
Re: Discovery

Note: Long chapters. A person wakes up on a certain day, his memories regarding the past all lost - an enigma to be realised. Fortuitously, it doesn't seem like it would take him long to do so, as he is shortly after thrown into the heart of the present, allowing him to gradually unveil bits of his lost past. Alas, whilst doing so, the present and past fuse, shaping him into an individual that lacks morals and virtue; acquiring what he seeks through any means necessary - overcoming all those who stand in his way. Note: This book is a remastered version of 'Tale of Discovery'. Note 2: This book will have extreme differences relative to 'Tale of Discovery'. Discord: https://discord.gg/7grhN98 ***Everything that you need to know is explained in the auxiliary chapter: What To Expect***

Exalted_Felix · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Blood (Ch. 34)

I take a short moment to think of what would be the perfect bullshit to cook up in this situation. Unfortunately, before I can say anything that comes to my mind, Irene beats me to it.

"What is there to explain? Father is Father. Our creator."

Well, damn. I suppose being straightforward is one way to go about it. On one hand, it won't explain crap to them – at least, not clearly; on the other hand it would satiate their curiosity and miss me the formerly inevitable drama. Either way, despite Irene saying that with so much confidence, I don't exactly recall "creating" her, which is rather awkward.

"Intriguing." Joijiro is amused by the response as he fixes his glasses with the tip of his middle finger. For some reason, I am beginning to think that this guy is asking for a beating.

Well, I should put in a word or two myself, I guess. "Regarding this self-proclaimed daughter of mine, trust me when I say I have zero idea who she is either."

"Why? Amnesia?" Joijiro asks.

"Most likely," I reply.

The mood becomes awkward as no one seems to know what to say. Ayumi has been standing silently with abject shock apparent on her face – an understandable reaction to finding out that you're suddenly an aunt (supposedly). As for Nao and Mi- Ah, Yusa. Looks like Misa has had enough of this matter. Well, Yusa is confused and has chosen to remain silent, while Nao is scrutinizing me for whatever reason.

Fortunately, a voice suddenly brings an end to the silence. "Dinner is ready. Enough with the chit chat, and eat up."

Thank you, Juno. I might appreciate your presence here better now. Just a little though.

And so, we all decide to drop the rather pointless subject as we head over to the dining table, which actually is unsuitable for usage right now due to how many of us there are. The other day, it was barely acceptable with Nao, Joijiro, Yusa, Ayumi, and me. Today, there is also Irene and Juno, assuming that the former will eat.

My concerns turn to be pointless, as despite cooking the food, Juno doesn't join us. "My current body doesn't really need food to function. For that matter, neither does yours."

A rather surprising discovery. But, I will still continue to eat anyway, since it just… feels right.

As we begin to have a taste of Juno's rather traditional Japanese dishes, Joijiro suddenly decides to grace our ears with his horrendous voice. "So, about the 'Flash of Judgment' incident…"

What even…? Ah. That's the name that the media had come up with for the time I used Divine Retribution. Leave it to the media to come up with a corny name for anything...

"Yeah, what of it?"

"You caused it, right?"

"Sure did."

"And, a few ended up… dead." He says the last bit in a barely audible tone – to normal humans, that is.

"What exactly are you getting at?" Please don't tell me he will spew some nonsense about morals or ethics.

"Don't you feel bad?"

Oh, for fuck's sake. "No, I don't. That ability specifically punished scum, depending on how awful were the deeds that they had committed. So, I quite literally have no reason to care."

"It's concerning that you can shrug this off so easily."

"Oh, come on. I already told you that I'm not from this world, didn't I? I couldn't give a jackshit about the population as a whole, let alone a handful of scum." He's starting to annoy me a little.

Ayumi seems to be surprised by the conversation, and perhaps my word choices, so I make use of {Illusion} to deceive her into thinking that the conversation takes a turn for the better.

"You don't care, huh?" Nao repeats my words.

"Seriously?" Misa makes a return.

"So you're saying you don't care about us either?"

I'm tempted to laugh, but manage to hold back.

"Listen, I wouldn't bat an eye even if you turn into a blood mist. The same goes for most of those in this world, with only a select few being the exception. In case you're curious, said exceptions would be obviously Ayumi, Nao, and Misa, cause she's cool."

"The fuck?" Misa seems to be surprised by the revelation. Though, not as much as Joijiro as his right eyebrow is twitching.

