

i swear this is the definitive reboot. and there is quite a bit of CP to save time instead of complete rewriting conversations. though it is changed as necessary. this will change as the MCs personality slowly changes the conversations and plots directions.

CraftingManiac · Others
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7 Chs

Yi Nan and Assassins Creed

Time passed and Yue Yang basically ignored the fact that all of Da Xia was currently looking for him spent the week leisurely training with Yue Bing and playing with Shuang'er. He had to hold in the rage he felt as the servant arrived with the bad news he had been expecting.

His Fourth Uncle, Yue Ling, still had not come back. But he had sent a servant back.

According to this servant, the Yue Clan's Castle was now bustling with excitement. There were lanterns and banners decoration everywhere, and guests filled the house to the doors.

The reason was that the Second Branch Family son, Yue Feng, had successfully contracted a grimoire at six years old. Even the Four Great Sects had came to their house to offer him a place at their Schools. Other than the Fairy Spirit Pavilion who only took in women, Eastern Ocean Crystal Palace, Southern Mountains Floating Mist Sect, Western Lion Pagoda and Northern Moon Fairy Pavilion, had all sent people to offer him a place. Even the Emperor and Empress had sent people to congratulate them. All of the government officials had also came to pay their respects. Every member of the Yue Family Clan was busy with the social interactions, even Yue Ling had to remain behind to help out.

With regards to the [Spirit Beast Awakening Knowledge Pill] that costs a thousand gold, the Lord of Yue Clan had ordered Yue Ling to give it to Yue Feng as a present.

"Since little Ninth was offerred a place with the East, South, West, these three Great Sects, why didn't grandpa and Second Uncle send someone to inform us to join their celebration?" Yue Bing paled when she heard the news. Although she was still young, she had already understood a few of worldly wisdom.

"Even if grandpa ignores the families in-fighting he wouldn't order uncle to give up the pill." Yue Yang said through gritted teeth. "Grandfather is probably busy elsewhere it's that hypocrite First Uncle who seized the pill with a valid reason and chose not to invite us."

"It's okay, it's just a banquet. It doesn't matter if we don't go. As long as our San-er can be successful in the future, everything's okay." The beautiful woman's eyes were a little red. Though she didn't forget to admonish Yue Yang about insulting his elders.

The main house had now shown their contempt to her Fourth Branch Family clearly, but she was not disheartened.

Yue Yang felt bitter in his heart, Hua Xian was far too good natured and passive. He also couldn't understand why his two uncles kept trying to suppress them. Bing'er was an unwanted widow who could only contract what others considered trash beasts and he himself was considered trash among trash. Why did they keep suppressing them when they clearly weren't a threat? Did they think that Shuang'er might turn the situation around if she was somehow a super genius? Whatever their reasons Yue Yang couldn't wait till he could smack them around.

"Fourth Madam, Fourth Master luck was not that good. When he tried to pick a monster for Third Master in a lucky draw, he only drew this." The old servant was a little uneasy as he said this. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times, then offered the beautiful woman an embroidered box with trembling hands.

"Quintet Puppet Mice? This, isn't this a sham? This Quintet Puppet Mice were all level 1 special-type monsters, other than scouting, they had no use at all! Furthermore, even if it is a one-monster-contract, it's equivalent to contracting five monsters at once, it could only waste the pages in the grimoire. There are countless high quality puppet-type monsters in the Clan's treasury, there is the level 3 Bronze Battle Wolf and the level 4 Silver Battle Tiger. Why did grandpa give us this monster? Is this First Uncle's and Second Uncle's scheme? What gives them the right to give this to Third Brother?" Yue Bing snatched the box and opened it, her face turning pale at once. Her voice sharply turned high-pitched, as she became unusually furious.

Before the beautiful woman could admonish her she was distracted by a joyous laugh.

"Haha, who cares if it's a scheme of theirs, haven't they failed miserably this time?" Yue Yang laughed happily as he summoned his primary grimiore and contracted the mice instantly. Before Yue Bing could complain at him he showed off the new addition to his grimiore. All five mice were present on a single page.

"Just because those idiot elder don't know how to use this puppet doesn't make it useless. These fellas are a priceless treasure hunting troop."

Yue Yang was about to explain their abilities, but was silenced by Hua Xian's harsh scolding. She felt that this son of hers had become increasingly brazen and rude to his elders from the main house, but she really couldn't blame him for that.

