

i swear this is the definitive reboot. and there is quite a bit of CP to save time instead of complete rewriting conversations. though it is changed as necessary. this will change as the MCs personality slowly changes the conversations and plots directions.

CraftingManiac · Others
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7 Chs

Sword Goddess! Yue Bing! Shocking Display!

Hazily, he entered the imaginary space in his mind when he made the contract with his summoning grimoire earlier. When he was thinking of ways to bring the flying sword out, that shining flying sword suddenly turned into a beautiful goddess wearing a white, heavenly gown. Its long, white sash danced in the wind and as her slender, beautiful legs danced lightly on the ground. Gracefully moving her wrist, her long dainty fingers danced in the air. Her slim waist moved beautifully as the unmatched beauty danced in front of Yue Yang. Watching such a magical scene, Yue Yang was completely mesmerized.

The white-gowned goddess continued to dance gracefully, as beautiful as lotus flowers in a pond. As her hands danced a thousand moves, her beauty could not be described with words.

A big, beautiful rainbow appeared behind the goddess suddenly as thousands of fresh flowers bloomed, drifting in the wind like a butterfly. Yue Yang had thought that it was the magnificent ending to the goddess' dance performance and was preparing to give her a standing ovation, when suddenly that goddess unleashed an transparent sword Qi from her fingers through the empty space. The attack was extremely powerful, able to separate the heaven and earth. Seeing how the beautiful goddess had a power that could shake the earth.

Suddenly, the goddess turned her beautiful body and in a flash, she was right in front of Yue Yang. Her pearl white hands that had the power to destroy the heavens, suddenly seemed to condense the power of thousands of swords in it. And her finger was pointed at Yue Yang's forehead…

"Gah!" Yue Yang bolted up with sweat pouring down his face. Even though he new what to expect it didn't lower the terrifying feeling he had experienced. Again he reaffirmed, to the truely powerful, the existences on the soaring dragon continent were truely no different than ants.

As he ruminate d on the Sword Qi the Sword Goddess had displayed he was shocked to find his secondary grimiore manifest and open to the first page. There he saw something that made him happy beyond words and also conflicted. Two of his [Penta-Star Inherent Skills]

[Growth]: You are a fresh sprout, having just broken through the ground. Will you weather the storms to become a towering tree? Or be bent and broken by the tides of fate? Your Inherent Skill current level is 2.

[Sword]: You are the bone of your sword. Glass is your heart, steel your flesh and fire your blood. Having survived a thousand battles, your blade grows ever sharper. Your Inherent Skill current level is 3.

.... Why? Why did his Sword Inherent Skill make him sound like Emiya Shirou? Although he liked Unlimited Blade Works he didn't want to become a hero of justice!

After finishing his short existential crisis, he began to wonder if he could get the Sword Goddess to demonstrate her skills again? There was actually such a great way to power level his Inherent Skills. However he suspected that she wouldn't let him power level his skills that way.

After thinking for a moment he targeted himself and spoke, "Grant Class."

Looking at the expansive list of available classes he could take, his eyes stopped on Apprentice Swordsman. If he took that class he would gain positive modifiers for the growth of sword techniques. It would likely form a loop with his Growth, Sword and Innate Invisible Sword Qi, allowing him to quickly max his Apprentice Swordsman level. After which he could take a higher Swordsman type job and continue the loop for quick growth.

However he disliked the fact that the original did basically everything by himself, so he crossed that out immediately from his choices. After giving it some thought he had narrowed down his choices to Apprentice; Scribe, Bard and Enchanter.

The first and third choice was for not only languages, but to increase his ability to understand and comprehend Runes. And the second was to make his stories and poems more enthralling to hit on girls. He needed to pick one of these to to begin practicing the relevant skills more quickly. After another minute of thought, Yue Yang decides to select Apprentice Bard.

[Class Apprentice Bard 0/10]

<<Speech I>> <<Music I>> <<Poetry I>> <<Storytelling I>>

After looking at the for skills that Bard aided in improving, he nodded. Although he wouldn't be able to change classes until he maxed Bards level, he wasn't worried. He actually new hundreds of stories, poems and music that he could rip off to increase its level. Shamelessness for the win!

After calming down he went back to sleep since cultivating in the dream world was more efficient. The Heavenly Sword Goddess would instruct him with the skill and then disappear immediately. At first, the process of assimilating the [Spiritual Energy] from the earth and the atmosphere was extremely slow. Even after trying to absorb for the whole day, he only managed to collect a few drops.