"What did I do to you for you to say this?" Aw, he's acting pitiful. I would've probably been more empathetic towards his little act if, you know, he wasn't so evidently an almost fully grown guy.

"For starters, Mr. Punchable Face, you pull stunts like this one – starting this conversation in the first place. Could you have made it more obvious that you were trying to push me into a trap? I don't think so."

This whole bout earns us a giggle from Irene and Juno, who despite being in the other room, appear to be hearing the conversation clearly. Not that we've been trying to be quiet or anything.

Anyway, after what I said at the end, we all focused on eating the food as I canceled {Illusion} on Ayumi. Now, only Misa is giving me a weird look, before Yusa comes back. She's confused for a second before she begins eating again, a happy look on her face. As for Nao, she has an ever-so-slight flush on her cheeks. Upon further consideration, I realize that I indirectly(?) declared that they are the most important people to me in this world. It's a little unfortunate that Ayumi couldn't hear me say it, but I can declare it to her anytime, if not expressing it through my actions.

Eventually, we're all done eating, and Nao, Joijiro, along with Yusa bid us farewell and leave.

During this time, Nao seemed a bit apprehensive about something, but didn't say anything in the end.


Ugh. Why do I feel like there is something heavy on me? It feels like my chest is about to get crushed. Shouldn't I have ridiculous physical parameters, thus, not feel this way normally?

Opening my eyes, I observe that Irene is resting on top of me, as if I am some glorified bed. I want to move my right arm to push her away, but it's being held down by something.

With my now 360° vision (which, oddly enough, needs my eyes to be open to operate), I can see that Juno is holding onto my arm firmly in between her breasts. Not only that, but my right leg is in between both of her legs as well.

Normally, I would enjoy this situation. However, right now, I only want to get up as I have this strange inclination to go outside.

So, I make use of telekinesis to lift Irene off of myself, before doing the same to push Juno away. Compared to moving them physically, I feel no resistance with telekinesis, which goes to show just how significant of an ability it is to have.

Anyway, now that I am free, I head out as I was planning to do a moment ago.


I stand on top of the roof of the building as I observe the sun rise in the distance. The sky has a tinge of orange, and the sky is clear, bereft of any clouds. A soft breeze is brushing against my skin, which feels rather pleasant.

How long has it been since I came to this world? I experienced so much during this short period. Almost no moments of rest. Despite that, I have come to enjoy my days here. Not only do I have an adorable little sister that's full of energy all day and night, but I have met some interesting folks too. Nao, for instance, is a rather odd girl, relatively speaking. She has a few quirks, but honestly, I like her quite a bit. Yusa… Well, I don't have a strong opinion of her except the fact that I don't find her idol acts outside of work pleasant. Admittedly, it's much more fun when Misa is possessing her body, as who doesn't like a fiery chick?

Aside from the girls, there is Joijiro. While I did say I wouldn't care about his well-being, if it comes down to it, I would probably come to his aid when he actually needs it. Yes, he can be a bit too talkative at times, but he is a good fellow at the end of the day.

The 'normal' ones aside, there would be Irene and Juno. Now, for those two, I don't know how I exactly feel about them. Up to this point, they've been very 'mysterious', making it hard to enjoy their company.

"A beautiful view, isn't it?" Suddenly, a mature voice belonging to that of a woman reaches my ears. Then, I a woman practically walk onto the roof… from nowhere. She just appeared.

As for who she is…

"Yukari Yakumo. Forgive me for not introducing myself to you last time."

Indeed. She's the woman I saw that time when the others went to the arcade – the mysterious Code. Still got the same clothes, umbrella and all. Now that I think about it, how come the system didn't alert me about her? Is it because she's not considered a threat, or…?

"Yu Otosaka would be my current name," I say.

"Oh? You won't be introducing yourself properly?" Something tells me that she knows me. As in, she might just have interacted with me prior to my memory loss.

"Victor – that's all I know."

"That's better." She giggles.

"So, why the sudden visit?" This woman, while being weird, it doesn't feel like she's hostile. If anything, I astonishingly find her presence calming. So much for my earlier statement of those having an air of mystery being unlikable…

"I have been observing you."

Well, shit.

"I'm flattered…?" How am I even supposed to respond to that?!

She giggles once again, lifting her left arm to bring a fan over to her lower face. "Fret not, my intentions aren't malicious."

