
Reaction Fan Fiction Ideas

This will be where I post my ideas for reaction type fan fictions. Nothing too crazy will need to be specified, only perhaps the characters involved and to make the reactions realistic and true to said characters involved. This will also include video games and other things like that, so don’t expect just anime. Even so, that should be fairly rare, like only one or two at most by the end of this. I won’t be updating this very frequently after the first couple chapters, due to me only really wanting to see these types of ideas done for series I really enjoy, and because crossovers wouldn’t make as much sense here as they do in my other collections of ideas. They are technically still possible to do, however, so I might do some in the future. ————————————————————————— This was previously titled using the term “requests” rather than “ideas”, so many ideas I have will reference that term. I apologize if by labeling them as “requests” I have made people think I was taking requests from others for my ideas. ————————————————————————— I’m still going to update this every now and then, but for now this and my other collections will be updated pretty infrequently.

Jackson11111111 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Fate/ Stay Night and Fate/ Zero

Some people have already tried to do this, the most notable one being Fate/oracle on Spacebattles, but even that one is still only at the Fate route, and it doesn't even include a reaction to Fate/ Zero's events. If you want you can do a summarization of Fate/ Zero and have them react to that, but don't exclude it entirely. I do want them to react to the entirety of Fate/ Zero if possible, though. Other than that, I also want them to react to all three of the Fate/ Stay Night visual novel routes, in order from Fate to Heaven's Feel. Just like Fate/ oracle, I want the bad ends included as well. As for the characters I want reacting, have all of the Fate/ Zero masters and servants and all of the Fate/ Stay Night masters and servants. Of course, there are other characters that need to be included too, such as Maiya, Irisviel, Natalia, and anyone related to Kiritsugu's past that you deem relevant enough to contribute to the reaction. Maybe even add Waver's "grandparents" too if you so wish. These examples are all from Fate/ Zero, as I can't think of many outside of Taiga for Fate/ Stay Night. You also need to include True Assassin to the list of reactors, and have the reactors from Fate/ Stay Night all be from post UBW, rather than prior. This is just a matter of personal preference, so you can also have them be pre- Fate/Stay Night too if you want, though I'd prefer the first option. Definitely have the Fate/ Zero reactors be pre-canon, though. It doesn't make much sense to do otherwise, in it's case.