
Re-Zero/Grimgar: The Crimson Light

A tale that explains the What If? A story that asks the question of what would happen if the strongest Royal Guard of Lugnica is taken to a world of Fantasy and Ashes... (Reinhard/Merry) This is a SlowBurn fic.

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Tutorial 1:2

It all begins with one word…


The first words that escaped the 13 year's old Reinhard van Astrea lips, when he opened up his eyes were.

"It's dark."

But unlike children his age, Reinhard isn't one to be afraid of the dark. He is to be the shield and protector of the masses against the forces of darkness. For Reinhardt knew that it was his sworn duty as an aspirant Royal Guard and newly crowned Sword-Saint for the Dragon Kingdom of Lugunica.

Not to mention that his present conundrum was only a temporary matter.

[Divine Protection of Perfect Sight]

In this world, there were certain individuals who were said to be blessed by the Od Laguna. Gifted with certain capabilities or privileges that can never be imitated by any sort of magic or metia.

For where the ratio of a single Divine Protection ranges from 1:100,000 in terms of being remotely useful. Reinhard stood amongst the 1:10,000,000 ratio in terms of possessing more than one Divine Protection that were valuable.

His mother, Louanna, had always called him 'a child loved by the World.'

Reinhard sighed at the sweet but painful memory. Standing up as his [ Divine Protection of Perfect Sight] granted him the capability to see through this darkness as if it were under the sun.

"What is this place…?" He muttered in bemusement.

It ostensibly appeared to be an underground 'cave' of sorts. There were weak candles lighting a path on the right. Probably towards the outside. But that in itself was strange, as the last thing Reinhard remembered doing the night before, was to go straight into his quarters after his personal midnight training.

So for Reinhard to even be here in the first place - without his knowledge would require at least; a Sisyphean amount of effort, and a very powerful Divine Protection to get through his automatic defenses…

But such thoughts weren't crucial at the moment. Just like Reinhard had been taught by his tutors. He first gave himself a cursory look to see if there was anything out of place on his person.

In doing so, Reinhard realized that he was dressed in his white long coat which denoted his Squire rank.

The emblem of the Astrea House and that of the Sword-Saint were affixed to both sides of his Uniform's shoulders… Though Reinhard had argued against such a thing in the first place.

Still, what is most important is the armament strapped by his waist. It was the Dragon Sword Reid. A Divine heirloom that has been passed down through the generations of Sword-Saints who were all descended from the vaunted House of Astrea.

In a way, Reinhard knew that this Mystical Sword held even more value that his own life…

Just like many other things.

Reinhard calmed at the sight of the said weapon, and then focused on another very important fact. He wasn't alone in this 'strange' place. Strewn around the Sword-Saint were people. Unconscious people. They were all dressed in strange garbs, and most of them appeared to be older than Reinhard by a year or two.

Still, upon seeing their present state. The innate qualities within Reinhard as a budding Royal Guard began to show.

'I have to make sure that they're all right.'

The Sword Saint moved to one of the unconscious, stirring the person awake before moving to the others. Reinhard had already woken up three of the unconscious, before a boy some feet in front of him suddenly sat straight up.

"Guh… Where am I?" The boy mumbled, incoherently.

The strange boy had quite a powerful stature; possessing a muscle frame, tanned skin, and wild white hair. Though as boy stood up, his mild face automatically transitioned into a scowl.

The strange boy looked around in bemusement before spotting Reinhard. Raising his right brow, the boy asked. "Who the hell are you? And why're you dressed up in cosplay…? Wait. Cosplay, what the fuck does that even mean?"

Upon finishing his words, the strange boy groaned. Holding both sides of his head as if in pain.

Ignoring the rather belligerent undertone of the unknown boy's questioning. Reinhard replied, while curtsying.

"I am Reinhard van Astrea… An aspiring Squire of the Royal Guards of the Kingdom of Lugnica."

Reinhard didn't mention his title of being the 'Sword-Saint' simply because that would be giving out too much information. The Squire didn't want to take any risk, especially in these unknown circumstances…

There is also the fact that, someone not recognizing him for his Title - while rare- is something Reinhard was very much pleased to see, and very much like to keep it that way.

The awestruck gazes of the citizens of Lugnica were already gratifying as it is…

'But still,' Reinhard thought, giving himself one more look. 'Do I really look that strange in this? After all, this is the Royal Guards formal garb…'

Meanwhile, upon hearing the Sword-Saint's reply. The strange boy rolled his eyes muttering, 'Chunnibyo.' The boy then turned away and proceeded to look for an exit.