"That's reassuring, I guess?" Like hell it is.

"It's just that there has been something that has resulted in a bit of dissatisfaction." She now has a slight frown.

"Which would be?" I prepare for any sudden attacks.

"The presence of Infi in this Platform."

Alright, new name that I haven't heard before.

"That Code that was lying with you earlier."

Code? Does she mean Juno?

"Are you talking about Juno?"

"Is that what she now refers to herself as? Such rotten taste." She's frowning even further.

"Are you going to explain anything to me?" I can't help but feel like there is a huge thing going on without me being aware. If there is anyone that can fill me in on the details, it would probably be her. While there is a possibility of her spouting nonsense to sow discord between Juno/Infi and me, I would rather have an idea of the potential instead of being clueless until a "grand reveal" or something.

"There isn't much to say. Only know that you shouldn't have much faith in those that you 'feel' to be untrustworthy. You might be unaware of this, but you have very refined 'instincts', if you can call it that."

"I see." Well, that's something good to know. Essentially, don't pass off suspicions for 'I might be overthinking this' or 'Nah, it can't be'.

"In any case, I can lend you a helping hand. Presuming that there will be a reward, of course."

Help? With what exactly?

"What reward do you want?" Might as well satiate my curiosity.

"Well, this." The moment she says that, she vanishes from her spot before appearing right in front of me. I'm not given even a moment to react to her sudden actions before I feel something soft pressing against my lips.

The abrupt kiss lasts for a few seconds, as I admittedly find it much more pleasurable than I ever thought it would be. Though, I can't say I'm not stunned into inaction. After that, Yukari suddenly steps back with a bright smile on her lips. Ever since she appeared, she had always been smiling, but this is the first time I feel like it's a genuine proof of her being happy.

"With that done, I will now get rid of your problem."

The moment she says that, Yukari disappears once again, only to reappear inside the room Irene and Juno are. Then, she extends her arm to a startled Juno, who is now looking at her with wide eyes before the space around them appears to compress, as they both vanish the next moment.

Irene is awoken as well, but she only sits up for a short while before going back to sleep. Throughout the whole thing, Ayumi has been sleeping undisturbed in her own futon.

Well… I'd be damned. When she said she would 'get rid' of my problem, I didn't think she meant it literally. While a part of me doesn't know how to feel about all this, I mostly don't care. Either Juno/Infi or Yukari is not being truthful to me, so for now, they can go freely duke it out in some other country/planet for all I care. I will just head back to sleep.


"Scum." The first word I hear as I wake up again.

I open my eyes and see Nao standing in front of me. I'm confused for a brief moment, before I realize that Irene is lying on me once again. Ayumi seems to have woken up earlier, and is currently in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

"Irene, wake up," I say as I attempt to shake her awake. It's not very effective.

Having no time for this, I do what I had done before, as I make use of telekinesis to get her off of myself as I get up. Nao is still giving me a look of discontent, though, I have no idea why.

"We're going to meet someone, remember?"

"Are we now?" I tease.

"Since when were you so insufferable?" She sighs as she shakes her head.

"Ouch. That was uncalled for."

"Get changed. Fast."

"Do you want to see me strip that badly?" As I say so, a grin spreads across my face. In response, Nao blushes slightly before she leaves the room, cursing at me under her breath. Cute.

It doesn't take me long to get changed, and once I'm ready, we head out. Irene seems to have decided to tag along.

Outside of the apartment condo, I see a black car with tinted windows parked and inside of it are two men. A male with black hair that seems to be in his twenties is the driver, while the other seems to be a high schooler; most likely a third-year.

"By the way, where is the other one?"

"Juno? Well, she got kidnapped, I guess."

"What?" Nao is stunned as she stares at me incredulously.

"Don't worry, she'll be fine. Probably."

Nao stands in place, seemingly trying to make sense of my words, only for her to seemingly give up after ten seconds or so. Thus, we begin walking toward the car.

Once we reach the car, Nao gets in without any hesitation. Frowning at her actions a bit, I use my senses to make sure that there isn't anything suspicious about the car and the people inside out of it. Safe.

"Brother Yu."

"Yeah?" I turn to fix my gaze on Ayumi.

"Where are we going? Big sister Nao said that we won't be going to school today."

"Honestly, I don't know either. She has only told me that we'll be meeting someone."

