
Reaching The Peak

Reif Callan is the strongest mage in History. On his way to another world in hopes to reach higher heights, his world's Overseer intercepted him. If not for the mysterious book that suddenly turned into a gem, he might have died already. He was forced to fuse the small speck that remained from his soul to a kid that has a mutated [Nature Vessel] Constitution in order to prevent the other world's Overseer from harming him. Join Reif Callan in his journey to the peak!

KenceRussel · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: Soul Fusion

Archa Realm

Inside a small magical lab, a young kid that has a body filled with poisonous energy can be seen

The kid was laid in a medical bed with his whole body bound in chains to prevent him from escaping

"Help .... someone .... just kill me" the kid thought in his mind and the mood of the foreign soul that wants to fuse with it darkened

A soul that wishes for death is not a soul that Reif wants to fuse with. If the soul already wants to die, the body will also give up

In the long run, this would be bad for Reif. He was sure that he will experience numerous life and death situations. If this body and soul longed for death, it will just calmly accept death when the dangerous situation arrives instead of resisting and bursting with potential

While the two souls are fusing, Reif learned why this kid wants to die

This kid is originally a descendant of the Spring Clan, the Royal Family of one of the Empires in this world

His late mother was even an Empress, he should have lived a life full of riches and glory but the opposite thing happened

The previous Empress died and the Emperor remarried. That puts the host in an awkward situation

His father abandoned him after marrying another wife. He was already an unloved Prince but to make sure that he wouldn't have the chance to inherit the throne, the Empress had some people abduct and kill him

The people that were tasked didn't kill him though because of his lineage

The descendants of the Spring Clan have always been superior to their peers. As a result, the mages that caught him decided to experiment on him

That mage is even someone that is well versed in the arts of poison. The Spring Family always had strong resistance to poison but even more so for the host - Rhash Spring

Rhash was able to withstand all sorts of poisons that were either force-fed or injected into him

Thus, he managed to live for years after he was abducted. But despite retaining his life, Rhash was practically living a life of hell wherein all sorts of poison were tried on him

The mages that abducted him doesn't know it but Reif knew that Rhash has a special constitution

Rhash's body is called as [Nature Vessel] a body with all sorts of advantages. It can withstand myriads of poison, improved healing abilities, and talent for nature magic

These things are actually traits of the Spring Family already but the extent varies. Rhash's constitution has the potential to rival even the body of the Emperor!

That's how special he is but he was a gem that was thrown into the pits of hell

If this kid was left alone, he would surely continue giving up on life already. But with Reif here, things would change

"Do you really want to die after achieving nothing?" Reif asked while his soul was still fusing with Rhash

Rhash was surprised and before he knows it, he was already facing an unfamiliar man that has strong features in the spiritual world

Rhash's mind was underdeveloped since he never left the lab after he was captured and he just stared at Reif before muttering a silly question

"Are you a God?"

Reif was taken aback by that question before his laughter burst out. The Rhash that doesn't know what is happening just continued to stare at him blankly

After some time, Reif stops laughing and answered with a sigh. "I hope I am but I'm not"

"Even if you are not a God, can you kill me?" Rhash asked innocently. It was like the thing he was talking about is not murder. Rhash simply wants to die and rest peacefully as he already experienced enough hardships in life

"Do you wish to die even without achieving anything?" Reif asked calmly causing Rhash to be confused

"I don't understand" Rhash said with knitted brows. For him, death is a form of release. What's so bad about it?

"Don't you feel even the slightest bit of anger?"


"Anger to the mage that experimented on you, anger to the people that mistreated you, anger to your so-called family that completely disregarded you"

If other people experienced the same thing that happens to Rhash, they would surely be angered. But .... not to mention the Royal Family of an entire Empire, even just the mage that experimented him is not someone he can't defeat

Rhash is in a situation wherein he was simply too powerless

"Even if I am angry, what can I do?" Rhash replied bitterly before he saw Reif smirking at him

"What if I tell you that I can help you get revenge in the future?"

Revenge! One of the things in this world that can motivate a person to continue living. Reif saw in his life how powerful revenge is a driving factor. If used well, it can produce the strongest of all demons

Revenge is something that never entered Rhash's mind. That is an unfamiliar concept to him due to how powerless he is

"Think of that mage that experimented on you. Don't you want to crush him with your own hands? Make him feel all the pain you went through thousands of times heavier?"

"Don't you want to gain enough power that will make your trash of a Father regret not loving and caring for you?"