He slept as much as he could to train and then spoiled the young girl when he couldn't sleep anymore. The beautiful woman visited him a few times but had found him deep asleep. She thought that Yue Yang's body had become very weak after trying to drown himself, so much that he needed to rest and sleep that much.

Sometimes she would see Yue Yang meditating seriously. She thought that he was training his summoning skills diligently, and felt extremely glad.

After several days he received news about a minor matter that he had forgotten. The beautiful woman told him a good news. "San-er, your Fourth Uncle had heard the news that you had successfully made a contract with a summoning grimoire. He was extremely ecstatic and had went to our Clan's Main Castle to report the good news to our clan elder. He would come back in a few days. Also, with the one thousand gold we had saved these few years, he had managed to buy a [Spirit Beast Awakening Knowledge Pill] from the Floating Mist Market. We believe it would help a lot with your training if you took the pill. You could even be promoted to level 2 and break into a new realm, advancing from your current [Beginner] rank."

"Fourth Mother no! Tell him to return it quick! Those assholes in the first and second branches definitely won't let Fourth Uncle bring that here, they'll find a reason to take it!" Yue Yang was kicking himself mentally for forgetting about this situation.

"San-er! You shouldn't talk about your elders that way!" Hua Xian was extremely shocked, Yue Yang had never used such language before and had never spoken badly against his elders. She wanted to scold him more, however the face of sadness he was making softened her heart. Perhaps he was just trying to strongly refuse it due to the price?

I have already written a letter to ask Bing'er to take a leave from her school and come back home. She could teach you some basic summoning skills. I think she would be back by tomorrow, maybe you can check if you need to prepare anything. Fourth Mother knows you are hardworking, but don't train too much, you have to know your own limits. Rest well tonight, don't meditate anymore."

Yue Yang obediently went to bed early and trained in his dreams.

On the afternoon the next day, the servant girl who would usually quietly withdrew after serving his meals, suddenly spoke out, "Master San, the madame has asked you to come out for lunch."

Yue Yang followed her out to the residence hall and saw the beautiful woman sobbing endlessly, embracing a girl covered with black clothings.

The usually mischievous small girl acted well-behaved for once, sitting on her chair quietly eating her food. Her little hands held her chopsticks unsteadily as she tried putting grain by grain of rice into her small mouth, sprinkling the rice all over the table and her mouth. Yue Yang saw that the girl in black was actually still young-looking, around 14-15 years old. Her features were a little similar to the beautiful woman's, but hers were a little more childish.

Her doe eyes were a little red as tears poured down her pale white cheeks. When she saw Yue Yang, she immediately wiped her tears and covered her face with a black veil.

Yue Yang sighed in his heart. He walked up to Yue Bing and pulled her into a hug. Rubbing the back of her head he spoke, "Sorry Bing'er, it has been tough right? Until now your elder brother has been useless, but don't worry. From now on you can count on me."

Yue Bing froze as she was pulled into his hug and took several seconds before she realized what was happening and wanted to struggle free. Yue Yang let her go quickly enough and enjoyed her blushing face a bit.

"San-ge, congratulations." Yue Bing whispered softly as she moved to go to her room.

"Your San-ge is not a stranger. Bing-er, don't eat in your room, let us all eat together as a family here." The beautiful woman pulled Yue Bing back to her seat.

"Yes." Yue Bing hesitated a little but pulled off her veil in the end. Holding her bowl and chopsticks, she slowly ate her food mouthful by mouthful. Suddenly, she asked Yue Yang, "San-ge, what kind of Guardian Spirit Beast did you receive?"

"It's the special-type, Phantom Shadow." Yue Yang answered.

"Special-type… I'm not that good with it. I'm just a part-time student in my school, so I've only studied the fighting-type. I don't know a single thing about the special-type." Yue Bing was silent for a while, and then she continued, "Otherwise, I could teach you basic summoning skills to summon a Spitting Thorny Flower, but that would waste one page of your summoning grimoire."

"That's no problem." Yue Yang told her with a smile. Why would it be? The original could cultivate it into a goddess of flowers why would he be unable too?