Ayumi seems to be satisfied with my response as she gets inside the car as well, before Irene and I follow along. Despite there being enough space for three adults to sit in the back, Irene decides that sitting on my lap is better.

And so, we hit the road.


The trip takes longer than I expected it to. The car has come to a stop somewhere that seems to be bereft of any man-made structure, aside from the road and the few road signs. We get off the car and start to make our way through a forest.

Once we finally come to a stop, it's right in front of a boulder pressing against a cliff. With my current 'eyes', I can tell that there is a hollow opening behind the boulder, with a long flight of staircase that leads underground. Unfortunately, wherever it leads to is outside my area of perception.

The unknown high schooler performs a few gestures with his hands, and the next thing I know, the boulder begins to slowly move, revealing an entrance. From what I can 'see' and sense, there is somewhat complex mechanical structure. Not only that, but there seems to be other mechanics that didn't active.

The moment the boulder stops moving, we proceed forward, and consequently downward. As we move, I take a moment to observe everything within my perception closely. The corridor is dark (to a normal human) and the structure itself seems to serve one very specific purpose – Lock down.

During the whole walk, I don't let my guard down, even for a single moment. As we move further downstairs, I begin sensing a rather large room. A few seconds later, my perception covers half of the room, thus allowing me to see a gray-haired guy standing next to a desk.

When we finally reach the room, we come to a stop. I just realized… this guy looks oddly familiar to that one guy in the weird dream I saw. The person in question, who has had his back to us this whole time, turns around and walks toward us. Noticing the can in his hand the peculiar color of his irises, it's safe to assume that he's blind.

"The time has finally come," he says in a low voice, "We finally meet again."

Who is he speaking to? Nao? She is the one that knows him, so that should be the case.

Focusing on her, I see her approach him. She greets him, and from what I can tell, she seems to be quite familiar with the guy.

"What about you? Won't you greet your big brother?"

Before I can even react, Ayumi runs forward while yelling, "Big brother!"

The guy gives her a hug before saying, "What about you, Yu?"

Yeah, I'm not hugging anyone until I know what the actual heck is going on. I don't know(remember) this guy. The most I can remember about him is his presence in the dream.

"It seems like you're not planning to catch up with me after all this time," he says with a sad look on his face.

"From what I can tell, you're supposedly my brother," I respond, "But I have no memory of that."

The guy releases a sigh before focusing his "gaze" on me (probably basing it off of where my voice came from) before saying, "Well, that's to be expected after what I did."

Now, you're even more suspicious. Seriously, what is this, some kind of soap opera? I am curious about the meaning behind that statement though.

"I guess I'll have to sta-" Before he can finish what he wanted to say, the whole structure shakes as the sound of an explosion soon reaches our ears.

Immediately utilizing {Clairvoyance}, I make use of my sight to take a look outside, only to see dozens upon dozens of military-like vehicles being close to the entrance. Some military helicopters are also hovering in the air. Fully armed men in black and dark blue military uniform are taking position with various weaponry in their hands.

Now, this whole thing means nothing to me, since I have a general idea of what I am capable of. However, I can't say the same for Ayumi and Nao. Irene can most likely take care of herself. As for the rest of those here, frankly, I couldn't care less about them.

"What's going on!?" the self-proclaimed brother exclaims.

"This place is under a siege by what I assume is the military. There are armed men surrounding the entrance we just came through right at this moment." While I am saying this, I use {Illusion} to prevent others from seeing any changes on my face as I use {Paragon's Eyes}. Using that, I check the self-proclaimed brother's soul out, only to see that it's a light gray. Doing the same for the high schooler, it's pretty much the same. Surrounding both of them is a rough, chaotic purple outline, which I assume is a sign of distress.

With this, I can somewhat conclude that this whole ordeal isn't instigated by them. At least, not directly, anyway.

In response to my words, his eyes widen as he mutters, "No, it's still too early for this…"

The heck? He knew this would happen? Taking a look at the others, I see that Ayumi is more than a little frightened. The high schooler which led us here has a solemn expression. Irene is completely unfazed, as if everything is completely fine. Nao, however, is frowning deeply.

I use telekinesis to lift my "brother" from the ground. "Explain what's going on. And, make it quick."

"Brother Yu," Ayumi utters with a bit of fear in her voice.

