
RE: Merlin

Alex Sheppard Was an American made man, He was a Seal and a master of combat, Alex Died an early death in Afghanistan by a careless mistake by a God, Alex was Dead... God was Ashamed and decided to repay the soul that paid the price for his careless mistake, Reincarnating into The World of 'Merlin' for the first world, [AN - So I'm a big fan of the series 'Merlin' so I decided to make my own fanfiction of it! If you have seen the series then you likely understand... That ending! God! They need a sequel!!!]

Orionwashere · Others
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Death and Wishes

Alex was leading a squad to the base of a known weapons supplier, Alex was one mile out when he encountered light resistance from some gunman, Gunfire was aimed at the windshield of the humvee when the Humvee behind his exploded and enraged he looked for the source, Looking around he found a man reloading an RPG rolling down his window just enough he took aim, 3... 2... 1... And he fired the bullet shot out of the chamber through the barrel and traveled through the air directly through his skull exploding it on its exit.

"Thomas! Get on the MKG!" Alex yelled over the radio,

"Arron! I want some cover throw all the smoke grenades!" Alex continued,

"On three we pull the hell out of here! Regroup at central!" Alex ordered,





They pulled out forcing they're way through and speeding back to central, Soon they were to safety and they made sure to send in an air strike before the scum could scurry off the whole sector was cleared of civilians so they bombed the fuck out of it,

Back at Central they reported to their commander and went to get looked at by the Doctor, The Doctor cleared them and they went to their bunks, Ale went to take a Shower to clear his mind after all he just lost 5 of his Soldier family when he walked out of the shower he looked up at the blue sky and was quickly struck by lightning that came out of nowhere, His instincts almost dodged it instead they caused him to walk right into the path of bolt.

Alex was fried in an instant the world faded and he was embraced by darkness,

after entering a place where time was irrelevant he found a man standing over him,

"Hey, Kid! I brought you here... You... Well, I 'll just get to the point... You're dead... Because of an accident, I made, And you're here to be repaid before I get punished for taking a soul away before they're time, By God Law, I'm required to give you three wishes and send you to transmigrate..."

"So that was real huh..." Alex mumbled

"Yeah, Sorry about that, also I'm very busy so can we move this along?" ??? said

"Yeah... I have had my own thoughts on this when I read those novels on earth so here it goes!"

"First I want to receive three Limitless wishes every time I die" Alex wished

"Alright" ??? Said

"For my second wish, I want the ability to use Intent Magic, That is so instinctual to use it's as easy as breathing" Alex wished,

"Done" ??? nodded

"And my third wish I want the ability to Travel worlds" Alex continued,

"Alright, I'll tag on the standard Reincarnator Isekai package, And hmm... What world do you want to go to?" ??? asked

"If I have the choice then the world of Merlin" Alex answered,

"Alright! and here go ahead and design your body," ??? Said gesturing to a body that appeared,

[Hair - Brown]

[Hair Subset -]

[Eye's - Deep 24k Gold]

[Eye Subset -]

[Facial Features -]

[Skin color - white with a light tan]

[Body type - Lean Ripped, body made up entirely of pink muscle from the muscle theory from Kenichi the mightiest diciple]

[Height - 6.3]

"Alright, That should do it!" Alex said

"Alright, I'll send you on your way!" ??? Said

After he said that everything faded and he woke up in a golden forest,

"I'm Ivress Goddess of nature, Magic, and Fate, My brother was about to send you to your rebirth but I intercepted him and wanted to offer you a job, Should you accept you will work as an agent for my domains wielding unlimited magic power, exempt from Fate, And be loved by nature, Your job would have you do the occasional deeds that we Gods cannot due to restrictions or rules... the such, Anyway you would be helping keep balance in the multiverse should you agree, What do you say?"

"I... I agree!" Alex said instantly agreeing, This stuff only happened in stories,

"Very well then! I'll send you to 'The Great Forest' by the way what timeline would you like to arrive?"

Ivress asked,

"The beginning of the series please," Alex said

"Done! I'm going to swap out your system for an admin version and send you on your way," Ivress nodded,

"Wait I got a system?" Alex asked

"Yeah, It's part of your Reincarnation/ Isekai Package he was giving you, Have fun!" Ivress smiled,

She snapped her fingers and the golden forest faded,

Soon the world reformed and he woke up in a normal forest, He was on a bed of clean leaves, Sitting up he looked around,

"Ughhh, My head hurts" Alex mumbled,

[Host Located... Soul Binding in process...]

[Soul Binding Process finished...]

[Hello Host! I am your Admin system let me know what I can do for you, Note I can me commanded through voice or thought,]

"Understood, Where Is Camelot?" Alex asked

"Also Change my name, Its a new start, after all, Let's go with Shawn Morgan Sheppard to remember who I am,"

[Name Registered...]

[HUD Realized... Destination marked...]

"Where's Merlin?" Shawn asked

[ID #Merlin has been marked on your HUD]