Yue Bing wasn't a talkative person. She quietly nodded and finished the food in her bowl. Then, the little girl suddenly stood on her chair and reached out her chopsticks to take the smoked fish that was located furthest from her. Looking at her, one hand trying to stretch out her chopsticks and the other hand balancing herself on the table, Yue Yang couldn't help but feel afraid that she would accidentally fell. The beautiful woman hit her hand lightly and scolded her for not having manners. The little girl trembled with shock, but she had still managed to take a big piece of smoked fish. Chest puffing up, she smiled with a pleased expression, then turned her body towards Yue Yang and stuck her tongue out.

Who would knew, she was so pleased with herself that she forgot she was still standing on the chair. The chair shook a little and her legs lose their balance, causing her to fall on the ground as she shouted out, "AH!"

Yue Yang immediately put down his bowl and used the kind of catching technique to save a basketball from being out of bounds. He reached out his two hands to support her head and her bum before the small girl fell flat on the ground.

The sudden movement and weight caused his body to produce a few cracking noises as he caught her.

Luckily his hands was still stable and the small girl did not slip off from his hands.

"San-gege is so cool!" The small girl was so shocked that her whole face turned white, but in just a moment, she had forgotten the whole spectacle of her falling from the chair. Instead, she climbed onto Yue Yang's body, latching on to him like a koala, giggling happily.

The beautiful woman snapped out from her shock and stood up angrily, intending to scold this little imp.

The small girl didn't wait for the scolding and quickly ran away.

"San-er, are you injured?" The beautiful woman reached out her hands to help Yue Yang up.

"No, I'm fine. I've been practicing sword skills and martial arts for years, how could this hurt me?" He laughed a little as he flexed. Actually he had already almost completed the first stage of his Innate Invisible Sword Qi and thankfully he differed from the original Yue Yang in another way.

Instead of shedding his skin and gaining a moon white jade complexion, which he considered very effeminate, his skin remained a healthy wheat color. He had also began developing tight, but pronounced muscles like a cross between a male model and professional swimmer. It did great things for his ego.

"Ah, San-ge you practice martial arts? Then you should definitely try to get a strengthening type beast in the future. I have practiced a few as well, but my reaction speed is much less than yours." Yue Bing said as she took a pose for thinking.

"Haha, you don't have to worry about that. My Phantom Shadow also has skills for strengthening." Yue Yang couldn't help but brag a bit. After all he really was abnormally strong right now.

Hua Xian gave Yue Yang a delicious smelling piece of pork ribs and said, "San-er, it has been hard on you trying to hide your martial art training from us. You don't have a summoning grimoire last time, so there was nothing that could be done about it. However, now, you already have a summoning grimoire, so you should place more importance in improving your summoning skills. You could still train sparingly, but don't train so much that you hinder the progress of your summoning skills."

After lunch Yue Bing brought Yue Yang to the back courtyard to teach him basic summoning skills.

The small girl stuck out her head and looked around, thinking of stirring trouble. But unfortunately she was caught by the beautiful woman and spanked in the butt several times.

Yue Bing raised her hands and summoned her summoning grimoire.

Her summoning grimoire was similar to Yue Yang's grimoire, copper in colour. However, after years of practice and battles, she had surpassed the Intermediate Rank and rose up to the Advanced Rank. Her Advanced Ranked summoning grimoire emitted a brighter luster than Yue Yang's Beginner Ranked summoning grimoire. It was also thicker and smoother in texture. The illustration on Yue Bing's Advanced Ranked summoning grimoire also looked more vivid than Yue Yang's. Just from the outer appearance itself, it was obvious that their levels were vastly different.

"I will now give you the Spitting Thorny Flower…San-ge, you have to receive it in your mind." She touched her Advanced Grimoire to Yue Yang's Beginner Grimoire and a bright light flickered.

As Yue Yang received it in his mind, his summoning grimoire suddenly turned its pages by itself.

lls7-2In the previously blank third page, there was an illustration of a weird looking flower. On top of the page, these words were written:

Spitting Thorny Flower – Fighting Type

Level 1


When Yue Yang saw this, he felt a weird connection with his soul. Faintly, as if listening to a call, he reached out his hands and touched the Spitting Thorny Flower illustration. In the next moment, a bright light suddenly shone from beneath his hands, and rays of light escaped through the gaps in his fingers. The light then started to envelop the back of his hands and towards his arms. At the same time, the related knowledge of Spitting Thorny Flower Beast appeared in his mind.

"…" Yue Bing'e eyes widened at the sight of this. She hadn't even told him how to make a contract with a beast in the plant category, how could he contracted it already? And the weirdest thing was that he did not chant any summoning incantation.