I ignore Ayumi for the moment as I focus on the 'brother'. He doesn't say anything. In fact, he doesn't react at all.

"Talk, will you? You're blind, not deaf."

I might be a little pissed. Ayumi is in imminent danger. Not only her, but Nao as well. Then, this fellow over here tells me that he was expecting this shit?

As I consider the thought of torturing some information out of him, I feel a hand on my back. It's the high schooler that brought us here. He is clenching his fist, as if planning to punch me the moment I turn around – this happens to be the case.

Since his physical capabilities are that of an ordinary human, I don't even need to punch as I observe it 'slowly' approach my face. Releasing a sigh, I use telekinesis to lift him off the ground, before hurling him at a couch in the room. To be honest, I would've smashed him into bits had I not noticed that he hadn't put much force into the punch. Well, not that it would've mattered even if he punched at full power, anyway.

The guy doesn't seem to bothered by what just happened as he quickly recovers says, "According to what you said, we are in immediate danger. We don't have the time for you to throw a fit."

Oh? They want me to not complain about the situation and just deal with it? The sheer audacity…

"Oh, trust me: This situation doesn't mean anything to me. The only reason I give a damn is because Ayumi and Nao are endangered."

While Ayumi doesn't react to that remark, Nao's frown lightens somewhat as she stares at me with slightly widened eyes.

The guy only squints his eyes at my response as he doesn't seem to have any response to give.

"Anyway, let me think for a moment. I'll figure out a solution in a moment." Having said that, I shift my focus over to Irene.

'Hey, do you have any suggestions to deal with this matter fast?'

{Since Father worries about the safety of the two humans, it would be optimal to prioritize getting them out of here.}

'Good idea. But, then?'

{Military regiments tend to take orders from those in higher positions. It would be better to confront them head-on if possible, since if Father avoids them, there is a high chance that they would strike another time.}

'And in that case, it's possible that I won't have the opportunity to settle it directly. Is that what you're suggesting?'


Well, that's a plan. Basically, I just get everyone here out, and preferably take them somewhere safe, before coming back here and dealing with the military.

My thoughts come to an abrupt stop as I sense a shock-wave, followed by the sound of an explosion. I see that they have broken the boulder blocking the entrance. So much for high security…

Anyway, time to handle this matter. Godspeed… literally.

I take a moment to use {Divine Domain: Time Lock} to freeze everyone present in the room (except Irene), before using telekinesis to lift them off the ground. From what I can see, there is now a layer of energy surrounding everyone.

'Irene, what effects does this energy layer have?'

{While in this state, they will be immune to physical damage to an extent.}

That's perfect. In this case, even if I were to travel at a speed higher than the speed of sound, they shouldn't be affected.

Anyway, it's somewhat hard to use telekinesis right now, since this the first time I've lifted so many people with the ability, but I can manage. And so, I make use of limited control over matter provide by Divine Domain to 'push aside' huge chunks of the left wall of the room, and consecutively the dirt behind it. This results in a giant hole in the wall, as well as a lot of mess in the previously clean room.

Then, I will my feet to leave the ground, which results in the activation of my flight ability. Just like this, I fly through the hole, 'pushing aside' more of it as I go, while also dragging the others behind me. As for Irene, she simply shrinks her body before arriving beside me at a rather fast pace and settling on my shoulder.

The moment we are outside, which is fortunately somewhere quite a distance away from the military, I immediately use {Godspeed} in the direction of the city, specifically, my residence.

It only takes me two or three seconds to arrive right on top of the building, which goes to show how far the underground base/bunker was. (A/N:- With Godspeed, Victor can effectively travel at almost 25 kilometers per *second* right now. So, you can use simple maths to estimate the distance between the two locations easily.)

Following this, I disable every camera using my senses before taking them all inside and settling them on the ground before removing the time lock. As expected, a look of pure confusion appears on everyone's face as they look around, except the 'brother', cause he's blind. Though, even he can somehow tell that something is wrong.

"Calm down. I brought you all away, since it would've been troublesome otherwise."

My words shock everyone, particularly the high schooler as he asks in a confused tone, "You can teleport?"

"I wish I could. It's just that the speed I moved in was far beyond you all."

"Wow!" Ayumi innocently voices.

"That's just teleporting!" Joijiro exclaims. Hey, I don't want to hear that from you of all people.

"Anyway, you all stay here while I go play with the military."