After being scolded by Fouth Mother, Yue Yang finally told them all about the abilities of the Quintent Seeking Puppet Mice. They were literally perfect scouts and treasure hunters.

Hua Xian didn't let the relief she felt after hearing about the mices abilities show, instead she turned and spoke to the servant who brought them news and said, "Uncle Zhong, please return to the Lord of Yue and deliver him the Fourth Branch's daughter-in-law and San-er's gratitude for this reward. If San-er became famous in the future, he will definitely return this act of kindness. He will not let the efforts that the Lord had poured into raising him be wasted."

Listening to the beautiful woman's words, the servant, known as Uncle Zhong, nodded his head and assured her that he would do as she said. Then, he bowed to her respectfully as he took out a signatured piece of banknote decorated with silver lines.

This money was the Yue Clan's reward from the elders for every family member who had successfully contracted a grimoire.

With this piece of signatured banknote, Yue Yang could go to any bank in the big cities to withdraw one hundred gold.

Yue Yang was also excited about this, if he took that money and bought a few beasts then raised them to Bronze Rank without contracting them, he could sell them back for 10x the price. Although to others he would be making a huge loss, for him though its just a matter of using Innate Qi to jumpstart their evolution. And if that lowers the beasts overall potential, how was it his problem? What he needed to do the most urgently was make money. He also placated Yue Bing who was upset about him getting the minimum reward.

After returning to his room he immediately summoned the mice to begin searching for the Nirvana Seal. It just the work of a few seconds he now possessed his parents diaries and a the jade pendant which housed Empress Fei Wen Li.

Wearing the pendant he went to sleep and saw the scene he expected. The Sword Goddess was carrying the pendant while scrutinizing it, Yue Yang didn't interupt her and caught it hen she tossed it to him. He could now feel the exorbitant amounts of Spiritual Qi pouring out of the seal. It was thick enough to more than double his own training efficiency.

Time passed by as Yue Yang trained the second level of his Innate Invisible Sword Qi his well toned body began to become even more perfect, to the point that Hua Xian chastised him for focusing to much on his physical skills again. When he wasn't training he was telling stories to Yue Bing and Shuang'er, entertaining the two girls and going out to the town with them.

He had already secretly purchased a pair of wind wolves, contracting them with easily tradeable crystals. Other than feeding then common food, he pumped Innate Qi into them daily, causing them to rapidly level up into level 3 beasts. Although his original plan was too cultivate Bronze Ranked beasts to re-sell quickly he felt like that idea was no longer realistic. At the minimum he felt like he could power level the two to level 7 and perhaps use their cores to promote the Li siblings beasts. Afterall even if they were weak, they would have a lot of energy in their demon crystals.

Yue Yang only took a two months in order to complete the second stage of his Innate Invisible Sword Qi. Linking all of his acupoints together. With a sigh he thought about the nine stages of the Innate Invisible Sword Qi;

1: Linking Meridians

2: 108 Acupoints

3: Marvelous Way of the Heart

4: Mysterious 3 Styles

5: Yin-Yang Balance

6: 5 Insights Back to 1

7: Open Heavens Eyes

8: Mind Expansion

9: The Perfection of Complexity is Simplicity

10: Sword of Control

He personally believed he wouldn't experience any setbacks in his cultivation until the 8th stage. As for the Mind Expansion, he thought it was likely related to Supreme Will and the massive full harem enlightenment event from the original story. So it was something he wouldn't have to worry about until then.

His main focus was on cultivating the Hearts of Nature and Slaughter, before sublimating them into the Marvelous Way of the Heart. He was also thinking about how to cultivate Dou Dou. He hoped that it wouldn't be a situation where she was constantly sleeping to digest corpses and increase her power. Yue Yang want all of his beasts to grow and fight alongside him far more than the originals did.

After around two months Yue Bing needed to leave for her schools test in Tong Tian Tower, though before she left Yue Yang placed several Giant Shadows into hers for protection. He had already secretly done the same for Hua Xian and Shuang'er. After seeing her off Yue Yang continued his training while spoiling Shuang'er for another month. Trying to keep close to the timeline. He decided it was time to go sign up at the mercenaries guild and hope that he met one of his future wives.