The squire decided not to interrupt the unknown boy's work as he went back to waking up the others -some of which were already stirring up themselves.

As expected, after clarity came confusion and light murmurings. Each and every one present, looked around with a confused expression on their faces. Questions were asked to which no one could provide a suitable answer - himself include.

Movement that gave off a determined sentiment, drew Reinhard's attention towards the boy he had first spoken to. The strange boy seemed to walking towards the direction of the candles.

The boy's actions didn't only get Reinhard's attention. It also got the attention of the others…

"Wh-Who?! Wait, where are you going?!" Someone amongst the crowd, asked.

"Unless, you're blind. There's no point in sitting here, idly. I'm going towards the direction of the candles on the wall." The boy brusquely replied. Going ahead without a word.

While Reinhard knew that the strange boy was correct - his other Divine Protection, [Divine Protection of the Wayfarer] also pointed the same path. The Squire felt that the boy should have handled it more gently.

But Reinhard wouldn't fault the boy for his actions. The anomaly of this situation is such that it would unnerve anyone. Even himself. And Reinhard - unlike the others- had been trained on what to do in these kind of situations.

The others from what he gleamed from their very first stances… Not so much.

Clearly, his throat which brought the attention of everyone to the Squire dressed in white. Reinhard said.

"Everyone, let's not allow ourselves to panic. The direction of the candles will definitely lead us outside. So let's not escalate our present situation and orderly leave this place to get a better understanding of our situation."

To the unknown and estranged people, there was something to Reinhard they couldn't describe in simple words - It felt overpowering, yet pacifying. No one even questioned on 'why' he was dressed in such 'unique' clothing.

The effect the Squire had on everyone was magical, as without any form of argument, everyone decided to follow Reinhard's lead as he turned to leave.

"W-Wait, I'm coming with you."

"Me, too."

"I guess I'll come too."

"W-Wait for me…"

Upon seeing the others following him, Reinhard turned to give them a light assuring smile before facing ahead. The Squire decided that after he gets in contact with Lugunica, he'll make sure to get each and every one of them to their homes…

But that will only begin after getting out of here.

Moving forward revealed a flight of chiseled stairs, which supported Reinhard assumption of this place being an underground of sorts.

Reinhard still wondered about why did these unknown nefarious individuals decide to kidnap - because, there is no other plausible explanation- children only to leave them unbound and in such an offhanded way.

Something isn't right…

'Unless,' Reinhard narrowed his eyes. 'They are not worried about us escaping.'

His hands wandered to the hilt of the Dragon Sword Reid as Reinhard's body minutely corrected itself into a stance. Reaching the leading boy would take a nanosecond - literally an instant. Maybe less, if Reinhard really decides to try.

Guard up, the Squire kept on moving forward. To the others, they never noticed anything odd about Reinhard's stance. Most likely because Reinhard made it so that they wouldn't notice it.

It wouldn't do any good to incite panic in the already unnerved crowd.

Even at their slow pace, it didn't take long before Reinhard saw an exit - his enhanced eyesight played a role in spotting it long before the others did. It didn't take long as relived voices rang out upon spotting the outlet, and the light that shone through it.

Reinhard relaxed himself as the unknown perpetrators behind all this still hasn't attacked. Maybe he had been wrong in his assumptions. Reinhard kept mum going along with the excited crowd, while he began making plans...

'First thing's first. Try to get in contact with locals and then with Lugunica. I'm quite sure that my presence will be heavily missed... I also have to investigate on how I arrived here in the first place.'

Soon, the hollow walls of the underground vanished revealing light, and in turn, light brightened up to reveal an indescribable sight…

"Hey! You've got to be kidding me?!" A boy hollered in shock. "What the hell is that, up there?!"

In front of the small group was a large expanse of land. To be more specific, they were on a small hill overseeing a grassland, and a thick forest - the later which was situated some miles away.

But that wasn't what captured their attention…It was the moon.

Or more specifically, its bloody radiance.

It was currently in a crescent shape, but its greater body was in full display. Its crimson glow shading the world below in all its glory. It was a sight beautiful as it was terrible.

For the second time, Reinhard looked up above, his emotions were in a turbulent revolt. His numerous Divine Protections were all giving him confirmation that this wasn't an elaborate illusion from an enemy state…

Taking a deep breath, Reinhard sighed. "It seems like I'm not anywhere in Lugunica, anymore. I'm not even sure if this is even my world."