"What?!" This time, it's Nao that speaks, "Why, we've already avoided them."

"That's exactly why I'm going back. Avoidance is rarely the proper solution to any issue. I will settle this matter once and for all."

As I say this, I circulate my Holy Essence before covering them in it, hoping that it would calm them down or something like that.

{Discovered: Paladin's Aura.}

Isn't that great? I will check it for later. For now…

'Irene, stay here and guard everyone. You can do that, right?'

{Affirmative. I possess combat capabilities. My barrier can be especially useful in this case.}


Before Nao, or any of the others can voice their opinion regarding my intentions, I make quick use of {Blink} to leave the residence before making my way back to the 'base' in around the same few seconds it took me to leave.

Right now, I am around a kilometer away from the entrance. I terminate {Godspeed} as I float in my position, closely observing the movement of the military.

---??? 3rd POV---

"Sir, we have surrounded the entrance."

The sound of a man came through the intercom, causing a middle-aged man with black hair nod his head. In front of the man is a screen displaying a view similar to what Victor is seeing. The screen is showing the scene recorded by a camera attached to one of the military helicopters.

"Remain vigilant. We're dealing with a threat that's at least A-Class. The target is capable of attaining high speeds as well as being capable of dealing a significant amount of damage. According to our reports, the target's mental stability is questionable."

"Understood, Sir!"

Hearing the team leader's words, the man named Asano relayed a few cautionary orders to his teammates. They were a part of the special force dedicated to dealing with the supernatural. Their team was known as "Dusk", and at the moment, they were the best out of the fourteen teams dedicated to the supernatural. Asano was the captain of Dusk, and despite his unwillingness to take this mission, he is forced to.

Most of the times, the orders they received from the higher ups demanded they capture a target. This would be the third time that they were ordered to eliminate a target. Regarding the previous two times, one was capable of turning anyone within their vicinity into sand, while the other one simply controlled metal with his mind. Both targets were mentally corrupted and had high kill counts. At least, one of them seemed to only target criminals, which is similar to the situation of their current target.

According to the report they had read, their target was a teenager named Yu Otosaka. His first noteworthy action was somehow causing a truck to swerve and crash. It was unknown what mean was used to achieve this exactly, but according to the videos from the cameras they obtained, and the odd testament from the driver, they were almost certain that he was the instigator. Though, this was only found out as a result of them noticing him much later as a consequence of one of his more shocking actions – The Flash of Judgment.

From the data they observed, the only time he 'attacked' an innocent directly was during the case of the truck driver. As for the other cases regarding him, he only seemed to be taking a defensive stance. Either way, the danger he poses is obvious. So, an order came out, demanding his elimination. And, since he was estimated to be a high class, Dusk was dispatched.

Dusk is highly regarded, even among the few elite teams. But, despite this, there are select individuals within the team itself that stand out from the rest.

First, there is the team captain, Asano. He was one of the best captains when it came to leading the team, and not only that, but he had immense skill and talent of his own. The members of Dusk respected him greatly, and would follow his orders no matter what. Since, not only was he highly capable, but he always seemed to be making the best decision for everyone involved.

Next, would be the vice-captain – Veronica. Not much is known about her, since she only joined the team a month ago. However, during this short period, she was able to exhibit monstrous talent to the point that after a few missions, she was unanimously nominated for the vice-captain position that became vacant after the former vice-captain died facing the metal manipulator.

Veronica is a rather beautiful girl that would make even actresses and models lower their heads in fear of being compared to her. She was extremely strong physically, and going by her young age, there was rumor that she was an ability user, with her ability being related to her superior physical strength and speed. However, that couldn't be farther from the truth, as Veronica was hiding too much from them, including her actual name.

All in all, the Dusk team was odd in more ways than one, but it performed much better than any other team. Hence the reason this team was dispatched due to the sensitivity of this case.

While the team members position themselves accordingly, and a few approach the entrance, Victor takes a short while to consider what would be the best course of action.

---Victor 1st POV---

From what I can tell, the most capable among those present is a girl with pinkish-red hair reaching to her waist. Her appearance is somewhat unique, since she is rather short, and she has a gothic style.

{Detected Code: Abbadon}

Startled by the sudden alert, I attempt to figure out the one that is a Code, only to realize it's none other than the girl I was already focused on. Makes sense, I guess.

'What Code is Abbadon?'

