
Reality became a video game?!

*Insert synopsis here, unless you forget which probably you will. How do I know? I am you!*

S_only_S · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Escape and find food!

Previously on RBAVG:

-I don't wanna go shopping!

-I have to take a shower.

-I go to the store.


Back to the present:

FUCK! My mind is blank. I have no idea what to do. FUCK!

I choose you, [Analyze]!

Let's see, I'm currently inside the store and the goblins are outside... what If I block the door and look for another exit? It could work, but that might not buy me enough time to both find a back door and find a way to open it... what if... I put the bodies from the storage room near the entrance? That'd buy me more time. Yea, that could work.

After moving a few shelves to block the door...

Now all I have to do is put the bodies somewhere where they'd stand out. How about on the counter? Yea, that's a good spot.

A minute later...

Alright, let's check the storage room for a back door, obviously, there has to be one. I've seen them use those to unload cargo from trucks. Let's see... empty shelf... empty shelf... another empty shelf... a mop... here it is, a door! Annnnnd it's locked. FUCK! Don't panic, you've still got time...

Let me just [Analyze] the situation. This sounds like a solid idea... okay let's go with this. I grab the handle and try to break it with the power of my muscles...

Surprisingly, it was easy. I didn't even have to release 2% of my power. Wait... what if there's more goblins behind this door? Before I go outside, let's grab this mop...

Alright, it's clear, I guess the goblins aren't that smart. Let's go back to my apartment for now. The goblins just recently managed to get inside the store. It's my chance to leave...

3 minutes later...

What do I do now? I need to get some food but the goblins took it. I should just try following one to see where their hideout is. But even if I find the food stash what do I do? Wait... what am I holding? Oh it's the mop... I just had a great idea! Let's make this into a makeshift spear!

I pulled out the strings from it and placed a knife in their place, after which I used some duct tape to make it all stick together. I can be such a genius sometimes.

10 minutes later

With my spear in hand, I find myself outside looking at a goblin. It hasn't noticed me yet...


And I stepped on a twig. FUCK! It turns my way and tries to run away. Not this time! I throw my spear with all my strength impaling the goblin in it's chest. I was aiming for a headshot! This game has bullshit recoil!

[Gained 1 exp]

Wow, it's dead, just like that? There hasn't even been a fight, though? Whatever, fine by me. I get my exp. Let's get back to spying on goblins...

After 4 hours of repeatedly getting detected…

Damn, sneaking is harder than I thought. You can't even fart! Anyways, I think I'm never going to be able to find their hideout and I'm starving...

At least I got 67 exp now. I remember the forum mentioning that it takes 100 exp to go up 1 level. It means I could level up myself and my skills to level 2 in a day if I wanted to!


Oh, right. Food. Hmmm... There's nothing around me besides the goblin... maybe... no... but... nah... well... how about trying to cook a goblin? I mean it might be a humanoid monster, but at least it's not a human.

And so I went back home with a goblin corpse...

I put the goblin corpse inside of the shower and cleaned it as much as I could. Alright what do I do now? How about trying a bit of the thigh at first? I cut off a piece of it's thigh. Now let's go to the kitchen...

5 minutes of frying later...

Sprinkle a bit of salt on it. Here we go, it doesn't actually look that bad! It looks like a piece of beef with some green skin on one side. Now for the taste test...

It's... it's... it's... actually delicious! I haven't had meat in so long! This is like tasting water at night! You know it's just some badly cooked piece of meat, but it's just so delicious!

I think I know what I'll be eating for the next few days! And thus, the goblin devou... hunting days began...