knife into my leg and... it got stuck, my beautiful muscles seem to have enveloped the knife. After I applied a bit of force it got easily pulled out though. Now let's look at the wound! I can see it closing, it's not all that slow it seems like the skin is the first thing to reattach, after that I have no idea how long it takes for the wound to get healed, but this is enough, if wounds can get stitched quickly it means less bleeding which in turn means less dying! You might be screaming at me about internal bleeding and stuff but that's where the blood is supposed to be.