He left the house in the dead of night, dressed as a thief and boldly walked into the mercenaries guild. He didn't bother with the rabble in the guild as he took a quick look around and spotted who he was looking for. The nickname Bright Eyed Thief truely did suit her, was what Yue Yang thought as he moved to the counter and asked.

"Excuse me, could you tell more about the steps needed to register as a mercenary?"

"Pay up, then fill out this form. If you have extra money, you can buy a 'Mercenary Heavenly Badge'. Every time you complete a mission, it'll record your accumulated points, and naturally raise your Mercenary Rank. However, this would cost an additional fee of 10 silver coins." The greasy old bald man at the counter said in a bored tone.

"I don't know how to write. Can you help me fill it out? I, I'll pay 1 silver coin." Yue Yang originally didn't want to bother with this part, but it was considered as an ice breaker for Yi Nan.

"I can help you fill it out, but you need to pay me 3 silver coins."

Yue Yang immediately decided to comeback and kill this old bastard later. However he wouldn't feed him to Dou Dou for fear that she would get sick.

He showed a pitiful expression and begged, "Three is too much. Two silver, I'll pay two silver. Can you please help me to fill out this form?"

"Offering two silver to ask someone to fill a form for you, was your head kicked in by a mule? He's a staff member; from the beginning, he had the duty to help fill our forms for people who can't write like you. An idiot like you wants to become a thief? You'll die of starvation first. What's your name?" Yi Nan had approached to stop the debacle and Yue Yang quietly chuckled in his heart.

"You'll help me fill it out? Thanks, Brother. Thank you so much." Yue Yang's expression was full of gratitude as he reached out to hug the other party.

"Stop, otherwise I'll kick you out through the door… Idiot, tell me, what's your name?" The thief with bright eyes immediately gave an angry look at Yue Yang when he heard 'brother'.

"My name is Titan Yue" Yue Yang didn't mind giving himself this rather cool name here.

"Titan? What kind of weird name is that? I feel like I've heard it somewhere before…" The bright-eyed thief knitted her beautiful brows.

"Titans are Giants, the strongest kind of giants. I named myself that way because I want to become a giant among men and 'Yue' because I will be active under the moonlight." Yue Yang quickly made up a reasonable sounding excuse for his chuunibiyo sounding name.

Yi Nan was speechless at this. If that was true, then mentally remembering it was good enough. Why was it necessary to make such a lamentable thought into a name?

The bright eyed thief cunningly smiled at Yue Yang and lightly snorted, then fluidly helped him fill out the form with his name, gender, and occupation. The thief then asked: "How old are you this year?"

"20 years old and looking for a wife, she must be an outstanding beauty and be willing to offer advice on my poems, another persons opinion is always beneficial!" Yue Yang wasn't willing to be as shameless as the original, but he would be shameless if it was necessary.

Yi Nan had filled out the form as Yue Yang blabbered on, she felt like leaving immediately, but became curious. "You write poems?"

Yue Yang had written some poems in his past life, but for the sake of his future happiness he decided to plagiarize. He spoke out 'Quiet Nights Thought' to Yi Nan, before mentally celebrating. He had finally maxed out Apprentice Bard and could choose another job or the higher ranked Adept Bard. He put that aside for now and continued talking with Yi Nan who was impressed by the poem. When both left the tavern Yue Yang smiled wolfishly.

"Little Sister, if you actually want to be a theif you need to learn not to leave traces." Yue Yang laughed.

Yi Nan was stunned for a moment before she flushed red, "Y-you knew I was a girl and still called me 'Brother'!"

"Ofcourse, who could confuse a girl as beautiful as you with a man? I just felt like teasing you." Yue Yang laughed again. Just as Yi Nan was about to run away he called out again, "I hope to see you again, Bright Eyed Thief."

After watching an angry and embarrassed Yi Nan run off Yue Yang went to meet with An Xi to get his bloodrose map. He gave all the exact same answers as the originals, but was more respectful to the old man.

After designating 'Rock' as his target for the night Yue Yang finally decided on his next class, Apprentice Rune Mage. While there was technically no magic in this world Yue Yang was looking forward to discovering what all he could do with Runes.

Rock, who was on the Vengeance Hunters wanted list, didn't actually hide himself. He publicly walked around on the streets, casually drinking some yellow wine.

If it was another murderer on the Wanted List, perhaps they'd be afraid an Assassin would come to take their lives.

