
Real Traveler

I plan to travel to different worlds, but if because of some reason i won't be able to continue writing, i at least finish the current story arc. It's prohibited to publish this work on another web page without authors approval, it does not matter if that's the translation or not. I will publish Russian version, after I finish one story-arc on the following web page: ficbook.net , with following name "настоящий путешественник". If something will change, I’ll post here. (I don't own any of the anime or comic story in which my character travels; I don't own cover picture; if you have a Problem with the Picture I can remove it) To clarify, in next worlds our MC will have(or use) only his mind defense, idic memory and of course knowledge. Only in next universe I'll explain why. You must understand, that storyline is not 100% the same. If you don't like it, you can go and read mangas or watch animes.

AlanCrownfield · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


"I can't adapt to standing up so early." – blonde boy told to black-haired boy, standing near big closed gate.

"It can't be helped, look at Yui-chan she doesn't complain at all, although she barely opens her eyes." – boy answered.

"I'm not so sleepy. It's just my new training." – girl lied without blinking her eyes.

"Ichimaru-kun what's wrong with your look??" – blonde asked in curiosity.

"I'm ready for everything out there to happen, there is not peaceful territory, where someone can walk without caring about ambush." – Ichimaru responded. He was wearing a mask like Kakashi, but in addition to this he changed his hair color and put on the sunglasses, with brightness control. Although his outfit, with filter + sunglasses were expensive for Genin, but this could save his life someday.

"I can understand your mask and sunglasses, but why did you change your hair color?" – Yui asked.

"How do you think how many shinobis have white hair and are from Konoha?"

"Kakashi-kun, hmm, also I heard Jirai the legendary sanin has white hair, aaaand some old men."

"Exactly. It means for enemy it will be harder to recognize me."

"Ooh." – 3 voices said the same time. When Gonda and Yui realized, that instead of 2 they heard 3 voices, they turned around and saw their teacher.

"Yo kids."

"""Good morning Kushina-sensei.""' – 3 of them said.

"Are you ready for your first B ranked mission???"

"Emm, sensei this mission has C rank." -Gonda corrected.

"Hahaha. … Yes of course, it was just your test. Hahaha . You passed." – She tried to laugh it off. But when she saw their awkward faces, she changed the topic.

"Okay, enough for greetings." – she said in serious tone. – "we already talked about it, so you know everything. If we do everything right, this mission won't take long time. We need to find a merchant named Kokuri Yutiko and steal his trading documents, according to our intel, he hired some Shinobis from waterfall country to protect him until the next meeting with his partner in 3 days. Also, he may hire some mercenaries, so we need to be careful."


"Okay, let's go, we need 1 day to reach the town."

After that, they passed through the small door and moved on high speed to north-west. On their way they passed a few villages and 2 towns. Their speed was about 60 km/h, they stopped only 4 times for half an hour to rest and recover a bit. With this speed, they reached destination 1 hour after the midnight. Kids were very exhausted from the way.

"Good job we arrived even earlier, than I expected. Almost 1000 km in 14 hours, only a few Genins can do the same." – Kushina.

"Yes sensei, but I-He, no we-we hope that, on return we don't neeeehd, to run with the same speed?!" – Gonda ansked with huffing.

"If you complete this mission without casualties, then no. However, we need to deliver the document to the nearest post of our village, but it's only 100 km from here."

***Sigh*** - 'it was tiring, but I liked the way we travelled, the sights of wild nature and wild beasts, however a few times we were in danger. We passed a few dozen territories of the C and higher ranked beasts. C ranked animal can kill an average Chunin 1-on-1. Some of them live with their flock, so it's dangerous to meet them. Thankfully if a team has a good sensor, they can evade those territories.

"Now, we need to go in the hotel and sleep. Tomorrow we start to gather the information and maximum tomorrow midnight we start our mission." – Kushina said. After that, they followed her and in 10 minutes they already were sleeping in their futons, Kushina wa first to watch, so kids went directly to sleep.

<<Next morning>>

Ichimaru's was the last one to monitor the surrounding. At seven O'clock everyone gathered in the dining hall and Kushina started .

"First of all, we need to find out in which hotel is staying Yutiko, here is his picture remember his face. If you see him go back to the hotel and say to my, or Ichimaru's clone and we come back. Questions? … Good then after we eat, we move out."

After some time, they separated and started to search. Of course, they were under the Henge. Ichimaru was searching in the west of the town. Right now, he could cover the whole town with his sensory ability, but he couldn't recognize anyone, no need to say, that he couldn't find unknown person in the town. So, he was just walking around, he even sent some clones for search. After 3 hours Yui found the merchant and they came back to the hotel.

The merchant stayed in some hotel in the north of the town. When they arrived at the place. They sent Gonda's insects forward, and Ichimaru with Kushina started to focus their senses. In half an hour they had already gathered whole information and returned in their hotel room.

"So, we need to conclude our information. I'm here just to listen and to correct you if you make some mistakes, so start sharing your intel." – Kushina told them with serious tone. They looked at each other and Ichimaru started.