Could it be that San-ge, who was labeled a loser by others, had already attained the realm of chantless contract? Yue Bing decided to observe quietly.

She felt that her San-ge was not the loser that other people sneered at, he could possibly be an extraordinary genius, the real deal.

"Can you summon the Spitting Thorny Flower?" Yue Bing deliberately did not tell him how to summon the thorny flower. Although summoning the thorny flower was an easy skill to grasp, it would still be difficult if one did not know the method of summoning. This was because the method to summon a plant category, insect category, animal category, beast category and etc were totally different from each other. A student may be proficient in summoning monsters from all sorts of categories, but if he did not learn how to summon a monster from the plant category, he would still have a hard time summoning them. Even if it was the easiest monster, the Spitting Thorny Flower.

"Alright." How could Yue Yang not know what this little girl was thinking about? He placed his hand on the Spitting Thorny Flower's illustration and closed his eyes. He then tried to connect his soul with the Spitting Thorny Flower.

A golden light flashes as a purple flower with a green stalk and giant leaves slowly appeared a metre in front of Yue Yang. It grew out until it was around a metre tall before stopping.

Seeing the Spitting Thorny Flower, Yue Yang could barely contain his excitement, this weak beast had immeasurable potential afterall. Its appearance looked almost like those man-eating flower monsters that usually appeared in games. The flower only had two petals that looked like a beast's mouth, with hundreds of sharp teeth inside. It looked extremely scary. He could see a green and slimy looking liquid inside the flower that smelled very bad. Looks like it was a type of poison. Other than the flower petals that looked like a beast's mouth, this Spitting Thorny Flower was filled with thorns all over its body. Yue Yang actually reached out his hand fearlessly and pet its head.

"Although right now you aren't much, I will definitely raise you into a splendid and beautiful beast." And although he said these words, he had actually activated two of his Inherent Skills. Both Nurture and Grant Class. He wasn't surprised at the class list this time and immediately chose her class.

[Dou Dou - Class Apprentice Archer 0/10]

<<Accuracy I>> <<Vision I>> <<Range Expansion I>> <<Reflex I>>

Although those growths seemed to be useless, Yue Yang intended to do more while cultivating her than just constantly feed her corpses.

On the other side, Yue Bing's eyes almost popped out of its sockets.

She thought, San-ge was indeed a genius! He had never went to school before and never learnt the method to summon a monster from a plant category. But he managed to summon the Spitting Thorny Flower out with telepathy!

When Yue Yang looked up at her, the little miss quickly changed her expression, pretending as if nothing had happened. She did not praise Yue Yang nor cried out in surprise. Her expressions was normal, as if all of these were nothing out of the ordinary.

The little Miss Yue Bing even said, "Your summoning speed is a little slow, but since it's your first time, it's okay, I guess…"

Yue Yang hearing that had to struggle not to laugh. This little girl didn't know, but if she had praised the original here, he might have cultivated his beasts more actively.

He scratched the back of his head and replied the little miss, "Actually, I think it's already good that I could summon it out. What should we do next?"

Looking at his reaction, Yue Bing giggled secretly. But on the outside, she acted like "I am the teacher", and immediately summoned her Spitting Thorny Flower. 

Yue Bing gestured with her hands and pointed towards the walls nearby. "Try to make the Spitting Thorny Flower attack a target. The Spitting Thorny Flower has the ability to spit poison at a chosen target." This little miss, in order to test Yue Yang, had once again left out the instructions on how to make the thorny flower attack a target.

Knowing this little misses plot, Yue Yang decided not to play along. He approached Dou Dou and placed his hand on her. He quickly synchronized their thoughts and did something that caused poor Yue Bing to nearly faint from shock. He executed Division Propagation and Take Root. Causing two others Thorny Flowers to appear and link up with Dou Dou. With just a thought while targeting a brick on the wall and having the three of them spit a glob of poison at it. Needless to say they all missed, but he wasn't bothered by that.

As he turned to look at Yue Bing he barely held back laughter after seeing her jaw dropped expression.

so i managed to get another in while doing laundry. here ya go. any recommendations for Yue Yang his beasts and companions future Classes? keep in mind Yue Yang has chosen not to take warrior related classes. and a note, the classes do not grant skills. Accuracy I indicates that the class helps develop the possessers aim, by around 5%. so Dou Dou the thorny flower, through practice would find her accuracy increase 5% faster. all of these class development skills are passive.

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