I receive no response from Irene, which means that I either lack the authority to know, or Irene simply doesn't have much data regarding the Code.

Anyway, now that there is a Code, my priorities obviously require a shift. For now, I will attempt to take a passive stance. If they refuse to negotiate, I will simply go all out. It would be for the better if I confronted them now than any other time, since from what I can tell, I have a much better advantage.

Taking in a deep breath, I utilize Godspeed and appear right in front of the Code. She's more than a little surprised, but reacts impressively fast as she 'slashes' the air with her arm horizontally. This somehow generates a wind blade that approaches me at a speed that's much slower than what I can handle.

Ultimately, I easily dodge the blade before getting even closer to the Code, since it's safe to assume she isn't as powerful as I expected her to be, based on that attack alone.

"Hold it, I just want to talk."

My words appear to surprise her as the girl takes a moment to consider what to do before ultimately nodding her head. Though, she doesn't let her guard down at all.

As I already expected, the surrounding soldiers have noticed me and the girl, resulting in those that were planning to enter the bunker to stop, while the rest point their weapons at me.

"So, who are you?"


Her direct response catches me off guard. Not only that, but I sense falsehood in her voice.

"And your real name?"

This time, she is much more surprised as she squints her eyes and deliberates on something.

"It might not seem like it, but I am a similar existence to you."

"What?" This surprises her the most.

Before I can explain, the sound of a gunshot reverberates as I sense and 'see' a small projectile coming my way. I easily use telekinesis to stop the bullet about a meter away from me as I slowly turn to face the one that shot at me.

"Well, shit." I hear the man mutter as he looks at me as if I were a monster.

"That was rude," I utter as I appear before the man, "don't you think so?"

"Hey, hey, let's settle this peacefully," the man says with a wry look on his face as he steps back a few times.

"That was my intention before someone shot a bullet aimed at my head."

The tensions have increased as the other soldiers prepare for combat, except the girl I just confronted. It doesn't take long before another shot is fired at me, this time by a man hiding behind a tree a dozen meters away.

That's it. I don't need the rest anyway.

With my mind settled, I stop the projectile once again, before launching it back toward the one who shot it at a ridiculous speed. It easily penetrates through the thick tree and the man's head.

"Fuck. Everyone, attack!" The man closest to me seems to be the leader based on the command he just gave.

Multiple projectiles shoot toward me once again, but instead of stopping them, I decide to put a little theory to test. A few seconds later, my clothes are ruined as a result of multiple bullets striking my body. Unlike the last instance during which I was shot by a sniper, these bullets barely tickle me as they hardly nick my skin.

Satisfied with the results, I grin widely before raising my right and arm before bringing it down in a graceful motion. There we go. Every single one of the soldiers except the girl and the leader have turned into mush as a result of my usage of telekinesis.

"No…" the leader mutters in disbelief as he lowers his weapon. As for the girl… Well, she never pointed her weapon at me, let alone shoot me. I have kept the two of them alive for vastly different reasons. For now, I blink to the front of 'Veronica' with wry smile. "Shall we continue our conversation now?"

"Krul Tepes."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Krul. I like your name. Makes me wonder if it stands true." (A/N: Krul = Cruel. Very punny, Vic.)

"It does."

"Oh? Then would you mind helping me out a little?"

"With what?"

"See that guy?" I point at the leader who is still in shock, poor fella. "I need you to torture some information out of him."

"Can't you just ask me?"

"I've got a gut feeling that someone with a higher status would have more information."

To this, Krul just snorts. It appears that she is bothered by the fact that her status isn't the highest. "What do you want to know?"

"Nothing much. Just, how, why, where – if you get me."

"I do."

Looks like I've got myself a smart ally. Honestly, teaming up with a Code is much better than fighting one.


"So, basically, you're not from this world, but a vampire queen from another world?"


"And, aside from you, a bunch of humans wielding demonic weapons have fallen into this world with you?"

"That's correct."

"You ended up in the special forces due to a series of coincidences, while the humans were labeled as terrorists and are now hiding somewhere?"

"That sums it up."

Talk about an epic backstory. I suppose this much is to be expected considering her status as a Code. Speaking of which, I realized that not once did she mention her Code during our conversation. It's almost like she's not aware of it…

"What about you?" Krul suddenly shows quite a bit of intrigue. "You said we're similar existences, but you don't appear to be a vampire."

