
Real Traveler

I plan to travel to different worlds, but if because of some reason i won't be able to continue writing, i at least finish the current story arc. It's prohibited to publish this work on another web page without authors approval, it does not matter if that's the translation or not. I will publish Russian version, after I finish one story-arc on the following web page: ficbook.net , with following name "настоящий путешественник". If something will change, I’ll post here. (I don't own any of the anime or comic story in which my character travels; I don't own cover picture; if you have a Problem with the Picture I can remove it) To clarify, in next worlds our MC will have(or use) only his mind defense, idic memory and of course knowledge. Only in next universe I'll explain why. You must understand, that storyline is not 100% the same. If you don't like it, you can go and read mangas or watch animes.

AlanCrownfield · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


"… 397, 398, DON'T GIVE UP ICHIMARU-KUN YOU HAVE ENOUGH YOUTH POWER, 399, AAAAAND, 400. GOOD JOB." – black-haired man in his 30's shouted every word, next to him a young silver-haired boy was making push-ups.

'OMGG, remind me why I started to train under him ?!' – "Thank, you Dai-sensei."

"Good Job Ichimaru-Kun The Power Of Youth Burns In You" – almost a copy of a blackhaired man said in loud tone the same.

'AGrh, I must train my body, otherwise I will become the same injury like on my last mission. Even if I attached my finger to my hand back, it still was very not pleasant.'

On the last C ranked mission, they had to defend some minister's wife. In the beginning everything was fine, until they were attacked by a group of some Missin-Nins, 2 of them were special Jonins, in addition to them there were 2 Chunins and 1 Genin. Kushina took care of 2 special Jonins, because her team was still too weak to fight against them (not everyone).

It was not very hard to win against the rest of Missing-Nins, Genin was attacked by the Insects of Gonda, Ichimaru and Yui attacked 2 Chunins, but before Gonda came to assist them Ichimaru's finger was cut off, they finished them without in 1 minute and assisted Kushina. After this mission he understood that a) he must deactivate Gravitiy seal when he fights, b) he must train his taijutsu techniques more.

His clan was not so proficient in Taijutsu, so he needed to find some Master outside of the clan. In the village were a few dojos, for Kenjutsu and Taijutsu, but they couldn't give him much in short time. So, he found legendary eternal Genin and his son, he asked them to train him. As they were kind heartens and he offered them a gravity suits ('nothing is free, in any world. If it is free then it's a trap and if you can't see a trap, then you already felt into one.'), they agreed. So, 2 weeks ago his training regime changed.

In the past, he mostly focused on Mind > Soul > Fuin > Medicine and he trained his body only with gravitation. Because of this he had good physique, almost as good as a Jonin. However, he was lacking a technique and fighting experience. Academic trainings were not enough and with his team he was mostly focused on support.

Every day at 6 O'clock in the morning, he was going out with Might family to train. Dai and Gay were training almost whole day, but he didn't have so much time for this, so he just asked Dai to mostly spar with him. With less gravity he was able to keep up in speed with Dai, however Dai still had additional weight on his legs and hand, his pure speed was about 50-55% from Dai's pure speed. Because of lack of experience he couldn't win against him, even once.

One more good thing was, that Kushina taught him and his team Ninjutsus. Thanks to his memorization and ability to transform Chakra into different elements, he learned almost every type of C ranked Jutsus, which he could obtain. He could make most of them without a problem, however the problem was activation time and amount of Chakra to activate them. After a few years of everyday practice his Ckakra threads and CCG are going to adjust to this process, like he did with Yin transformation. He transforms his Chakra everyday for 9-10 years, so he is on the level of a master in Mind techniques. He could already be on the level of special Jonin, as for the Soul transformation, he can leave his body and even create one clone, but he can maintain his soul form only for about 10 minutes. In Fuinjutsu, he is almost a Master, he just needs to finish his last Project and he can officially be one, however he doesn't want to attract attention.

He does Fuinjutsu more time than any other specialty. In the beginning it was hard to control chakra, to memorize where which chakra he needed to add and what structure he needed to draw, but after he started to learn mind techniques second and third problems were solved, first problem can never be solved, just imporoved. Chakra control doesn't have a limit.

In medicine, his theoretical basis was already better than Tsunade's or Orochimaru's, but in practice he is inexperience. Yes, he helps on some operations in the hospital, but he is always under supervision and isn't allowed to do an operation by himself. Who will allow to do an operation to 12 years old boy? Even if he is Tsunade's, also director's nephew. So, he just knows a lot and has some practice, that's all.

That's why he waits for the war, on the war he can obtain a lot, for example: Kekkei Genkais, secrete techniques, knowledge and experience. He is almost ready with his project. His Project has 3 parts. 1st part is to create a pocket dimension, which structure he placed on his body, he already done this.

He spent 60-65 % of his money, which he earned on the missions and became from the family in the past 6 years, to buy required materials for the dimension like cells, water, food, some furniture and so on, he even steal,*cough*, took for some time a few things from the village.