"You only lived a hell of a life. Don't you think that is unfair? You never did anything wrong in your life but the truly evil people are still out there living the best of their lives. Doesn't that make you feel mad? "

Like a devil tempting an innocent human, Reif spoke the words that will surely arouse Rhash's desire for revenge

Anger that Rhash doesn't realize he has bubbled inside him and he can't help but gulp

"C-Can you really help me do that?" Rhash asked nervously and Reif's smile deepened

Corrupting a child is one of the easiest things to do in this world. Reif doesn't felt any guilt from this

Do the people that wronged this pitiful child even felt guilt? What Reif is doing is simply giving Rhash the opportunity to make the truly evil people taste their own medicine

"Accept me and I will make sure that you will get your revenge" Reif holds out his hand as he saw the determination in Rhash's eyes

At that time, the still innocent Rhash was seeing Reif as his only light in this dark world

Rhash also holds out his hand and his palm touches Reif's palm. The speed at which their souls fused was accelerated

"From now on, we are both Reif Callan" Reif announced. With their souls fully fuse, they are now a single entity

Reif doesn't want to retain the name Rhash Spring. That is the name that trashy people gave and called him

From now on, they would be Reif Callan. With their souls fused with each other, even their personality will be mixed with each other

However, this was just the first step. It doesn't completely free Reif from the overseer's senses and he decided to seal most of his memories

The memories his soul contained that should not appear in this world. He only retained some magical knowledge that would be appropriate at his current level

Since only the tiniest bit of Reif's soul remained, he also loses his power after fusing with the former Rhash. He needs to start over!

Crack ...

Suddenly, Reif sensed some sort of seal was broken inside him. Reif is sure that he doesn't have any seal inside him and it surely only came from Rhash. He doesn't know what it was but this is not the time to investigate

Using the last bit of power that Reif's soul possessed, he uses teleportation magic to get away from his current location

With the presence of the mage that experimented with the former host of this body, Rhash wouldn't be able to escape even after possessing some of Reif's memories

With Reif using teleportation magic, he immediately vanishes from that dreadful space


Inside a certain forest, a kid's figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere before he lowered his head to puke


Reif might be used to teleportation magic already but their current body is not. It was not able to fully withstand the experience and it puked out what remains inside his stomach

After puking for a few minutes, Reif recovered a bit and wiped the corners of his mouth

His wrist still has the metal that is connected to some chains but this was not because Reif's skill is lacking

With the power he currently has, he at least needs to have some sort of weapon and these chains would be the ones he will use temporarily

When Reif looks around him with his apathetic eyes, what he saw were trees as far as the eyes can see

With their personalities fully fuses each other, Reif gained the traits of Rhash. Thus, he was indifferent to all the things he was currently seeing

This is the typical reaction that Rhash would have if he entered this forest. He doesn't understand anything and since he doesn't grow up properly, most human emotions were a foreign thing to him. He was just a kid that fully gave up and is incapable of feeling joy nor sadness

The extent of the fusion of their personalities will surely surprise the former Reif

This time, it was the original Reif's traits that kicked in. If Rhash will simply stand here and do nothing, Reif is different

After seeing that there aren't enemies nearby, Reif turned to look at the greenery around him to look for food

He recognizes some fruits, mushrooms, and nuts that are both edible and inedible before his body stiffened

This body is not a body of an ordinary kid. It is a [Nature Vessel] constitution. Not to mention, the exposure to all sorts of poison seems to mutate Reif's physique

When Reif closes his eyes to inspect his body, he was surprised that it was filled with poisonous energies

It wasn't harming him though as the poisons obediently resided in his blood. Who would have thought that such a special constitution will mutate to contain poison in the blood?

Reif felt that this body is worth it to have. If he researched on it sometime in the future, he might uncover other secrets

But for now, filling his stomach after puking out everything he has is his priority

Reif ignored the pain and exhaustion of his body to picked up the mushrooms he can see in the ground

Whether they are poisonous mushrooms or not, Reif doesn't care. His body can handle them with ease

Aside from the unpleasant taste and poison, these mushrooms aren't that different from normal mushrooms

Fortunately, both the souls that were fused into one doesn't mind foods with horrible taste

Reif has experiences where he can only eat whatever is present while Rhash wasn't even fed proper foods by that mage

Reif made sure to eat as many mushrooms as he can found to the point that his stomach was already bulging. They would be of great use to him later

After Reif can't really eat anymore, he went to find a relatively safe area. He went in front of a large tree that can cover his small figure and he sat down in a meditative posture

This body doesn't cultivate before but it still has some mana inside. In fact, the mana it has was already a huge amount for people his age. Normal people will pale in comparison to him

After all, this body is a Nature Vessel along with being the descendant of a Royal Family. If he has a low amount of mana, it would be an insult to all of the advantages that he has

Reif started to circulate his mana in a special order before gathering them inside his soul to form a magic circle

Making magic circles is the way that mages cultivated their power. The more circles there are, the stronger raw power they would have