
Re:Life in my Ideal World

This is meant as a casual autobiography mixed with financial and sexual wish fulfillment. The character will start to impact events with a cell phone (connected to modern internet) and untraceable email with links to directly influence businesses and governments. There will also be a religious shift to angle towards separation of Church and State (Ideal world), and some plot armor cheats like STD immunity and pregnancy cheats (controlled by the female instead of the MC). This evolves into more elaborate cheats as needed. Don't expect quick updates. The research needed for my intended impact on the world will be pretty extensive, as is my reading addiction, and i also work a full time job. Yes, i have loosely based the characters on real people and events (mostly personality stereotypes and the typical basis of flawed memories. Names and locations outside of the public domain will be altered enough to at least give plausible deniability. Please keep in mind that the personal relationships and characters will be greatly altered by the wish fulfillment part of the story. i will also give some discretion about some characters getting sex scenes to the audience, but still with my preferences prioritized. This story will include some sadly historical topics including: drugs, alcohol, and the murder and suicide of people that i've known; as well as the known events in pop culture. The character will also share my political, religious, hetereoflexible sexuality, and hometown first views. If a democratic leaning libertarian, that doesn't like the Christian beliefs, and favors Dallas, Texas above all other cities might offend you; you have been warned. For legal purposes all sexually active characters are over 18 Earth years in this fictional universe, but in view of the laws of this fantasy world the girls must either be within 3 years +/- their partner's age, or all characters must be of legal age in this universe as well. (presumed that each year and month in the alternate universe is twice as long as a method to make the sexual content match the laws) To balance that it is presumed that all money in this world is worth twice as much as in our world (less inflated). There will be no declared relationships, so NTR in either direction won't matter to the main character. In regards to Yuri, the main character will encourage it during multiple partner scenarios, but will not care about it otherwise. i created a discord to discuss the novel and other things we like, but i suck at using it. If you want to join it, comment on a chapter, and i'll try to send an invite.

some_Phreak · History
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1994 Daily Life and Impacts in OK, TX part 1

The income from this year is $151.635 Million; after the 35% taxes are removed, we have $98.562 Million in funds. After Ms. Lee's attorney fee, our profit is $88.706 Million.

Politically, this year, we have the attack on Nancy Kerrigan to prevent. We also will advise Bill Clinton on ways to avoid technically lying about his infidelity and make sure that Monica doesn't keep evidence about it. We will also push Clinton and NATO to monitor Rwanda and Bosnia for involvement when the wars cross the line into war crimes and genocide. A nonviolent world isn't possible in this life, but we can at least prevent the greatest atrocities. Dallas also asked for more capital funds this year. We will push them to apply it to the Cotton Bowl, streetcars, and stormwater drainage. The Trinity River project should also be funded when feasible.

We warn South Korea that the Seongsu Suspension Bridge in Seoul is forecasted to fail. Estonian Ferry Estonia will also be alerted about being predicted to fail and sink. The Italians will be warned about their cruise ship Achille Lauro failing and catching fire close to Somalia on their route.

For weather events, we warn about the forecasted tornadoes in the Southeast US, wildfires in Montana, and the Ebola outbreak in Zaire.

Internationally, we will advise EMI Records to exclude Go Young-Wook in Roo'RA. We will give them all the other eventual lineup members so they can include as many as early as possible instead. That will make member changes more like the standard member leaving with their lines distributed to others. The same warning for BMG Korea about not including Lee Yoon-Jung in Two Two due to family opposition and instead recording her replacement, Hwang Hye-young, to prevent the controversy.

We will continue expanding Kitsune's and Penny's profits in major Asian metropolitan areas. Then, we will take the financial gains from our acting artists in Korea, Japan, and the US to support our steps into supporting K-pop and eventually making the movies we want.

We finally moved back to Oklahoma this year. i will have Ms. Lee hire Valerie as an overpaid Assistant Manager for Penny Profits so she can restrict work to only during regular school hours. We will also employ Timmy as a sales representative for our franchises. He can have the same wage as all our employees to start with but also get bonuses in commission. We lived in a house on Timmy's family's land. His sister and her son lived in the main house next door. She was friendly and made delicious pies. Her son was a pitcher who had a chance to go pro but didn't.

My older sister Juliana and my cousins Serenity and Summer had all graduated high school at the end of the last school year. i had Ms. Lee hire Juliana at Penny Profits and transfer her to Dallas. We will move her into the Assistant Manager role after she takes computer literacy classes, then towards our headquarters after she takes accounting classes. She lived with our grandmother Eva during this period and got with my future brother-in-law James right before the end of last year. We will hire James for product delivery for our local branches since he likes physical jobs. We will employ Serenity and Summer at Kitsune's, where their more outgoing and non-traditional personalities can also shine profitably.

Financially, we will use our profits to match funds for the 2006 Cotton Bowl improvements before the FIFA games. Additional bathrooms, concessions, point of sale and elevators for ADA access, bigger concourses, new video boards, extra seating, and sound systems replacements. The ticketing, perimeter, and facades will be upgraded over the year as time allows. Still, they are likely to be finished after the FIFA games. The utility upgrades, field lighting, seat upgrades, as well as adding private suites, and other corporate upgrades would all be added over the next year or two. This would make the Cotton Bowl comparable with the Texas Stadium. This will also give our future soccer team a better home-field and keep the Cotton Bowl relevant for the Red River Rivalry football game.

We will then use our remaining funds to match the Dallas Streetcar funding from DART, the city of Dallas, and NCTCOG. The first section will be from Union Station to Methodist Hospital this year; the following year, it will expand from Methodist to Bishop Arts. This will finish the line over 20 years early. The remaining section will wait for the second downtown rail line (d2) since it will connect from Union Station back to the McKinney Avenue Trolley on a path close to the d2 line.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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