
Day 11 - 15

- Day 11

When I awoke today, I found a sleeping goblin girl lying on top of me. I tried to move but the small goblin girl's grip is surprisingly tight. In the end, I wound up stuck in that position for another hour until the mysterious girl began to stir. "Good morning." Was all I said but for some reason the girl had a strange grin on her face before getting up and walking away. What a strange girl.

Since it's no longer raining, I decided to go out hunting once more, only to be stopped by Gobudo who wanted to join me this time since his group is still exhausted after their...late night activities. Gobudo however, looks like the picture of health, raring to go hunt with his "boss".

We managed to hunt a few more snakes that Gobudo claims are called Night Vipers and I received {Evil Eyes} and {Presence Sensor}, two very good skills. I'll likely be keeping {Presence Sensor} on permanently, especially while I sleep.

Soon, we came across a pair of humanoid pig creatures called orcs. They both had pick axes which must mean that there's a mine somewhere close by. I quickly use snake eyes on them to paralyse the pair before both Gobudo and myself charge in. I stabbed through the first's jugular with my new spear and the help of {Pump Up} to increase the power while Gobudo pierced the other's eyes with a pair of horns. Regardless of the method, both went down and we both got quite the meal. I received the {Libido}, {Orc Language}, {Detect Analysis} and {Mining Proficiency} skills from the first one and only gained {Stench} from the second. I turn off {Stench} immediately because I already feel ignored enough without having to deal with this.

- Day 12

Today the two of us went out once again, though this time we didn't come across any new enemies so I didn't really gain any new skills. We did find another orc though and this one had a sword so after dealing with him, I took his sword as my own. Unfortunately his soul didn't provide me with any sort of sword abilities so I'll have to be on the lookout for that.

In the end I decided that we would head back early since we had enough for Gobudo and his group to feed on and yes, I realise that this could be seen as me being used to fetch the ungrateful little shits their meals without them having to work but it's fine for now. With how things are going, they'll be dead soon anyway.

When we got back, Gobudo and I parted ways, with him taking most of the meat while I took the materials. This meant I could make some sturdier gear. When Dusk fell upon the cave I thought up an interesting idea and went with it before going to sleep with {Sense Presence] firmly lodged in the on position and I'm glad I did because I was able to witness something interesting. A few of the goblins a day younger than me decided it would be a good idea to attack Rou. I watched as he took them out with a single hit each. While watching, a single thought would pass through my head. Poison. It would seem I'm not the only one with an ability. I continued to watch from afar and eventually, I saw Rou quietly drag the bodies outside and begin eating them. Their souls are going to waste...thankfully, they stay around for a little while after the body is killed or destroyed so I had enough time to sneak over and eat the souls of my kin after Rou feasted on their meat. I didn't learn anything new but at least now I have an idea of Rou's ability.

- Day 13

Something interesting happened today. Perhaps it's because of the attack yesterday but Rou and his group brought back a large amount of food with the main man himself saying "Eat it". From the look on Rou's face it seems as though he's not doing it out of good will. I would say something about him being a cannibal but they did attack him first so I'd say it's fair game. I should be careful not to let him find out about my ability.

The rest of the day was spent with Rou teaching the other goblins to hunt for themselves. A smart idea for a leader. I would have just let them die. Speaking of which, Gobudo's group, excluding Gobudo, seems to be among the least cooperative amongst them. This changed when I told them that after today they had no excuse and I would no longer give them food for nothing. Considering they don't have anything worth trading for, this got them moving pretty quickly. The female that hangs around Rou asked me why I wasn't participating and when I told her I didn't need to, I somehow got the attention of Rou's lackey, Kichi.

He challenged me to a fist fight and I figured that it would be interesting to see how I compared to someone being brought up by another, possibly, reborn person.

Unsurprisingly, he's quite powerful and isn't lacking in brawling skills. Unfortunately for him however, my experience trumps his strength and resulted in a clear victory for me without needing any of my pilfered skills. This result caught Rou's attention and resulted in him coming to talk to me. He asked me where I learned to fight and I simply told him that it just came naturally, which wasn't entirely false.

When I went to sleep, I noticed the strange girl whose name I learnt is Gobufu and put my previous idea into action. Regardless of her plan for me, I don't think it's anything bad so I made her a small stuffed toy shaped like a little rabbit, obviously without the horn. The result was surprisingly cute, with the goblin girl hugging the soft plushie closer with her other hand resting on my chest. In the end, I think I fell asleep watching that scene.

{You have reached the designated level.}

{You have cleared the special requirement •••• ••••}

{You can rank up to Hobgoblin Variant}

{Would you like to rank up? Yes/No}

Eh? Fine whatever, just let me sleep..."

{Would you like to rank up? Yes/No}

- Day 14

Opening my eyes, I can already see two rather distinct changes. One, my skin seems to have changed colour from a light green to a pale blue and I seem to have grown a little if the size of the girl in my lap is anything to go by.

After Gobufu finally woke up, she was surprised but calmed down almost immediately and I could swear that there is a strange lust in her eyes now. She was more surprised by the stuffed rabbit which was rewarded with a hug and a nibble on the shoulder that didn't hurt but did leave a mark, though it quickly faded.

With that sorted, I immediately headed to see Gramps who I figured would probably know more about this given his age. Apparently, I did indeed rank up, although I appear to be what's known as a variant. On top of that, there are also a few more changes physically. Both of my eyes are now glowing orange and my left eye has a small black tattoo around it.