However, he was a strong mercenary that had a high-ranking supporter behind him. A normal Assassin would not be willing to go through the trouble of killing him for only five gold. Thus, he had always been living quite comfortably. He had only betrayed and killed some of his companions for money, this barely meant anything. With money offered in front of them, who wouldn't do something like that? In the future if he had time, he'd probably rape his deceased companions' wives and then kill off their children. Let's see who would still dare to chase him for vengeance…

Rock was extremely proud of himself. He had already gotten tipsy after too many glasses of drinks, and now he felt like he a powerful Ranker. A Ranker would be able to do whatever his heart pleased, right?

Just as Rock was proudly smiling at himself, he noticed a small masked thief was standing on the deserted street. The thief's eyes twinkled like stars, and with a voice as clear as water, he asked. "You are the Rock on the Vengeance List?"

"Are you an assassin? Have you come to exact vengeance on me?" Rock immediately awoke from his drunken stupor.

Although his demeanor reeked of arrogance, he wasn't exactly stupid and had absolutely zero interest in adding his name to the list of those idiots who had succumbed to their negligence.

Though Rock's appearance suggested that he had engaged in quite a few hours of drunken revelry, he still retained a calm and lucid mind and quickly composed himself. As a mercenary, particularly one that had betrayed his comrades, he did not desire to meet his maker before he had enjoyed all his ill-gotten gains. As one who usually took advantage of others' drunk state, he prided himself on not making the same mistakes as his victims.

Just because there hadn't been any assassins on his tail recently, didn't mean that he had lowered his guard. "Always be alert" was a mantra that all the mercenaries drilled into themselves, especially those who wanted to maintain their 'alive' status.

Yue Yang displayed a relaxed disposition and requested him in a friendly manner. "If you don't mind then I would like to borrow your head for a while . . . and exchange it for some gold. If you have any last words, you can say them now. I am in no particular hurry"

"You brat! You intend to take me on all alone. HAHA." Rock began to convulse into laughter as if he had heard the world's funniest joke.

"Oh, those are your last words? You indeed have the virtue of being concise and precise. Now then allow me to send you to the afterlife." Yue Yang lazily stretched his arms and began to draw closer to Rock.

"Stone Skin" Rock yelled out as he produced a black crystal from his pocket and began chanting.

Immediately a large amount of black light began condensing in the crystal into some type of fog. It rapidly rushed out to form an enormous and dark-skinned stone man that opened its arms and 'embraced' Rock's body.

Within a blink, it merged with Rock's body and his body reflected the resultant transformation. His body had gained the same dark shade as the stone man and evidently his skin had transformed into armor.

After watching his prey prepare itself, Yue Yang was struck with inspiration. Since that Element type beast was merged with Rock, perhaps he could use The Worlds control over elements and his Innate Qi to transform the beast into pure energy and merge it with its masters cultivation? Yue Yang vaguely recalled that Rock should be a Advanced Braveman, level 2. If he merged the Rockskin with his cultivation and purified it with his own Qi could he make Rock a better fertilizer?

These ideas may never have occurred to the original, because when he fought it was often against opponents he couldn't kill or were too strong for him to experiment on. With a smirk he dashed towards Rock, avoiding a strike from his axe before striking the fool on the head. The energy of Yue Yang's strike shook his brain and caused him to collapse.

Yue Yang truely felt this was too easy, he summoned out The World and channeled his Innate Qi into it, sending it the idea of what he wanted to do. The World floated silently around his grimiore for a few seconds then raced over to Rocks body. It happened like Yue Yang had hoped. While the fusion between the two was shoddy at best The World managed to control and mix the Qi of the two, slowly into one. Yue Yang had to charge it with Innate Qi several times, but it finally succeeded.

Feeling pleased that his idea worked, Yue Yang called out Dou Dou and let her swallow the now level 3 beginner hero whole. He idly wondered if that would be enough energy for her first evolution as he recalled his summons and went home.

He also made a note to use The Worlds energy control to try and evolve the two useless wind wolves he had into storm wolves.


The next night Yue Yang was prepared to go after Tie Kuang. This was part of a tragedy that he intended to stop from happening, he wouldn't let these tavern girls die. This was their karmic reward for saving Hua Xian and Shuang'er in a different timeline.

Yue Yang went to the Eastern Tavern and entered, but after looking all around, he was unable to find any girls with breasts as round and big as a soccer ball.

However, he was able to find a few girls with breasts as big as papayas.

