

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
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80 Chs


"Change me into Calamity of Minos"

[Transforming host-Minos Lord into Calamity of Minos]

With that, my soul started to vibrate, and before I could even blink. I was in this pure white room. With a little bit of fog here and there roaming around. Where the hell am I? Am I in heaven? Wait, how the hell did I even reac-

[MASTER!] Well, that voice is familiar. But hold on! Why do I feel Linda is calling for me from behind rather than inside my head?


Mmm... I turn my head to find a red holographic figure rushing toward me. "Wait! Is that you Linda?"

She didn't even listen to my question and started questioning me. [Master! Master! How do you like my domain?] She asked with that cute voice of hers.

"So, this is your domain huh?" I asked admiring the pure whiteness of the domain. It is said that a person's domain represents their heart. Well, I guess that's true.

[Yep!] She nodded her head cutely. I smiled at that.

"So, this is where you stay and watch over me?"

[Yep!] She again nodded her head cutely.

"Mmmm You don't have a body even in your realm?" I asked while seeing that she was completely ethereal and red.

[This is my body, master! Our kind's body is completely ethereal.] She said, stretching her hands.

"Mmmm Well, that's new info," I said, noting that every species won't be having a physical body. I should be ready to counter that problem.

"Linda, why was I dragg-"

[Master! This is going to be a little rough but I am sure you will overcome this. This will ultimately lead you to greatness so hang on!] She said with a sorry smile.

[Initiating ritual... The Seed of Monarchy is being planted.]

[The seed of Monarchy:- The Lord of Death is being integrated.]

I was in suffocating darkness. A darkness that was eternal. A darkness that was never-ending. W-What is.. going.. on? W-W-wWhHaAtt iS hAPPeNinG(You know the part in movies where the voice of the actor goes like a drunk person talking)

The darkness was trying to engulf me. It was trying to destroy me. I knew what I had to do to hold onto my life dear. That was to control the darkness and then rule over the darkness. Bit by bit. Making it enter my body bit by bit and making it bow down.

[Eater of Death:- 2.32%]

[Then why are you delaying the ritual Master? This will be a lot painful master so you have to finish it as fast as possible.]

At that question, I smirked. "My adorable Linda. You put so much effort into preparing this for me because you wanted to see me lead my life to greatness. I will then achieve that exact greatness."

While I was comprehending this ritual as a whole(Meaning how I should move forward with this ritual like making it enter my body slowly). I found a thin narrow road. A road that leads to something more. A road that leads to absolute power.

The whole darkness was as vast as an ocean. No, It was more than that. I closed my eyes and I took a breath of death.

[Master! Don't do anything stupid!] She said in an alarming tone.

I opened my eyes. The vast ocean of death which had dark purple color here and there stopped still.


[Ritual is Bei%^0ing collapsed. The mort$^&al has broken the seed o&&%$$#f Mon&$%^archy]

[The ritual has faile-










[Ritual has been established.]

[The seed of Anarchy is being planted.]

[The seed of Anarchy:- The Hegemony of Undeath is being integrated.]

The ocean I was in was dead silent almost as if the whole ocean was surprised(It was basically saying where the duck did this guy pop up from) I clenched my hand and the whole ocean I was in became a ball. Then

[Ritual is being initiated]




With each percentage, I was draining the ball. Letting everything inside me. Letting it do whatever it pleased. Not making it bow down but letting it bow down.




[The seed of Anarchy is successfully planted.]

[You have become the Hemegony of Undeath.]

After the whole ocean which was now a ball was drained, into my soul. My soul came to the physical realm. I was now the calamity of minos. It's a really good feeling actually. My mana flows faster. My perception and sens-

[Don't change the subject! How in the hell did you do it.]

"Aaaa, it was just, you know"

[No! I don't!!]

"I just grasped the feeling that there was something beyond this ritual. A road that only some are supposed to walk and I just wanted to grasp it. Well, I am glad everything went well. All is well that ends well"


"Now, Linda can you explain what the hell was all that about."

[It was an involuntary ritual.]

"Ohh" An involuntary ritual is most common among the several billion types of rituals. One of the main ways these involuntary rituals are used is... Slaving people.

But there are not the only ones. Some of the rituals are like these, where the ritual-taking party must be caught by surprise. Like when a swordsman needs to do a life or death match to grasp what true sword intent is(I think).

"Ok then, what is the use of this??"

[Look around you] I turn to look around my surroundings and

"Whhoooaaaa" I exclaimed in surprise. What I see in front of me are souls. Many minotaur souls. They are not even crying or wailing. They are just bowing their heads down and I can even see their eyes sparkling in excitement and anticipation.

Seriously didn't I just kill you? Are you seriously that excited for me to choose you? Sigh. Let's just get over with this. I want to exit this cave as soon as possible.

I went towards the golden minotaur guy. I saw his soul like others. Bowing his head down. Acting like we haven't had a death match previously.



You guys. You aren't even commenting on anything. Only OuterGodACSqts is commenting on every chap. I am a little bit sad and I am feeling a little bit demotivated(sad whimpering noises on the corner).

I am not even asking for power stones guys cause(I seriously don't know till now what it is used for)I don't want you guys to feel pressured reading my novel(sad whimpering noises). I am a guy who has no idea what I should do in the future.

But from the day I was like... 5. I was always brainstorming ideas of how when I would be doing this when I would be put in this situation. So, I think... Lemme put an emphasis on this part. I THINK I am a little bit good at this and I think I am creating a good story that everyone is liking(If not, then comment, by using polite language, of course).

Every comment is appreciated because I can interact with you guys. Learn more about my readers and you know, create a bond(I just want to swindle you guys to give me some money) between me the author, and you guys the readers.

Ok guys that it so

Bye bye