
The Principal

In the free lesson that I had, I made my way to Onizuka's homeroom and excused Noboru out of the lesson. It was time to discuss with him how to put the bullying to an end, and I took him to the roof so I could talk with him.

Rei: "Did you talk to any other teacher about this in the past Yoshikawa?" He nods with a frown.

Noboru: "Yes, I did. But that teacher left the week she had joined and the bullies found out I asked for help, so they punished me for it." His voice shook a little from remembering it.

Rei: "I see... then do you have any evidence we can use against them? Don't worry because I will handle everything, from what you told me the ringleader has quite the backing from her parents.

Don't be let down because I have some connections in high places as well."

Noboru sighed with reassurance at my words and I let him go back to his classroom.

After he left, I went back to the staff room and felt a light tap on my shoulder.

Akari: "Um Rei, since you're free now do you mind if we visit the Principle's office?"

Rei: "Sure, lets go." I follow her and reach two fancy double doors decorated with ornaments and carvings.

I knock twice and hear a childish 'come in' from inside the rooms. I open the doors only for my expectations to be met-in front of me stood a little pink haired teenage girl with horns on her head(Koumoto Akane).

Rei: "Miss principle, you've wanted to meet me?"

She widened her eyes at the fact I called her miss principle form the get-go, I guess that most people confuse her for a student.

Akane: "Yes, I wanted to meet you Mr Ichijo. You see, the school is in a little dilemma." She threw a couple of sweets into her mouth as she talked.

Rei: "A dilemma.... what kind of dilemma?" I narrow my eyes a little at her words.

Akane: "Well our school actually currently lacks a music teacher... and I've actually been to your concerts believe it or not." I know where this is going.

Rei: "If you can fit the lessons into my timetable I don't mind, but will I be teaching every single class?"

Akane: "Yes actually, I'm sorry about that but until we find another teacher to take half the classes you will be pretty burdened.

I've already checked your timetable, and you've got exactly the amount of free hours needed to teach every class once a week." She hands me my new timetable, a pretty merciless schedule.

I nod at her and make my way out, before I hear her comment.

Akane: "Damn Akari was right, he's just too good looking." I chuckle a little at that sentence, and make my way towards Akari who is a little red faced.

Akari: "U-um She didn't really.... I mean..." she was fidgeting and trying to make up an excuse for Akane's comment.

Rei: "Don't worry Akari, I think you are a very beautiful woman as well." I walk past her as she stands frozen, her face beet red and steam coming out of her ears.

*So I've got Raku's class next, gotta be there in about 5 minutes* I leave Akari still in her frozen state and make my way toward the lesson.

The rest of the day went without anything in particular happening, and I'm now waiting for Youhei and Tomoya I'm the staff room to begin the 'guidance' lessons.

I told Onizuka to tell the others that I'll be coming to the drinking party later, so they said that they'll go home to change and wait for me. Since Onizuka lives at school he told me to notify me in his 'living quarters' when I'm done, as he doesn't really have a car.

Rei: "Hello boys, I'm glad that you decided to show up." They both sigh at the joke that they had a choice, and I lead them to my empty homeroom to use the desks there.

They take two random desks next to each other and I take a desk in front of them, rotate it so I face them.

Rei: "So, do you know why I called you for these sessions?" They both shake their heads confused. "Because both of you have given up... you're both slowly turning into losers."

Youhei already got the talk so he just stood silent, Tomoya on the other hand shot up with a glare and the chair behind him flew.

Tomoya: "What right do you have to judge us like that?! You've got no idea what both of us had to deal with!" He slammed the desk with his fist making a loud thud sound.

Rei: "If you've got so much motivation and energy to tell people about why you've given up, you surely must have enough motivation to get back up." I spoke calmly, not raising my voice or getting out of my seat.

Tomoya: "You don't understand... we can't continue our dreams! What we worked so much for... it was taken from us and there was nothing we could do!"

His voice starts trembling at this point, his eyes narrowing and looking down at the table.

Rei: "Why not just find a new dream... or what if I told you that I could help you recover your lost dream."

Tomoya: "Help?" He scoffed. "There's nothing-"

Rei: "From the way you move your right arm you tore some nerves in your shoulder, I'm guessing that there is a certain maximum height you could lift your arm?."

His eyes widen in disbelief at my analysis, calming down and nodding his head.

Tomoya: "How... how did you know?"

Rei: "I'm a doctor Mr Okazaki, it was pretty easy to find out."

Youhei: "Them how come you don't have the doctor title?" He decided to speak up.

Rei: "I do, I just don't use it. Just because I have the doctor title doesn't make me above anyone else, that is what I want to teach my students." Tomoya picked up his seat, sat down and looked at me with curiosity.

Tomoya: "The doctors at the hospital told me that my shoulder is unfixable, that this is the best they could do."

Rei: "They were right Tomoya." His head drops in a depressed manner. "This is the best that 'they' could do, not the best I could do." He looks at me with a little hope in his eyes.

Tomoya: "S-So you could fix it?"

Rei: "If I decide that you deserve it, then yes. I will completely fix your shoulder."

Tomoya: "And what makes me 'deserve' it I'm your eyes?" His hope dies momentarily.

Rei: "Tell me about yourself, your dream and how much it means to you. If I decide that it is worth it, I will fix your shoulder."

After a slight pause Tomoya tells me his story, to my surprise every last bit of it. From his successful basketball career, to his father's alcoholism and how it lead to his injured shoulder.

Rei: "Alright, you've convinced me, I'll fix up your shoulder in a week's time from now." I can tell that it took a lot from him to open up like this, coming clean to the teachers he usually considered useless.

Tomoya: "A-are you serious?! You mean it?!" He gets up form his seat and tries to put his hands on my shoulders which I just flick away.

Rei: "Yes, I mean it. Now you turn Mr Sunohara, what exactly is your dream?"

At my words Youhei was slightly uncomfortable, but decided to follow Tomoya's example and told his story.

Rei: "Hmm, so anger problems huh?" Youhei nodded, extremely embarrassed. "Then I'll have to teach you how to control it, that's what we'll focus on from now on."

His face took a 180 and imagined military style training, not that he's wrong.

Rei: "Since you've told me about yourselves, let me introduce myself."

I tell them my story to which they both react with a jaw-dropping expression, both in complete disbelief.

Youhei: "So you were travelling to dangerous countries for an entire year?!" I nodded with a smile on my face.

Tomoya: "If you're a doctor... then why did you become a teacher?"

Youhei: "Yeah, aren't doctors paid like huge amounts of money?"

Rei: "To help people chase their dreams." They both look at me very unsatisfied with my answer. "As a doctor I fix what's been broken, but as a teacher I can help prevent people from breaking."

They were left thinking in silence at the rest of my answer, both with complicated expressions on their faces.

Tomoya: "Why us...." He spoke quietly, but I couldn't really hear him.

Rei: "Pardon?"

Tomoya: "Why did you help us, I mean look at us! Both of us are pathetic losers, we clearly had nothing going for us..." Youhei slowly nods his head in confirmation at Tomoya's statement.

Rei: "Aren't you my students? Aren't you both in need of help? Then what other reason do I need?"

Tomoya sits down with a pretty sorrowful expression on his face, copied by Youhei.

Rei: "Don't think about it too much guys, go home and just rest ok?"

They both slowly stand up, tuck their chairs in and leave the classroom with complicated expressions on their faces.