
Re: Speedrunner

When the world suddenly changed, so does Zaine's life. "What the hell is going on?" "What should I do now?" ... ... Being bullied in school, Zaine decided to drop out of school and pursue live streaming as a job. While keeping his identity hidden, the only game he live-streams is Hellmode Hardcore Leveling. A very well-known game at the start, but soon left by the players because of its difficulty spike, so much so, after just two years of it being released, almost no one plays it anymore. Because of this, the people that watch his streams are almost nonexistent and he make just enough to barely live. Zaine got addicted to the game, it has become his identity, his will to live, his everything. He spends everyday playing the game. He knows the ins and outs of the game like the palm of his hand. One day, Zaine logged on. [Zaine has logged on] [Player Online : 1] "Haha... it seems that I'm the only one left" Suddenly a sound could be heard inside his head [Player Requirements Reached] [Activating World Optimization] Just then, Zaine's mind got forced with information. His life flashed before his eyes, or perhaps, the future of his life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, this is my submission for the WPC, so feel free to donate power stones and tickets to the novel. As a new writer, I know that it still lacks aspects of a good novel, so if you find something that may be lacking like the pacing or character development, feel free to leave a review. Thank you and have fun! _____________________________________________ Additional information on the novel. The world is completely different from Earth and it's purely fictional. The story won't contain any explicit content but may contain romance. There won't be any Yuri or Yaoi, but may contain a harem with one clear heroine. ____________________________________________

RobZ_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
128 Chs

Chapter 25: Tower of Trials

One day, a tower emerges from the ground, piercing the clouds above. No one knows exactly how many floors it has, but what they know are treasures waiting to be discovered. Ancient artifacts, wealth, wisdom, and the secrets of the world.

However, behind all the treasures, powerful enemies are waiting, protecting the treasures.

Zaine, Amy, and Albus went inside the tower. They entered the first floor, only to realize the large group of beginner adventurers also exploring the place. They decided to continue further.

They reached the second floor, also filled with people, but much less than the first floor they went through.

They ascended until they arrived at the 5th. The place is empty and quiet. Zaine could feel like something is not correct.

They explored the maze-like floor, turning corners until finally they found what looked like a door. The door opens, revealing a person coming out, with blood all over him, and one of his legs and arms chopped off with blood squirting out of it.

"Help.. me.." The guy reaches his arms out.

Amy gets dizzy by the sight she is seeing. Soon, she realizes the situation and decides to go to the person in hopes of saving him.

Just as she arrived at his assistance, the man was no longer alive.

Realizing the situation, Zaine and Albus walk towards the door, peeking slightly to see what is happening.

A foul stench of blood fills the room.

He could see what looked like a three-headed giant dog annihilating the people they were fighting against. The party consisted of veteran adventurers and soldiers who still utilized their rifles. Sounds of howling of the monster and screaming of people could be heard from inside.

Several adventurers and soldiers had been hurt and could be seen lying on the floor, clinging to their lives.

They enter the boss's room to help the party face off against the three-headed dog.

{Would you like to enter (Boss Room: Cerberus)}

{YES / NO}

"Yes." Affirm Zaine.

They got inside, and Amy cast a defensive barrier spanning several meters around her body, creating a safe place for the wounded to go to.

Albus distracted the three-headed dog by running around while dodging all of its attacks.

{Summoned 2 Ent}

{-40 Mana}

Zaine summons a few ents and commands them to take the wounded into the safe barrier Amy has made.

After they evacuate the people, Zaine summons more monsters to face off against the Cerberus.

{Summoned 5 Giant Ants}

{-100 Mana}

{Summoned Ant Queen}

{-100 Mana}

Zaine went head-on to the front and summoned monsters to fight against the boss.

"Stay back!" Shouted Zaine to the still-conscious adventurer and soldier, startling them and forcing them to step back and observe the fight.

They knew they had chewed more than they could swallow and regretted their action going into the boss's room.

They observed the three-headed giant hound being forced back by the speed of the ant queen.

{Killed a Cerberus}

{You Gain Experience}

{You Receive 1 Cerberus Soul}

{You can summon Cerberus}

The people watch in awe as Zaine easily dominates and defeats the Cerberus they struggled with.

After the fight ends, Zaine realizes that this is the furthest they have gone, and the 6th floor is still unexplored territory.

A staircase opens, leading to the 6th floor.

At this point, they have climbed the tower for several hours and decided that they are done for the day.

They proceed to go back together with the group of raiders from before. They thank Zaine and Amy for the help and invite them to one of the guilds on Avalon.

Zaine politely declined the offer without saying much of the cause.

Among the raiders, there is a woman wearing army gear. She comes up to Zaine.

"Umm, do you remember me?"

Zaine looks at the woman, "Ah, you're from the convenience store safe zone!" Zaine realizes it, but she seems different now.

The woman's face lit up. "I have been looking for you since that time. Why did you not get into the aircraft? And how did you get here?" questioned the woman.

"Yeah, it just kinda happens." Answered Zaine, trying not to reveal too much to her.

They descend the tower slowly while Zaine makes the place safe for travel.

Finally, they exit the tower with dusk just around the corner. Officials immediately took the wounded to a hospital.

The remaining party and Zaine's party head back to the guild hall to report their findings of the tower.

The receptionist received the information and handed out their payments.

Zaine's party received 100 gold coins, a massive amount for saving the adventurers and killing the fifth-floor boss, the tower's first boss.

The other party also received rewards for exploring the dungeon. Though some lost their lives, they managed to keep their heads up.

After all the matters were done, Zaine rested up for the day.




Somewhere inside the tower.

"Where am I?" A girl walks around the tower in darkness.