
Welcome to Diagon Alley

two months after

Shawn had grown fond of Thorn recently, In less than a month he would be attending Hogwarts, Today he will go to Diagon Alley to gather his supplies that were listed in his invitation. his mother would Accompany him, His father was going over to a friends realm, He called him the Eastern Sun God Kur or something.

3 Hours Later

The Leaky Cauldron

"Ah! Hagrid! Welcome! Why who's this young man with you?" The Bartender called

"Ah, This here is Harry Potter here to help him with his school supplies"

"My lord! is it really!" He gasped

"My It is! he even has the scar! It is wonderful to meet you my boy!" he said in awe

"Hello sir, It is nice to meet you!"

"Sorry to cut it short but we best be going!" Hagrid cut in

"Ah! Hagrid! It's Ben far too long!" Isis

"Madame Rose! Why are you here!" Hagrid gasped unsure of whether to bow or kneel he ended up in an awkward bow which Harry noted and quickly copied.

"Oh please Hagrid no need for that, Let me introduce my son, Shawn. Shawn will be attending Hogwarts this year, Oh? Is that Harry Potter?" Isis said proudly

"Nice to meet you ma' am," Harry said looking over the mother and son

The mother looked not a day over 25 and the son looked the same age, They had the same Brown hair color except where the mother had unnaturally blue eyes, The son had an extremely radiant enchanting Golden eye's.

"Nice to meet you both my name is Shawn the little guy on my shoulder is Thorn," I said

"... Is that a... Twin-tailed white tiger!!! they're Incredibly rare! beyond rare even!" Hagrid exclaimed

"Thorn Introduce yourself," I said

Thorn jumped off my shoulder to the ground before he grew to over 5ft tall on all fours and looked Hagrid and Harry in the eyes before he spoke "Hello, I am Thorn! It's nice to meet you!" he said.

"Ah, he's quite powerful isn't he, to achieve telepathy at this age!" Hagrid gasped surprised as he reached to pet him Thorn let out a low growl, "Only Father can touch me!" Thorn said in hagrid's mind, Although Shawn also heard this and quickly reprimanded him, "Sorry about that... Anyway, He's normally really nice? I don't know why but I will talk to him later..." Shawn said

"It's Fine Isn't Ain't it? He's Just a young'n, So don worry about it!" Hagrid laughed

"Since we're both first years shall we be friends?" Shawn asked Harry

"I'd be happy to make a few new friends!" Harry Laughed

"You two had lunch yet? Why don't we meet up and grab some after the shopping?" Shawn said

"Sound fine to me!" Hagrid chimed

"I'd Like that!" Harry accepted

"Can I come?" Isis said

"Of course mother!" Shawn rolling his eye's, his mother was already teasing him... well she had taken every opportunity she had to since he was young, He could tell his mother was going to be a pain when he brought home a girl one day...

Shawn cast a glance at Harry who was laughing quietly to himself and Hagrid who was just snickering.


"This is the place where I had them make a wand for you! It is a mortal version and you aren't to use the one I made for you unless you're in real danger got that?" Isis asked

"Yes, mom!" Shawn said happily

"Then let's go!" Isis said as she opened the door to the shop

"Madame Rose!" Olivander said in a half bow because he couldn't do a full one.

"The wand you asked for is ready just as asked! Here!" Olivander said handing her a box.

"Do you wish to test it, Shawn?" Isis asked

"Yes! whats it made of?" Shawn asked

"Ah! the very best of course! The Wand is made of 100 Percent Pure Star Essense Inside of The wood of The Celestial Tree, Then Inlayed with 3 Runes carved in Dragon blood, The first makes it unbreakable, The second allows it to manipulate the flow of magic causing it to cast spells almost Instantly, And Finally the Third makes it Always teleport back to the owner!" Olivander stated proudly

"The finest I've ever made if I do say so myself!" He added

"I gave him all the ingredients myself!" Isis smiled

"Go ahead try it out!" She nodded holding out the box

Shawn clicked the lock back on the box and lifted the lid, Inside the box was a beautiful Wand that seemed to be vibrating and leaking celestial energy, 'Does she know about my body?' Shawn gasped to himself which his mother took for awe.

Shawn reached out to the wand and it moved to greet him flying into his hand and all of a sudden everything stopped then the world lit up and he wasn't in Olivanders anymore, He was in space as a galaxy, His entire body was the galaxy Yet Shawn felt the power he held and peace flooded him as he returned to his body which was glowing like the galaxy itself, All of this taking place in less than a millisecond.

"Thank you... Both this is a marvelous gift, a blessing you could say" Shawn said Thanking both of them.

"It was a pleasure to create such a thing" Olivander replied

"I'm Glad you like it, You are the most important person in my life Shawn and I'd do anything for you!" Isis said a small tear forming in her eye.

"Thank you mother, I love you too!" Shawn said before he hugged her.

After a minute Isis asked, "Shall we go get some lunch?"

"Let's go," Shawn said as he released her from his hug and went to the door, Nodding to Oliver he left the store.

Lunch was great and he grew closer with Harry and the agreed to sit next to each other on the train.

1000 words...

Orionwasherecreators' thoughts