
Re:Life in my Ideal World

This is meant as a casual autobiography mixed with financial and sexual wish fulfillment. The character will start to impact events with a cell phone (connected to modern internet) and untraceable email with links to directly influence businesses and governments. There will also be a religious shift to angle towards separation of Church and State (Ideal world), and some plot armor cheats like STD immunity and pregnancy cheats (controlled by the female instead of the MC). This evolves into more elaborate cheats as needed. Don't expect quick updates. The research needed for my intended impact on the world will be pretty extensive, as is my reading addiction, and i also work a full time job. Yes, i have loosely based the characters on real people and events (mostly personality stereotypes and the typical basis of flawed memories. Names and locations outside of the public domain will be altered enough to at least give plausible deniability. Please keep in mind that the personal relationships and characters will be greatly altered by the wish fulfillment part of the story. i will also give some discretion about some characters getting sex scenes to the audience, but still with my preferences prioritized. This story will include some sadly historical topics including: drugs, alcohol, and the murder and suicide of people that i've known; as well as the known events in pop culture. The character will also share my political, religious, hetereoflexible sexuality, and hometown first views. If a democratic leaning libertarian, that doesn't like the Christian beliefs, and favors Dallas, Texas above all other cities might offend you; you have been warned. For legal purposes all sexually active characters are over 18 Earth years in this fictional universe, but in view of the laws of this fantasy world the girls must either be within 3 years +/- their partner's age, or all characters must be of legal age in this universe as well. (presumed that each year and month in the alternate universe is twice as long as a method to make the sexual content match the laws) To balance that it is presumed that all money in this world is worth twice as much as in our world (less inflated). There will be no declared relationships, so NTR in either direction won't matter to the main character. In regards to Yuri, the main character will encourage it during multiple partner scenarios, but will not care about it otherwise. i created a discord to discuss the novel and other things we like, but i suck at using it. If you want to join it, comment on a chapter, and i'll try to send an invite.

some_Phreak · History
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1994 Daily Life and Impacts in OK, TX part 2

Oklahoma has always been my favorite place to live since i had some of my favorite family members with me, and it was a very relaxed environment. We started the school year with my sister Corina in the same grade as one of my exes, Sloan, and Reena in the same grade as the other ex. There was also another girl in Reena's grade who was interested in me, but in this life, i will not aim at these younger girls. They do not meet my desired minimum age for sex (barely in the acceptable age range), and relationships that don't lead to sex will not be a priority in this life.

Lyanna moved back soon after we did. In our grade, we had Lyanna, her adopted Wiccan sister, two other boys, and me in a group. Sloan would also join our group regularly. There is also a set of fraternal twins who are either too poor to bathe regularly or are completely neglected in our class. i will hand a card to the female twin for Ms. Lee and encourage her to call the number if she needs help. Apparently, she took my help since they disappeared from class for about a month and returned looking much better.

i will remind Lyanna of us being together in preschool and Sloan in Kindergarten. I will use that as an excuse to be both around them and more affectionate towards them. Then, i will use the known situations to be intimate with Lyanna and Sloan. On the day that Lyanna wears a bodysuit that comes undone and flashes me, i will change my initial reaction from teasing her verbally into verbal appreciation and sexual teasing instead. With Sloan, i know she is a "whatever happens" kind of girl, so i will just push things in that direction whenever we're alone.

The downside to living in Oklahoma is that there weren't any social places to spend time with people our age, so church ended up being how most teens socialized. i will skip the church but instead pull the girls straight from school to the house that i had Ms. Lee buy by the school. This school year was over too soon, and we were forced to write an essay about burning the flag, which won me some money before summer. i will just let Reena take that money since she has to do the reading for me (i gave her half in the previous life).

The summer was similar to the typical summers, except that Damien moved to Marauder, TX, at this point. This was in a house that Ms. Lee had bought for him, and by this point, Winter's friends had already moved into the other house that i had Ms. Lee buy for them. This time, the swimming pool at Damien's house was actually in the ground instead of them having to purchase and maintain the above-ground pool. I will play guitar with Jake, play video games with Brayden, and flirt with Winter's brunette friend Anna (Brayden's age) while we swim and watch movies. i won't flirt with her blond sister in this life. The age range is too close to illegal, and i know there was no sexual interest there in my last life, and most importantly is that blonds are not my type by the time i move back to Dallas.

Right before summer ended, my mom returned to Oklahoma and got with Timmy's friend Matthew. i will let it "slip" that Bill has a house in Panther, Texas, that he would let my mom rent to own as long as it's in her name. In my original life, we lived in a trailer with too few rooms for the number of people there. We have a better house with a pool on the original seven acres. My mom will have a primarily sound-isolated master bedroom and bathroom with Matthew. Corina took the next biggest room, with me taking the normal-sized room for my bedroom set that i've had since childhood, a TV, a computer with music transcription and MIDI programs, and my instruments. We also have an extra room at this house because i know that Matthew's mom got injured, and my mom has to take care of her for a while.

My mom will work at the MaidAll local location, mostly taking her salary to clean my extra house by the school during school hours, on top of the wages from the "trust" we give her. Matthew only works sometimes since he was just a mediocre mechanic. Before we moved here, i made my sister Juliana take me to the mall to buy clothes for this year. i went the stoner/metal band shirt route this time to prevent the issue of my mom making me dress for stuff i'm not into. i also bought some slacks, dress shoes, and button-up shirts for my other style. At this point, i hadn't quite hit my growth spurt, so i was barely over 5 feet tall, but at least i wasn't utterly underweight like my last life. My muscles are still visible, i just look a little less skinny.

When school finally started, my first class was history, and in my original life, this was the most difficult class. The girl i was the most attracted to in this grade, Talia, was diagonally in front of me, so i could see her best asset almost the whole time that class was going on. In my original life, the struggle to keep my erection from showing in this class was pretty tricky. In this life, i know how to handle it better. Wearing looser pants and boxer briefs instead of just boxers or briefs helps a lot.

i'm still not that popular with people in my grade. However, like in my original life, the seniors talked to me and pulled me into the student council. During school, i hung out with the seniors during the first half of the year before i hung out with Talia's cousin during the half in 1995.

In this year the girls that i will push for intimacy with are: Talia, a brunette in my grade; Mya, a blond in my grade; and Maggie, my sister's best friend for the first year here. The other girls that i find attractive and within the legal limits, will still be here in the next few years. The first two will move, and the last one will no longer tolerate my sister's nonsense in the next year. My sister will also try to figure out who i like. i will give a similar response in this life, but instead of using this girl as a red herring, i will just say that the bitchiest girl in my grade has a nice ass and thighs (thick).

When that girl tries to make it into something, i will just laugh it off. i will admit that i'm an ass man, so i do tend to like girls to have bigger asses, thighs, and hips, but the most important thing is being able to get along with each other. i don't think she can get along with anyone.

This year i am also in the band; since i have more experience playing music, i will push into being the drum section lead and the lowest chair for trombone on songs with no drum parts. On the side, i will bring Midi files of K-pop songs that i "wrote" to see if the band director wants any of them to sight read, play in the stands, or march to over the next 3 years.

i plan to add more side story chapters at a later date, kpop band subplot. Original and new sketches of the house in the comments.

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