
A frightening woman

I was taken off the metal ship by 2 men, each wearing complete black suits, earpieces attached and reflective sunglasses(I am now wearing a pair of black jeans, white t-shirt with my lab coat on top). From the way they conducted themselves, I could tell that they are or used to be special forces. They took me to a huge military black jeep, where there were another 2 men waiting in the car. As I was sat between the two of them, I showed no sign of fear or worry, which surprised them.

About an hours drive until the car came to a half, stopping in front of a pair of big gates, guarding a huge white mansion. There were many other men and women in suits guarding the establishment, but I know that they mostly act as a deterrent. I was then led inside the mansion, and told to wait inside of a large hall, with a pair of royal couches in the middle of the room. They were placed opposite, each other with a large glass table in between. In the corner of the room, was a white grand piano, looking around and seeing that nobody was in the room I fed my curiosity and made my way towards the instrument.

As I got closer, I couldn't really recognise it.... until...*Holy shit! That's Marilyn Munroe's Baby Grand Piano!* I thought loudly and widening my eyes. The thing about this piano is not its price, but rather it's rarity. With only one in the world, its location is rarely known.

*Come on... it's just an old piano...get over it* I tried to convince myself. I was walking to and fro the piano.... but I simply couldn't resist this once in a lifetime opportunity. I sat down at the piano and after testing the keys for a while, I lost myself; forgetting where I was and started playing 'Ballade No.1 in G-minor' by Chopin. I didn't even notice that there was another guest in the room, until when I started playing I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat behind me.

I got up, turned around and saw a tall blonde haired blue woman, with a large burn mark on the right side of her face, standing near the couches(I recognise her as Sofia Pavlovena, known as 'Balalaika' by everyone else in Black Lagoon). Behind her were two men in black suits, looking at me, analysing my every movement. She looked to be in her late thirties I could guess, before she gestured with her hand toward the couch in front of her.

I made my way towards the couches in a calm and collected manner, but thinking about what this dangerous woman wanted from me. When I finally sat down, she seemed to look me up and down before opening her mouth.

Sofiya: "Hello there, Doctor Rei Ichijo. It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Balalaika." She spoke in a strict tone, extending her hand towards me.

I looked at the hand, and then looked in her eyes, completely ignoring her greeting.

Rei: "Alright, cut the shit. What could the notorious Balalaika want with me, a simple medical doctor?" I practically interrogated her, a dangerous glint in my eyes.

She didn't seem fazed one bit, and gave me a slight smile as if she expected my response.She gestured to the two men behind her to exit the room, before turning back to face me.

Sofiya: " I have a proposition for you, one which you can't refuse." She now possessed a smug look on her face.

Rei: "Do go on." I replied uninterested... I mean I really couldn't give less of a shit. I liked Black Lagoon, but I hated characters that think they can control every situation.

Sofiya: "Well, word of your medical 'expertise' reached my ears. I heard that you engineered a solution that could alter a persons DNA-" but before she could continue I raised my hand to stop her.

Rei: "I will NOT involve myself in the creation of anything that could be used as a weapon. I had to make sure of that in the creation of my serum." I spoke, my voice hoarse and my tone harsh.

Sofiya: "No, you've got it all wrong" she said as she waved her hand." What I would ask of you, is more.... something of personal use." She paused before continuing."Well, you see, for someone of your intellect that pretty much carried humanity to a new realm of understanding, I would consider it to be... quite easy I say to um... get rid of a few marks." She moved her hair to the side, making her burn marks completely visible.

*Well I'll be damned... I guess even a hardened woman like her cares a little about her appearance.* I thought with no change in expression.

Rei: "And just why would I do that?" I asked without a care, my family was rich after all.

Sofiya: " 20 million dollars." She spoke, reaching in her pocket and taking out a gold plated card, pushing it towards me.

I didn't even take a second glance before pushing it back, surprising her a little.

Rei: "I don't have any need for the money. But I do have another wish.... one that I think only you could fulfill." I now gazed directly in her eyes.

Sofiya: "Oh yeah? Well... what would that be? Want someone dead? Want some protection? Speak." She spoke with complete indifference.

Rei: "The piano." I stated, not blinking once.

Sofiya: "The... piano?" She had a questioning look on her face now, her eyebrows furrowed.

Rei: "I will do it, if you gift me the piano." I spoke, pointing at the white beauty in the corner of the room.

Sofiya: "So you'll turn down 20 million dollars...or...a favour from me....for just a piece of decoration?" She questioned as she started chuckling. This went on for quite some time, before she decided to speak again."You know... I thought you were also one of those.... glory seeking scientists.... but boy was I wrong. Now back to the topic at hand. Can you do it? I've asked this of plenty of people, all of which claiming that they could...and... you can imagine their attempts." She ended her monologue, staring directly into my eyes coldly.

Rei: "Well, how early do you want it done... now? Or perhaps later?" I asked with complete carelessness.

Sofiya: "Now? What do you mean now? How could you possibly-" She was cut again by me reaching into my pocket and produced two plastic vials.

Rei: "It can be done this simple, actually. I always carry these around in my pocket for emergency use. One is the formula I gave the world, and the other is.... well.... a substance which when added to the previous serum makes it....more effective, I believe is the correct term. It works wonders on quickly closing large wounds, but I tested it in the past on scars... some even worse than yours." I placed both serums on the table.

She picked them up, with slight hesitation before mixing them inside a cup and as she lifted the cup to her mouth I stopped her.

Rei: "WAIT! Are you crazy? You don't drink that shit?! Just pour it over the parts of your body that you want to recover and-" She immediately poured it over her face, without any hesitation which surprised me slightly.

It took a moment before the formula took effect, getting rid of the old burnt flesh and replacing it with new one. As if she could tell that the formula had completed its purpose, she gazed at her reflection in the table, with her hand stroking the right side of her face. I could tell that she held back her happiness greatly, staring at her reflection in silence before facing me again.

Sofiya: "Ok, I guess that you kept your end of the deal... now tell me, where should I have this piano delivered?" She spoke coldly, but I could tell she was genuinely grateful.

I told her the address of my home back in Japan and headed for the door, before she decide to speak again.

Sofiya: "Why?...why did you turn down my offers? Did you hope in gaining my favour? I can't lie, you aren't a bad candidate for marriage but I am a busy woman." She spoke with a very serious face.

Rei: "Actually, I did it to NOT have any relationship with you or your organisation. I would find such connections troublesome, and particularly dangerous." I stated without even looking back.

-In the room, now Sofiya is by herself-

Sofiya could be now seen dialling a number in a her cellphone, calling it and waiting for the other side to answer.

Person called: "Yes ma'am, what are your orders?" A submissive voice was heard on the other side.

Sofiya: "Well I want you to track and... see if you manage to find any way to recruit Doctor Rei Ichijo."

Person called: "Affirmative ma'am, I'm right on it. I'll call is I have any leads." Spoke the other voice, before hanging up.

Sofiya: *And I thought there was no man in this world that would catch my interest... just you wait Rei.... I'll get my hands on you one way or the other.* she thought with a wide grin on her face

-Back to Rei-

Rei is being driven by the same military jeep back to the hospital he was taken from. A cold chill suddenly ran down his spine, causing him to shudder. *Who the hell did I just provoke?* Rei asked himself with a worried look on his face. That quickly passed, as he remembered that it was Raku's 16th birthday in two days and decided that he would give his brother a little surprise....

Yeh... formula that instantly heals scars... I know... BUT HE GOT 160 IQ BABY!

Also he keeping the scars on his arms(which I revealed in previous chapter) cuz he finds them cool. Or more like I find em cool.

Author76creators' thoughts