Digging a little deeper, I've also discovered that there have been a few changes to my skills. For starters, {Soul Eater} appears to have ranked up as well, allowing me to 'extract the essence of items as well as extract souls' meaning, just as it says, I'm now able to gain abilities from objects. I immediately try this out on my stone spear which is now too small to wield properly and a small grey light pops out. When I swallowed it I gained the {Toughness} ability. This reminded me of of the Spirit stones I still had and when a small, dark blue light appeared from within them, I ate them too, gaining the {Hydro Hand} and {Aqua Resistance} skills. When I tested it out, Hydro hand allowed me to generate and control a modest amount of water that seemed to increase in both power and amount with each stone essence I ate.

Getting back on track though, another thing I gained was something called {God of Deaths Blessing} and {Greater God of Chaos' Blessing}. These are most likely what has caused the major changes in my appearance. I wonder why I received these blessings? It's not like I've done anything yet.

Regardless, with these blessings came some new skills. {Life Drain}, {Death Analysis} and {Soul Grasp} are the Three I received from the God of Death. {Life Drain} seems to do just that, draining the vitality of enemies and adding it to my own. {Death Analysis} lets me determine things like time of death, cause of death and even shows me images of their final moments. If I chose to, this would make me one hell of a detective. Finally, {Soul Grasp}; it isn't something incredibly overpowered but it does make me able to eat the souls of things like ghosts and other intangible creatures.

From the Greater god of Chaos, I received {Luck Manipulation}, {Beast Mind} and {Chaos Magic}. I don't know what I did to get on this gods good side but holy shit. Let's start with {Luck Manipulation}. It does as it says and lets me manipulate not just my luck, but the luck of others. It's a little tricky though since it seems to work on a give and take system where, if I give myself immense luck today, I will probably end up dead tomorrow. So yeah, I'll be using this one sparingly. {Beast Mind} is yet another one that I'll be saving for the right time since it's practically a berserker mode. It will increase my abilities to an unimaginable level but my brain is pretty much shut off. I wouldn't be able to tell friend from foe, or possibly even when to turn it off. {Chaos Magic} on the other hand, seems to be without many of the flaws of the other two abilities. Testing it out in the forest, it seems to be a much more powerful version of normal magic. I can create Lightning, Fire, Ice, all kinds of things. It just has to be orange. I guess I know who I get my eyes from. One of the most basic spells called <Bolt> was able to fry an orc to death from 30 metres away, though granted it left quite a few scars on the surrounding wilderness. I suppose that's the chaotic part of it. Yet another ability I can't use around allies. Am I doomed to be alone?

Since the day was spent testing out my new abilities, I ended up going to bed without much happening. I did see Gobudo at one point but he just puffed out his chest and said he'd catch up in no time.

- Day 15

It would appear that two of the other Goblins have ranked up since yesterday. Of course, it's Rou and Kichi. Kichi looks like a normal Hobgoblin, though a bit taller than the two others while Rou is lean and has pitch black skin. It would seem I wasn't the only one to receive a God's blessing.

I watched as the two went to speak with Goblin Gramps and listened to his explanation about rank ups and the colour gods. When the conversation turned to the free usage of the storage room, I became visibly annoyed. After the pair left I myself walked towards Gramps and asked him about it. His response was to laugh nervously and tell me that it must have slipped his mind at the time since my rank up was so unusual. He tried to immediately cover up his 'blunder' by telling me to go and have fun searching the treasure room alongside the other two. This is acceptable I suppose, the issue is that they'll probably have claimed most of the good stuff by now.

Going in, I notice that a few swords and armour are missing but they did leave quite a bit, which is surprising without a doubt. Alright, let's eat some more item essence.

Three swords, two earth spirit stones and a dagger. {Slashing power}, {Piercing power}, {Sword Proficiency}, {Earth control}, {Earth Resistance} and {Dagger Proficiency}. Very useful but the items all fall to irreparable pieces. After disposing of the waste, I work on making myself some new clothes. This time, with what I was able to find in storage, I was able to make some reasonably good clothes that look more like those of a peasant with sewing ability than a tribal barbarian. I decided to give my old clothes to Gobudo since I hadn't made him anything and took the Orcs sword with me to hunt. Yes, I'm hunting alone again today, but that's not because I was rejected. This time I'm just pissed and want to go by myself.

After searching, I come across a small clearing where a pair of kobolds are fighting with a large spider. I couldn't hide my grin with the sight of the new prey. Even if the cave is full of assholes who work to keep me down, the forest here always gives me what I want. I use {Pump Up}, {Slashing Power} and {Venom Secretion} to make sure kill of the two kobolds. Slicing both of their necks in quick succession while they were distracted by the spider. After this, I used {Hydro Hand} to wash out the spider and drown it a little. Its surprised chitters were quite amusing before I stabbed it and devoured its soul. {Kobold Language}, {Foresight}, {Silk Creation}. Hm? It would appear that thanks to that spider I can now generate silk from my finger tips. Very useful.

Later, I discovered a grey slime and it discovered me as well. I decided to use {Chaos Magic} on it since it's an unknown. I gained {Bodily Fluid Manipulation} and {Physical Damage Reduction} which came in handy very quickly as what seems to be a ninja kobold and a mage appear as I'm testing it. The ninjas blade simply sinks into my skin and gets stuck so I quickly stab him and remove the knife. The kobold mage then tried to use fire magic but I ran at him while using {Hydro Hand} to extinguish the flames. I soon made it to him and decapitated him with one quick slash. Following this, I ate their souls plus the essence of the mages staff. {Assassination} {Presence Concealment}, {Awareness}, {Inner Mana Manipulation}, {Presence Detection}, {Pyrokinesis} {Fire Resistance} {Magicians Wisdom}, {Intimidating Howl}, {Electrokinesis}, {Lightning Tolerance}, {Mana Operation}. Wow, I should eat more of those. I give a quick thank you to the forest for the abundance of good meals before heading back to the cave.

Gobufu joined me again tonight alongside her stuffed animal, and no, nothing else besides sleeping occurred.