He had barely beckoned before a few 'papaya ladies' surrounded him, pleasantly surprised: "Is Young Master looking to have some fun? What would you like to play? Do you want a twosome or threesome?"

"Looking down on me? This Young Master had you all covered!" Yue Yang tossed out a handful of silver coins, causing the surrounding women's eyes to light up. A few of the 'papaya ladies' shrieked upon seeing the money. Aside from snatching the falling money with a thief's speed, they excitedly began to surround Yue Yang in a sea of breasts, practically suffocating him to death.

Seeing that Yue Yang had then went out out of the door with the army of big-breasted ladies, all the men in the tavern were extremely envious of that little thief's luck with women.

An orgy?

Not bad!

At the same time, they were a bit worried about the little thief's body. They inwardly thought, wouldn't this little fellow be completely drained by these girls' insatiable lust?

The men inside the tavern began to laugh heartily. If that was so, then the cleaning staff would probably have to throw his little skeleton body out the next day. Even if that little thief survived this ordeal, he probably wouldn't be able to get up from bed for at least another month…

As for the 'papaya ladies' vitality-sucking skill, they had all experienced it before. Enduring one of them alone was pretty difficult, let alone a group of them!

If the ladies rushed at him from all sides, he will have no choice but to arrive at death's door!

At the corner of the tavern, the little bright-eyed thief that helped Yue Yang fill out the forms yesterday night quietly sat. When the bright eyed thief saw Yue Yang struggling happily in the sea of breasts, she spat in disdain.

However, suddenly, everyone saw the (condemned to die) little thief walked back in, before they could even finish one cup of wine.

No way?

That fast?

Did he has some divine skills?

Even if this thief was a quick shot, this was still too darn fast!

If he finished that quickly, why did he want so many girls? Wasn't one enough?

"Brother, did you even take off your pants?" One of the men asked in curiosity, while another shouted loudly, "You are too wasteful. If you can't do it yourself, you can ask us for help! We would gladly help you. Brother, don't you think that you're wasting money this way?"

"My dear older brothers, I am just an errand boy who was helping someone to call those ladies… How could I engage in an orgy, such a good occasion?" Yue Yang snickered as he replied.

"Tsk!" Everyone clicked their tongue.

They had thought that he was a rich young master, and been jealous of him for so long. They hadn't expected that he was only an errand boy.

However, once they thought about it, they realized this made sense as well. If this scamp really had money, it would be weird if he was willing to spend it all on these girls for an orgy!

Yue Yang understood how to win people's hearts. He fished out 2 silvers, threw it on the table, and loudly declared, "Meeting everyone together here today was fate. Hence, I'll use the commission I gained tonight to treat all of you brothers to a drink. At the same time, let's pray that bastard dies from excessive ejaculation…"

Everyone smiled in satisfaction at these words.

Everyone thought this little thief had a glib tongue and was quick-witted.

Since he was treating them to a drink, they would definitely not hold back. They all raised their glasses and cheered.

The bright-eyed thief sitting in the corner inwardly snorted to herself. She didn't try to take any liberties with the sexily-dressed bar girls who showed their cleavages and wore rabbit ears as they went about serving the wines.

Suddenly, Yue Yang sat on the opposite side of her table, laughing heartily as he said, "Little sister we meet again, should I give you another lesson?"

"Why did you come to bother me?" Yi Nan rolled her eyes at him and was prepared to get up when she heard him speak.

"The lesson is, that you don't always need strength to kill a person, but it always helps." Yue Yang smiled as he watched her twitch t his words.

"How do you know I want to kill someone?" Yi Nan asked curiously.

"I didn't know for sure till just now." Yue Yang lied easily. "Little sister is really naive and since your eyes are big and expressive, it's easy to see your emotions."

Hearing his words Yi Nan grimaced, she had given her ownself away.

"So little sister, who do you want dead? I'm quite strong you know, perhaps I could help?." Yue Yang asked since he sincerely couldn't remember who Yi Nan was after. Just the events that happened during the fight.

another long one... *falls over* once again any beasts or class ideas for the MC and his allies? Should Bing'er get a Golden Crowned Thorny Flower Queen? His Guardian Beasts Phantom Shadow and The World are OP as heck in the soaring dragon continent. i can't wait for The World to reach Heaven Rank 1 so i can jokingly call it The World Over Heaven.

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