"I sensed 2 Genin level chakras, 1 Chunin and 1 Special Jonin. I think it's a team of Genins, but one of them has bigger reserve, than others. 1 Genin is a weak sensor, but she can sense everything in the hotel and around it. We need to eliminate her and somehow distract special Jonin's attention. In the same time, we'll have an opportunity to steal the documentss." – Kushina just nodded to him.

"My insects found the place where, I think, the documents are stored." – Gonda.

"So, we need to attract Special Jonin's attention and somehow take care of that girl." -Yui stated.

"We can hypnotize some waiters in the hotel to add in their food some sleeping poison, but I don't think Shinobis would eat it, they have their own food, like us." – Ichimaru.

"Hmmm, we still can do this to get rid of mercenaries and if we are enough lucky even of the ninjas, but Special Jonin is a problem." – Yui.

"I can take care of the girl, with my Mind Transfer Jutsu, I can take control over her body without her notice for 7 minutes. Meanwhile Gonda's insect can sting their commander, he won't get poisoned, he can choose to go to the hospital or take some time to cure himself." – Ichimaru.

"Or if this won't work, we can poison merchant, so that it will look like an attempt of assassination. In this case Special Jonin will have no chance, but to bring him in the hospital to save him, but the problem is that someone will stay, to guard documents." – Gonda.

"Ichimaru-kun, from how far can you take control over your victim." -Yui.

"HM, from about 150 m." - 'a lie' – "and I need to stay in 300m radius, to not lose control." – 'another lie.'

"In this case we can do this. What do you think Kushina-sensei." – Gonda asked.

"It can work, Ichimaru's clone can take care of his corpse, while he is unconscious. Yui must control her Genjutsu, she is not so proficient in Illusions, to control her victims remote, even if they are just civilians. While you can take the document from the safe, but for this you need to know the code." – Kushina explained to them.

"I already know it." – Gonda.

"Good then, when do you plan to act?" – Kushina.

"Before the dinner." – Yui.

"Good then, what you need to do now?" – Kushina wanted to check, how good did they learn, what she taught them. Even he wasn't good at studying, but she was explaining good, she even enjoyed it sometimes.

"We need to prepare the ways for retreat, in case something goes wrong." – Ichimaru.

"GOOD. Okay do your job." -Kushina. After she said this, they went out and started to set some traps.

At seven O'clock they started their plan. In the beginning Ichimaru took control over the sensor, to let Yui go near the opponent's hotel undetected. She successfully infiltrated into the hotel from the backdoor and hypnotized 2 waitresses, which added a sleeping poison ein the dishes, also they added some poison into the wine, which merchant wanted to drink.

Plan with stinging, was failure, however Special Jonin didn't detect anything suspicious about the insect, as Gonda sent only an insect without Chakra, he couldn't control them directly, but his insects could. However, after 1 minute everyone noticed that merchant couldn't breathe, Ninjas became alert and commander asked his sensor if there were some enemies, but after hearing from here negative answer. He ordered his 2 subordinates to stay in the hotel to defend the documents, Ichimaru's victim should've go with him, so he started to alter her memories. It didn't take long time, but he still needed to follow them a bit on back of his clone, even if he already could control emenIES without losing conscious.

Meanwhile Gonda and Yui attacked 2 Genins, Yui was distracting them and Gonda's insects were helping her, while Gonda was getting the documents from the safe. When he got them, he tried to help her, but enemy used Water Ball Jutsu to attack Yui, she couldn't dodge it, so only thing she could do is to place her energized sword on the way of the ball and to try to cut it.

She partially did it, but she still received some damage and flew back a few meters, Gonda caught her and started to retreat. Second Genin tried to block their path, but Shurikens didn't allow him to do so. They started to run away, when they exited the town and entered the forest, they heard large explosion and screams. Their trap worked perfectly. Gonda and Yui didn't stop their movement and headed towards the meeting point. After 14 minutes they already were there and after explaining the situation Kushina ordered to move.

In 1 hour they arrived at the meeting post (Author: I don't know how the places like this are called :\ ) and gave them the document. They planned to rest and then advance towards the village.

"Overall good job. You made some mistakes, like not taking care about the ninjas first and counting that Special Jonin won't detect some insect and kill him and Gonda you can't control your insects without constant attention to help your team mates." – she looked at them and after seeing understanding in their eyes she continued – "now you understand that you are not powerful enough, to fight alone. Also, you need to learn some techniques, normally only after becoming Chunin Shinobi learns elemental Ninjutsus, but as you could see, not everyone does so. I think you are ready to learn some elemental Ninjutsus, so when we return, I check your affinities and teach you some C rank techniques." – she saw their smiles of joy and they thanked her sincerely, Kushina just laughed and waved her hand.

'She is really a good person. It's sad that village almost cut her contact with Uzumakis. She visited them only a few times. Kushina lives in Mito's house, when Uzumakis have the territory in completely different part of the village, like Yamanakas. So, I didn't meet her before.'

Please write in the comments, if i have grammatical error. Thank you.


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