

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
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80 Chs


2 days later...

+28,530 E

Project eradication was a success and I got a good haul out of it. I was inside the Orc camp, touching every corpse and collecting its energy. (Linda said that every time I used my skill, I was indirectly touching the corpse and that was how I got the energy.)

All the 150 orcs were pitiful, to say the least. Tumors growing on different parts of their body and their grotesque shape... May you live your next life to the fullest.

Now that all of this is completed. Unlock Analyse.

[Analyzation unlocked] (-10,000 E)

"Ok, Analyse me and my damn eyes."

[Yes, Master!]

[Analyzation Complete]



Name: No-Named Outer

Rank: No-Rank Outer

Realm: Low Mortal(Psuedo-Mortal)

Skills Tab: [Plague Generation]

Marks: (Harden)(Necrotic Burst)(Death's Touch)(Ruler of Bone)(Mana Sensitivity)

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage I)(Preception Increase)➤➤(Stage II)(Skill: Energy Collection)(Preception Increase)(Energy Needed: 5,000)

Current Husk: Undead

Evolution Max: Skeleton Lord

Energy: 18,530

Hold: 3,500

Food: None

Functions Unlocked:




"So Linda what's the deal with the eyes of dread??"

[Master, it's a highly sought-after eye at the Lower Realms of Death.]

"Mmm, Why is it sought after? Does it give you a high-rank mark at the final stage?"

[No master, But at stage 4 which is the max stage it can go, it can create a connection with Death for you to "Eat" master.]

"Isn't it quite strange that it's sought after because it just forms a connection? Every Middle-Rank Outer has at least one or two connections with Recibellums."

[Do you know, Master, that it takes an Outer a thousand years to reach Middle-Rank? One of the causes is that connecting to a Recibellum is challenging. However, I don't believe it will be difficult for you, master. You will be one of the few anomalies that can link to a Recibellum during the Mortal stage. master!!]

"Well, all is good that end's good" "Linda, Evolve the eyes into stage 2"

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage l)➤➤(Stage II)(Skill Acquired: Energy Collection)(Preception Increase)(-5,000 E)

I noticed a tingling sensation in my eyes. When there was a single vertical tear in my eyes, the incessant flickering of my eyes halted.

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage II)➤➤(Stage III)[Skill: Prediction](Energy Needed: 10,000)


Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage II)➤➤(Stage III)[Skill Acquired: Prediction](-10,000 E)

With that, the flickering started again. Within the tear on my eye, one small black triangle began to emerge and it moved parallel to the tear.

"Ok, How much would the next upgrade cost"

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage III)➤➤(Stage IV)[Skill: Weilder of the Death Orbs](Energy Needed: 15,000)

"This is getting more and more costly. I don't know if I would be able to keep up with the cost."


Side Quest:- Eradicate the outer denizens of the city and enter the inner city. (1/3)



"Ohhh, there was also this thing running in the background huh. Well, Let's move on and eradicate other pests. Wait, Linda, analyze the whole area and see if there is something useful or not."

[Analysis has begun.0%/100%]



[Master, I found 3 things that may be noteworthy.]

"Umm ok say it."

[First is the leader of this Orc camp. This guy has some sort of artifact on him which has some energy in it and if you can get me a closer look at the body of the specimen. I could get you a new skill.]

"Ok, that's 2 of the things right?"

[Yes, Master]

"So, first is the artifact and second is some skill. Ok move on"

[The third part is the strangest. The orcs are subjected to some type of culling procedure, which I'm sure is done to prevent overpopulation. There are two possibilities. One is that they eliminated their young because they needed to eat. The second is that a powerful foreign power is wary of the orcs and is eliminating them to prevent them from becoming a nuisance while also using them as a weapon in battle.]

[I most likely believe in the second possibility. Because they are living beside a water source and they have fish as a food source.]

"Mmm... I thin-"


"Guess we don't have to wack our brains for this problem huh?"

What I see in front of me is a cow face... with a very good body. Brown fur, 2 horns, horizontal yellow eyes, its height was a little taller than me. 7 feet tall. Well, anyone could say that this is a Minotaur.


It gave me a weird roar again. It began to rub its feet on the ground and began charging at me like a bull. I moved forward at its challenge. When we were 5 feet apart from each other. It suddenly sprang its body up and pulled its arm back doing a punching motion.

This... this little bastard... Was he doing a feint all along to trick me? Anger started to well up in me. You... A pathetic cross-breed of an excuse trying to make a fool out of an Outer!!!! I will let you know what true despair is.


I watched the punch before it even was pulled. It was trying to pull a right hook. I caught the right hook and put it in between the armpit and then

(Harden)(-500 E)

It became impossible to take the hand out. I started to squeeze its arm and the breaking sounds began to hear.


The minotaur began to writhe in pain and started to punch me with the other arm. But it had little effect as I was strong as Psuedo adamantine. After some punches, its other arm was bleeding.

After thoroughly breaking its right arm. I gave freedom to its right arm. Then I came up close to him and gave him a hug. A more appropriate term would be... A bear hug.


I started to squeeze him. I could clearly hear ribs breaking, then lungs popping, then heart popping(remember Minotaur's anatomy is different from humans)

After all this, I separated from the minotaur. It fell down on both its knees not being able to breathe, with no blood moving throughout its body. Its eyes became hazy due to all the pain in such a short amount of time. Its appearance was... again pitiful to say the least.


I can't let my anger and my ducking pride get into my head like this. I need to get level-headed in each and every fight.

I looked at the minotaur. It was somehow holding onto the last little amount of life it had. This scene reminded me of an unpleasant memory.

...( This "..." Means Flashback)

"Ari... I love you" A weak smile came to her face as she was successful at conveying her... even though she was hurting... protecting a goddamn ugly fatso...


I stretched my hand and held its head.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," I spoke without bothering if he could hear me because of the suffering he was in or even if he could understand me.

(Death's touch)(-200 H)

+ 900 E

"..... May you live your next life to the fullest"


"Okay Linda Absorb"

[Minotaur genetic energy has been Acquired]

[Genetic Purity: 68%/100%]

"Okay, let's go analyze that Orc and get a new skill"



Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and keep supporting this novel in any way you can

and Bye bye

Image of the eyes