When he was 10, police caught him stealing some papers from library, but he said, he was only training in stealing, he needed this skill to be great ninja and, in the future,, he will be able to steal some important documents for the village. They believed him, what can you think about a boy taking from the library a lot of papers stealthy and then innocently with the eyes of a cat from Shrek explaining the reasons behind his actions? Of course, they like an idiot believed, did you want to read this? NOPE he was fined and warned not to do the same again. But his father's and mother's disappointed faces was the most what hurt him.

After this he started to live like a law-abiding kid, … pff,nope, he continued to do the same, but he always monitored and planned his actions before he did them and no one caught him again. His dimension was expandable, it means if he supplies more chakra into the Fuin it can grow, although he needed a lot energy for this.

Second part was entry points. As you already understood one "door" was on a little kunai and it was working. Right now, he could enter the dimension and exit it, the only disadvantage was, that kunai was remaining in the real world on the same place so he was coming back in the same place and this was a bit dangerous, one time he could come out within the enemies, but he was trying to make the second exit, the structure was almost ready, approximately before the Chunin exams he will finish the project.

Third part is reverse summoning of the kunai, he didn't want to leave the door and Fuin technology to enemies. Overall his technique was like flying thunder god technique, however slower, as the user needs some time to open second door. He was planning to make flying thunder god too, but not now.

"Ichimaru-kun do you plan to participate on the exams this year?" – Dai asked him.

"Yes Dai-sensei and you?" – Ichimaru asked curiously, he really wanted to see why he never passed the exam.

"Of course, this year I will definitely reach final part. In the name of the POWER OF YOUTH." – Dai said with fire in his eyes, he sometimes enjoyed their character, they were like a light in the dark shinobi world, always positive and energetic.

"Guy-kun in 3 years you finish the academy, don't you?" – Guy was contemporary to Kakashi, so he knew that he was 3 years younger than him.

"No, I want to graduate next year, so I'm trying my best for this."

"Hoho, so early? Why did you decide to do so?" – he asked with curious tone.

"Because my eternal rival finished it 3 years ago and 2 years ago, he even became Chunin, so I trained a lot to finish the academy as soon as possible." – Guy answered with proud.

"THAT'S MY SON. Ichimaru-kun you too need to find a rival." – Dai.

"Hahah, okay I'll try, but after the exams." – he tried to avoid this topic, he didn't want to show his powers to anyone and fake rival, hmmm, nah it's too annoying and boring, so not in this life.

"GOOD, now let's go to spar, but today don't deactivate your seal, only when you won't be able to keep up you are allowed to fight without the restriction."

"Okay." – he sighed, because he knew today, he is going to train with his team VERY exhausted, thanks to the shadow clones, he didn't go on the mission personally. Shadow Clones are not in use on the every day life, because of its drawback, either you need to know how to separate a place in your mind for the returned information from a clone, or you need to be a Jinchuriki for whom it doesn't matter how many Yin Chakra comes back, as an actual drawback becomes a tailed beast. Second reason for this is, that Shinobi's think more about a fight, than about the use of a Ninjutsus in peaceful time.

After he finished his thoughts, he took his fighting stance, yes, HIS, he was trying to create his style, although right now he had almost nothing, but he didn't rush with this. Right now, his style's main idea was, like a good fighter said, to BE WATER.

Dai looked at him and as usual saw that he won't start to he dashed, his speed was high, Ichimaru barely could keep up his reaction with his opponent's moves, he received a lot of punches and kicks, his every body part was hurting, Dai's style was purely offensive, only with a few defensive moves, so he was a good opponent to learn with.

Punch on his face, in the fight he could block pain signals, every medic can do the same, so because of the punch, he didn't lose concentration. He caught Dai's leg in the air and pulled him in his direction, this gave him a chance to hit his opponent in the corpse, but Dai blocked his right punch with crossed arms. He didn't only block the attack, he was able to hold his fist with his hands, he fell on him, and rolled in a place with him without releasing his hand and made a grab, so that Ichimaru couldn't release his hand.

After that, they stood up and started again. Dai again dashed to him and started to punch him from different positions, after some beatings, Ichimaru was able to perform, some parry + counterattack moves, as he adjusted to Dai's speed. However, he didn't have a good strategy against his legs, he could either dodge or grab them, so he was working on his coordination and dexterity. After 2 hours of training they stopped and Ichimaru went on another training with his team. There they were training their teamwork and Ninjutsus.

'AGH, I'm so f****ng tired. I must find some way stronger my body without constant training, maybe I should strengthen my body with Medical Chakra, like controlling muscles and constantly breaking and healing micro fractures on bones. Hmmm, not now but it's a good idea. I just don't know, on which parts I should work, first I need to form my fighting style, only then I will be able to do so.' – He though, while walking to the training ground. – 'in a few weeks, a Chunin exam starts, I don't think that it is hard for me to pass, but I need to decide how much to show, EHH, after the exam I need to focus on relax, because next 3 years will be a war.'

Please write in the comments, if i have grammatical error. Thank you.


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