For as strange as it is - which is to say hilarious. The Sword-Saint has somehow been slipped out of Lugunica, travelled for more than thousands of miles, arrived straight at the Great Waterfall, and had been dumped into the Beyond.

All without his awareness ever being prickled…

Running a palm over his face. The Squire muttered, wearily. "What a joke."

So deep was Reinhard in his shock that he didn't register the exclamations and discussions the others made for a short stretch. His eyes were glued to moon or rather, the bizarreness the celestial body proclaimed.

"Whoa! Did we come out from this place?!" Another voice said in awe and wonder.

In turning back, Reinhard was greeted with the sight of a large building. It looked more like a tower than a natural edifice. Its structure appeared to be aged giving it a depilated appearance.

There was a sudden rumble as a wall of stone arose from the entrance from which they all came out from. It was rising up to close the entrance. The tower-like building was sealing itself off…

Abruptly, the air howled and blurry winds arose.

Before their eyes, Reinhard manifested before them as though he had teleported. His right leg rose up and smashed down against the rising slab without any sign of exertion on his face.

Grunting, the Squire forced down the wall with a force that made a visible web on the ground - It was a feat that needed at least over 20 strapping men. But on his own, Reinhard had successfully prevented the entrance from sealing itself.

Reinhard could hear their amazed voices. All of them muttering in amazement at his show of superhuman strength. But as of the moment, the Sword-Saint couldn't entertain their questions.

Not when he had his own questions to ask.

Closing his eyes, Reinhard 'asked' the world for help.

Regarding his Divine Protections. People had always said how outlandish it was, when he explained on how he usually got them - It sounded crazy or ridiculous. But that is how it has always been for him.

It always begins with this protective sensation - almost like there is a second mother watching over him. In fact, Reinhard could even describe the sensation to be doting in way.

Sometimes, it would give its 'Gifts' even when he doesn't need it, or maybe when he has the slightest desire to achieve something he couldn't before.

The Od Laguna would always provide for him.

Nevertheless, there were very few times when Reinhard would have to consciously make an effort to 'ask' for the Od Laguna's 'Gifts' in order to help him perfectly deal with troubling situations.

Situations just like this…

For now, Reinhard 'asked' for a Gift which would help him clear his dilemma.

Should he go back inside to investigate the tower, or should he got out into this strange world to search for answers…

In an instant, the Od Laguna answered with joy.

Divine Protection [Divine Protection of Perfect Reasoning]

With a rush, a perspective of the world opened up for the aspirant Royal Guard.

Questions asked only to be answered in a split second, hypothetical scenarios were conjured and examined in their hundreds and thousands, and then, Reinhard came into the conclusion that entering the building would be unwise.

"While there is at least 28.4% that investigating the building might allow me to figure out how I arrived here. There is a 63.8% that I might be thrown into another reality. One that is at least 57.7% harsher than this one…I won't be entering this building."

Releasing his leg, the stone wall shot up in double the speed and slammed itself shut with a thunderous crash. Sighing, Reinhard turned back… Only to be met with an incredulous crowd.

"Hey, how did you do that?!"

"Is that some kind of magic trick?!"

"Does that mean that you're from around here?!"

"Are you are perhaps, some kind of OP main character?! No! You've got to be the one with the cheat code! I want some of that!"

"Where did you say you were from again?"

Reinhard was so taken aback by the assault of questions, that he felt light-headed. But then, his expression instantly sharpened. Turning sideways, he immediately spotted the new individual within their midst.

"… And so, I've arrived~ chyararararara~n! Chyara~n! Rararann~!" A young woman with dressed in a cute white and black, while having a pink hair that had been dressed in a twin-tail incanted. "Everyone, welcome to Grimgar~ I'm your cute guide, Hiyomu~! Nice to meet you!"

But her rather eccentric method of speech didn't affect Reinhard, much. - Not when there is Felix, a 'male' cat Beastman who dresses like a girl and always add the word nya~ to the end of his every word.

Rather, Reinhard focused on the question which was shimmering in his mind; how did she appear right there without him even realizing that?

The Squire only realized that there was a new addition in the group, when the number of people breathing didn't add up.

All the same, the fact that Hiyomu just mysteriously manifested there shouldn't have been possible in the first place…

At least, until now that is how it should have been.

Reinhard isn't one to brag, but unless one is hidden in another dimension. To sneak up on him or even appear within his proximity is absolutely impossible.


