
Reader x Bakugo x Kirishima Fantasy UA

"You are mine now," said the drunk person. (ugh all these people get on my nerves). Well, that is just a sneak peek you have to read it to find out.

I_love_Myself0219 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 of fantasy

(Helloo!, every one it's me jailah, and I'm so so sorry for not updating/uploading anything. It's just I'm really busy right now I'm in school, I take care of my siblings and it's just a lot. I promise I'll try to upload chapters more often, but I also wanted to THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING MY STORIES. It just makes my day like I would get home from school and look on here and see so many views so THANK YOU <3333! Anyway enough about me now on to the story)< p>


You ran into your parent's room and flew over to their bed using your white and light baby-blue wings. "Mommy," you say very excited for today. Since your birthday is today and you are now 2.

"What is it sweetie," your mom says looking kind of tired (I mean you just woke her up). "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY MOMMY" you yell jumping around on their bed and smiling. "Oh yes that's right you 2 today now," your mom says happy to see you so excited. 

"Huh, what's happening now" your dad says just now waking up due to your yelling. "I'M 2 NOW DADDY" you yell again looking at them both smiling "Really now well we have to celebrate then," your dad says getting out of bed. "YEAH can we go over to Ejiro's house please please," you say more excited because you might get to see your best friend.

"Yeah of course sweetie," your mom says getting out of bed."But you have to still get dressed," your mom says as you look down to see your pink unicorn onesie that has a white horn on top."Do I have to?" you say pouting since you loved your unicorn onesie "yes you do kiddo" your dad says as he playfully shoos you off to go get dressed.

After you get dressed in a white overalls dress with a pink long-sleeve shirt your head starts to hurt really badly. So you decided to tell your parents about it, as you walk down the hallway to your parents you notice that your headache stopped. But then you heard a weird noise and you ran to your parent's room. Thinking that there were dragon hunters, you started banging on the door. Then you hear something weird it was like a voice calling to you.

The voice was a sweet one and it said "You are alright dear everything is ok" then everything went black. As you open your eyes you look around and see photos but they're floating. As you walk up to one of the floating photos you see a very pretty woman with a white dress with blue polka-dots, a person who you think is familiar but you can't tell since their side of the photo is blurry, a guy with ash blonde hair and red eyes who looks rather annoyed (i can tell he's very hot-headed) you thought.

Right as you were going to clean the photo with your sleeve the voice called out again "Please don't do that" the sweet voice said causing you to jump. "W-who are you?," you say "Oh sorry I should have introduced myself I'm Ami your guide, and this is the void of the future it shows you photos of the future, and if you touch them they disappear and it will never happen in the future."

Ami says very excited to explain everything to you. "Alright Akari let's start off at the beginning you are a pearl dragon and pearl dragons have a lot of power/magic but they also have guides to help them control their power," Ami says then pauses to make sure you got all of the information in your brain "Alright you got all of that, well let's move on to explain your

powers you can heal yourself at a super fast rate, super strength, void/teleport, imagination where you think of something and it happens if you wish to have a power where you can make clones then it will happen, and more to come later on." 

(Huh I'm pretty powerful for a kid, but I mean it makes sense since I'm a rare species of dragon)TBC IN NEXT CHAPTER

(I'm so sorry for adding this so late I didn't save it because the internet wasn't working and I had to type it all over again and it took forever but hey it's here now and I'm working on chapter 2 right now.)

Bye and stay safe love y'all <3< p>