

Marcus James died, with his death leading to an unknown yet powerful entity. He has wishes, goals and dreams. Can he fulfill them? Or will he suffer in his second chance at life? Follow him along his journey to becoming the ultimate ZET-MAN! Warning! None of the characters and universes are owned by me or are my ideas. I only use them as a tool for entertainment for myself and others.

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

A Small Conversation

Jin walked towards the door, a little annoyed, but the feeling quickly faded...

'Who could it be at this time of the day?' Jin thought, opening his door slowly.

He looked to see a man, we'll dressed in a dark-blue business suit, with a well built physique and piercing blue eyes and standing aroun 196 cm tall, two inches taller than himself...

'Clark!? Why is he here?' Jin thought, a little surprised, but he felt like he knew who did this... His face in real time, was relaxed.

However, clark had his own observarions...

'So this is him? And of course... he's rediculously attractive and built, it's almost unreal?... Still. I expected someone, a bit larger... but, he's strong... I can see that much... but nothing compared to what faced me that day...' Clark analyzed, examining Jin's body with his superior vision.

"...Good day, how may I help you sir?" Jin said, trying to break the tension.

"Yes. About the other day... when you knocked me out in the middle of space and then left me next to earth's sun. Does that by any chance, ring any bells?" Clark said sarcastically, his face dawning calm features.

"Oh~ Hahaha... 'That'... yeah, can we... speak inside please?" Jin said, clearly picking up the drift.

"With pleasure." Clark responded.

Jin welcomed him inside, closing the door behind him.

He directed the man of steel to his couch where they could speak.

"Want some coffee?" Jin offered.

Clark looked at his once adversary. He was ready to turn him down... but then, he remembered what bruce said... seeing no real/clear bad intent. He nodded slowly...

Jin spent 15 minutes making two large lates, he came back into living room, handing one to Clark.

Clark took the cup and took a sip, and he was pleasantly surprised coffee could taste this good.

Jin saw this and went straight ahead to break the ice...

"Look... Superman. No hard feelings, but I hope you can let that little mistake go... I wasn't in the right mindset, plus you did technically stab a hole through my chest... So, I think it's fair to call it even." Jin said.

'Now that you put it that way, you make me sound like 'I'm' the bad guy here' Clarke thought...

"That's because I thought you weren't human... I came to you peacefully, yet I got sucker-punched in return... Yes, I did attempt to kill you... But that was under the correct assumption, that you were nothing more than a mindless beast, until you spoke in the vacuum of space..." Clarke stated.

Still unclear how the guy did it...

"True... I won't disagree, but I did drop you off near the sun. When I could have left you out there. At the time, I... went through something personal... let's leave it there... I've moved on, somewhat at least..." Jin stated genuinely.

"...So you decimated countless planets because you were upset? Doesn't seem like a typical 'bad-day' to me, that was reckless... with your capabilities, you could more than level an actual star." Clark stated.

Jin thought for a moment before responding in return...

"Fair point, but none of those planets were habitable and were even lifeless, I made sure of that. I controlled my power to that of only leveling a planet at best... Yes, I know I was reckless. But I am human... I get angry, sorrowful and happy... If I had heard anything else that day, I wouldn't have done what I did... let's just leave it there." Jin stated calmly.

Clarke said nothing, he knew The person he was speaking with, was indeed correct. Those planets were part of a sector that was deemed uninhabited and empty...

For now he would let it go, he could tell that Jin wasn't inhenrently a bad person...so far at least, he looked like he did indeed hear news that would make him do something like that... but he would still keep an eye out on him.

"...Alright, I'll leave it there... But, you have to let me know... What did I fight that day? It seemed as if you lost control for a moment, but later regained it... mind telling me about that?" Clark asked, truly curious.

"Well... You were still fighting 'me'... just a different side of me..." Jin said.

Clarke read his heartbeat, realizing he was telling no lie...

'Does he have an identity crisis? Or a legitimate split personality? Anyway, he doesn't seem to be a person... rather the opposite... Still, I'll be keeping my eyes peeled.' Clark thought.

But before he did anything else, he asked. "Oh, and... could you show me how you make this coffee? It's the greatest thing I've had, seriously it's amazingly delicious" Clark asked. He couldn't help himself.

Jin smiled. Surprised the man of tomorrow was this light hearted when it came to coffee...

"Sure! I can teach you, but from now on, we do spars every weekend. Deal? Oh. and by the way, the name is Jin Wayne, or Strife, whichever you prefer." Jin stated, with his hand outstretched for a handshake...

Clarke thought for a moment, whether if this was a good idea or not to reveal his true identity or to spar with Jin... But, he went with the flow. Maybe it would even benefit him if he did go. The Wayne part however, he had yet to process...

"I... accept, but only on Sundays, for no more than 4 hours max. And, my name is Clark Kent or Kal-El, whichever you prefer." Clarke said, smiling...

Jin responded in kind, sharing a smile of his own. Both shook hands, with new mutual respect for each other...

However, unknown to the two 'heroes', they would have one more visitor arrive...