"Ah, that's because I am not one." Did she actually think I meant it racially? Wait, is 'Code' a race…?

Krul furrows her brows but doesn't say anything.

"What I meant was… I am a Code too."


No way. That confused expression – she doesn't know what a Code is?

{There is a good chance that she is a newly awakened Code.}

'They can awaken?! Is there more to this that I should know?'


Perfect. Apparently, Codes can 'awaken', whatever the hell that means. Either they just 'pop' into existence, or a seemingly normal individual suddenly gains the powers of a Code. I suppose that if it's the latter, then its likely that it occurs in dire circumstances.

As I stand in place, perplexed by the sudden revelation, Krul sighs and takes a look around at the corpses.

"What, don't tell me you were fond of them or something."

"That's not it," Krul explains, "I am just unsure of what do now."

Makes sense. Though, I'm surprised she hasn't pressed me to explain what a 'Code' is. Or, is she waiting for me to recollect my thoughts before doing so? Either way, it's something inevitable, so the sooner I'm done with it, the less it will bother me.

"Regarding what I said earlier," I begin, "a Code is an entity that has basically gained the power to transverse to another world. There are a lot of technicalities and whatnot, but this is the overly simplified version that's more than enough for now."

"And I am one? A Code?"

"Correct. Apparently, you will obtain some form of power depending on your Code. I my case, I've received three, with two of them having sub functions."

"I see. So, how do I check?" Krul extends her arm and observes it, as if trying to check if there is something different about her body.

--- Krul Tepes 3rd POV---


That was the only thing in Krul's mind as she recalled the attack she led on Tokyo in 2012.

It was successful for the most part and there weren't any significant issues – except for one; some human children escaped. Now, that wouldn't make much of a difference if they had been normal children, but unfortunately for her, fate had something else in mind.

There were some rather unique ones among them, hiding their fangs until they matured enough to deal a severe impact to the vampires.

She didn't pursue them – her biggest regret. Her lackluster attitude from then has now come back to bite her in the form of an ultimate battle in which a race if not several ones might go extinct.

Normally, humans wouldn't amount to much against vampires and would instantly lose such as the 2012 incident. However, that was no longer the case, now that humans have resorted to making use of curses and demons to fight back.

Through forcefully extracting the demons and angels within themselves to gain overwhelming power, they began a relatively strong resistance. Soon, the resistance turned into an all-out confrontation in which the humans encroached upon the vampires' territory.

The battle went on for a while, with neither side gaining much of an advantage over the other. At least, that was the case until a blonde-haired human got injured, following which another human, one with black hair, began screaming and fighting madly using his cursed weapon. Moments later, things took a turn for the worst as a pair of dark featherless wings burst out from his back.

Anyone there who knew what what it represented paled – The Seraph.

Shortly after that, the human faction split into two as one side held back the vampires, while the other fought against the transformed guy and those that protected him.

Their attempts in dealing with the Seraph was futile as the guy could easily wipe out a dozen humans with a mere wave of his hand. But, it didn't seem like humans would just give up. In fact, it was as if they were delaying it.

After a good portion of both humans and vampires had been wiped out, the their intent was finally revealed. The humans brought over a human girl with patches all over her body before injecting her with a serum.

Almost immediately, the girl released a horrible scream of agony as two pairs of golden wings burst from her back and a huge demonic being materialized in the air.

From there, it was a battle between the demonic being, which was seemingly being ordered by one of the humans, and the Seraph.

The final moments of the battle ended with the Seraph releasing a pillar of salt against the demonic being, before a crack formed in the space that pulled both vampires and humans into it.


After what felt like a several-year-long slumber, Krul regained consciousness, beating the rest by a vast margin. This allowed her the opportunity to check out the unfamiliar location they were in, since she instinctively felt that there was something very wrong.

Krul couldn't reason out their current state. She, along with a few other vampires and humans were now in the center of a dense forest.

Ah, so that's why she felt like there was something wrong – this place they were in wasn't the world she knew. As absurd as it may seem, she has somehow ended up somewhere extraordinary along with some foes and allies.

A/N:- Our lovely Krul makes a much more early appearance! Not to mention, it's in a different manner from TOD. Now, I am contemplating whether going forth, I should write (rewrite?) detailed lemons. Do tell me, so I would know whether to focus on action, fluff, or lemons.