'I allowed the door to close and this Hiyomu mystically appears… Could this be a coincidence or is there something more to that?'

Reinhard rubbed his chin in contemplation.

Interrogating this Hiyomu would be the correct decision, but it wouldn't be a prudent one. Firstly, Reinhard didn't know where he is, and he would like to sort that out before making any other steps forward. Secondly, he didn't want to make any accusation that could be false, later on…

'Let's see what'll happen from here, and then, I'll proceed.' The Squire decided.

Questions were heaped on this Hiyomu by the others, but the girl only had to say a few words to instantly quell them all.

"Everyone, there is no need to worry~ but~ if you all remain here, you'll die~" But Hiyomu then swerved to Reinhard, throwing a smile. "Of course, everyone here except for our little cutie over there of course~"

Narrowing his eyes, Reinhard made to Hiyomu and asked. "What pray you, do you mean by 'we'll die?' Do mabeasts or cultists prowl around this area?"

But immediately upon asking that, Reinhard mentally chided himself. This is another world - if it is to plainly taken as a fact. The curse of the Witch Satella doesn't exist here which would mean that her Beasts and Cult should not exist.

To Reinhard's question, Hiyomu tilted her head in confusion. "Ma-Mabeasts? Cultists? What's that? But er… Whatever. The danger around here is probably close to whatever it is that you're thinking. But of course…"

The twin-tail girl closed in on the Squire, wrapping her arm around his arm drawing him closer.

"To someone of your strength, they might as well be small fries, right?!~"

While Hiyomu's question sounded innocuous from outsider's perspective, there was something more to it - at least that's how it felt. There was a hidden undertone to it that made Reinhard feel quite uncomfortable.

Smoothly, Reinhard disentangled himself from her hold. He wanted to begin his questioning right away due to Hiyomu's rather 'suspicious' attitude. But then, a familiar roguish voice prevented the Squire from doing so.

"Look, before you get on with your pedo-humping. Get us out of here. After all, you're supposed to be our guide, right?!"

The boy who had just spoken now is the same boy Reinhard had first spoken to back in the tower. The boy had a frustrated look on his face, and then turned to glare at Reinhard with an expression the Squire immediately recognized.

Frustration…Annoyance… Jealousy… Fear.

It was a look Reinhard had been subjected to, all his life.

The boy looked like he had something to say, but clamped it down with great effort. Reinhard had an idea what he was about to say, but the Squire wouldn't call the out boy on it.

Grunting, the boy motioned to Hiyomu who playfully blew a raspberry.

"Hmm~ spoilsport~! Alright~! Alright~! Now that everyone's ready, let's get outta' here~!"

Waving the group like a farmer would his sheep, Hiyomu led them away from their current site.

Into the world of Grimgar…


The journey itself wasn't a treacherous one.

It was more of a dusty paths, and howling gusts.

Occasionally, the Squire spotted aged gravestones littered around which gave credibility to Hiyomu's warning.

From behind, a wincing shriek pulled Reinhard's attention to the back. Two individuals - a brown hair boy and a lavender hair girl- were shrinking back in fear at the sight of one of the gravestones.

Sighing, Reinhard went back towards them and said helpfully. "Relax yourselves. As you both can see, we're all safe. So how about we just ignore this tombstones and keep on moving to safety."

The girl blushed heavily as she bobbed her head, while the boy demurely did the same. Though the later seem to have stars in his eyes as he did so…

With a bright smile, the Squire said. "I'm Reinhard van Astrea. Aspirant Royal Guard… But you two won't know that even mean, sorry about that. So, what are your names…?"

Some minutes of contemplation passed before the boy replied softly. "Haruhiro… I'm Haruhiro."

The girl replied more quickly. "Shi-Shihoru… I'm Shihoru, nice to meet you!"

Reinhard chuckled good-naturedly. "A pleasure to meet you both... So how about I walk with you two as we head to wherever it is that we're heading."

"Really?!" Haruhiro said animatedly. "Thank you, I really appreciate it."

There was a cough as another boy, a ft. taller, joined in with Reinhard and the others bearing an honest smile.

"Can I ask if there's room for one more?"

Turning towards the boy, Reinhard replied brightly. "There always is..."

Raising his hands for a handshake, the boy introduced himself. "I'm Manato."

"Reinhard van Astrea…"

Manato's face looked like as if he were 'tasting' the name, before he then shook his head.

"Reinhard van Astrea… That's too long. Do you think you can go with Rein?"

The Squire's smile broadened.

"Please, I would like that very much."