

What creatures are those... entities which can't be comprehended by Mortal standards? What do we call those... abhorrence whose mind and power are completely unparalleled to a level that mere words can't explain? What do we call those... eldrich creatures whose mere gaze could bring from unending madness? Come and join this story to know what madness of an Omniverse do we live in. Come and join this story to know what exactly these creatures want! Come and join this story to know what exactly an Outer's power can do. From a Low-Outer to an Outer god.

A_N_V · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
80 Chs


There is a little bit of naughty talk in here. Well, I don't know if I can even count this as one but it's just a warning. BEWARE. kekekekeke


"Okay, okay, calm down first."



Name: No-Named Outer

Rank: No-Rank Outer

Realm: Low Mortal(Psuedo-Mortal)

Skills Tab: [Plague Generation][Energy Collection][All Seeing][Necrokinesis:- 0.00%]

Marks: (Mana Sensitivity)(Strengthen)(Aura Manipulation)(Harden)

Ocular Prowess: Eyes of Dread(Stage III)➤➤(Stage IV)[Skill: Weilder of the Death Orbs](Energy Needed: 15,000)

Current Husk: Undead

Evolution Max: Skeleton Lord

Energy: 178,880

Hold: 200(Replenishing)

Food: [Death:- 0.00%]

Functions Unlocked:




"I don't get it. What got you so energized? I just see a couple of new skills, my new energy value, and my new food to e- Wait a minute. What is that star thingy doing above the combination"

[Click the button] She said with never before seen enthusiasm. I clicked the button and a sub-option appeared.


Genetic Combination

Genetic Combination? What's that? I pressed the button and


(Skeleton Lord)(Minos Lord)(Orc Lord)(Imperial Goblin)(Hive Angler)]

Choose your Genetics: ______*______

Well, What should I choose?

[Master, Choose the first 2 genetics and combine them.

Choose your Genetics: (Skeleton Lord)*(Minos Lord)


[Genetics combining...]

[Generating Husk's...]

[2 variations Acquired:

Fighter Path:

Vengra: {Mortal Realm(Early)}

(Minos Lord)(Skeleton Lord)

A new race created by the host's powers. This is what "Strength" means in the Mortal Realm. A physique that is taken by Minos Lord and bones taken by Skeleton Lord. This creature's skeletal structure and musculature are designed for outputting maximum strength.

Mark: (Shock Absorber)-Hide Augmentation

Skill: [Aura Coating]-Body Augmentation

Energy: 30,000

Mage Path:

Calamity of Minos: {Mortal Realm(Early)}

(Skeleton Lord)(Minos Lord)

An absolute abomination of death. A creature that makes its own species tremble in fear. Do not mistake it as a mere undead for its skills and mind far surpasses them. This is what "Manipulation of Death" means. Tread with caution, if not, then you might be the next minion in its army.

Mark: (Rise)

Skill: [Abyssal Mormon's Spell Constructs]- Spells within the system.(Abyssal Mormon is a demon)

Energy: 30,000]





"Linda, I love you"

[M-Master!!! Shut up]

"Hey, even though you don't like me. You have to be polite when rejecting."


"Wait, What do you mean by that?"

[Nothing] She said in a barely audible voice.

"Linda, can I ask you some questions?"

[Yes! Master!! I will try to reply to the best of my abilities!!!]

As dependable as always "Ok, so you can combine genetics to create new races or even new species, right?"

[Yes! Master!]

"Then, is there any limitation you have when combining the genetics"

[It should be at the last evolution form. That's the condition.]

"That's the only one?"

[Yes master]

"Then, what if we collect high-grade genetics and combine them? Isn't that practically skipping cultivation?"

[Yes Master]

"Mmmm I guess knowledge is power, huh?"

"Then, will there be any limitation on my marks and skills? Like death's touch can't be used when in Minos Lord's form and strengthen can't be used in Skeleton Lord's form."

[No Master! that would be weird. There are billions of humans who are necromancers and there are millions of Death Lords that purely rely on their physical strength and Death arts.]

"There is always new info when I question you. Ok, can you explain what death arts are?"

[Ohh, they are martial arts developed in the realm of Undeadth]

"Mmmm" (See, she doesn't give me any info if she doesn't consider the topic worthy)

"Can you elabo-"

[It's just that master. It's just martial arts in the realm of Undeath. Like "Death Apocalypse" A death art created by Death lord-Lizarch Enderaim]

"..." (Like what should I say in this situation. She is absolutely right about this. Any more knowing than this is just wasting time)

"Can I get this Death apocalypse as my martial art in my fighter path"

[Vengra's Physique doesn't suit this martial art master. You should at least get into Master Realm before trying that.] At the end of the conversation. She said with a gloomy tone.

"Hey, Linda, what happened?"


"Come on, spill the beans already. I know there is something"

[M-Master, I am not questioning you but... Don't you trust me that I will give you the best no matter what? I had thought of 1 million possibilities for how to increase your strength at the moment. But I think you are... still not trusting me.]

"N-No Linda, I-I am sorry," Damitt I got carried away by the knowledge she held. Did I... Hurt her feelings. With these thoughts, I started to panic. I don't want to hurt her. Shit. I am not making the same mistake the second time.

"Linda, I swear I just got carried away by the knowledge you held. I seri-






"I- YOU. Sigh. Well, you got me. But that was a dirty move, Linda. You can't dig into my past trauma and use it against me."

[I don't care. I got back at you and that's all I care about. MUAHAHHAHAHAHA]



"I wonder how I should create your body. You know, Like your breast size."


"Well, I particularly like it big."


"and I wonder how I should do your ass? Should it be big or perky or what if I "combine" them both"


"And the insides? should I do it tight and rough? (So she is blushing when she does "/////" Huh)


"Or should I do it smooth and so-"

[S-Shut U-Up M-Master.]




[W-Which form w-would you like?: Ven-]

"What? do you mean what I like as in "do I like tight and rough or smoo-""


"OOOOO, there was something like that huh? Well," I smirked and said "I would like both"

(- 60,000 E)

[Fighter path has been Aquired]

[Vengra: Genetics has been created]

[Mage path has been Aquired]

[Calamity of Minos: Genetics has been Aquired]
