
Ravens Short Stories

A group of short stories that range from master cook in a fantasy world to a sci-fi pirate tailor and more. Each chapter is a new short story

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Onyx The Sniper

Onyx had always been a fierce warrior, even as a young Tabaxi. She had trained tirelessly for years, mastering the art of the rifle. But her weapon was no ordinary one. It was a magical rifle of her own design, imbued with powerful enchantments that made it deadly accurate and incredibly powerful.

It was said that Onyx could take down an enemy leader from miles away with a single shot. Her reputation as a skilled marksman had spread far and wide, and it wasn't long before she was recruited into the army of the kingdom of Eldrid.

As a sniper in the army, Onyx was tasked with taking down the leaders of the enemy army from afar. She fought bravely alongside her comrades, always at the back of the battlefield. With her magical sniper rifle, she took down enemy leaders from afar, picking them off one by one with deadly accuracy.

Despite her skill as a warrior, Onyx was a solitary creature. She preferred to keep to herself, spending her free time tinkering with her rifle and perfecting its enchantments. But one day, while on a scouting mission in the forest, she stumbled upon a small shop.

The shop was unlike any Onyx had ever seen before. It was small and unassuming, but inside, it was filled with all manner of magical items. There were potions that could heal even the gravest of wounds, enchanted weapons that could slice through steel like butter, and rare ingredients that were said to grant incredible powers to those who consumed them.

Onyx was immediately drawn to the array of weapons on display. She examined each one carefully, admiring their intricate designs and powerful enchantments. But then, she saw something that caught her eye.

It was a set of specialized bullets, crafted from the scales of a legendary dragon. The shopkeeper explained that they were incredibly powerful, capable of piercing even the thickest armor with ease. Onyx knew she had to have them.

But as she reached for her coin purse, she realized she didn't have enough money to buy them. Disappointed, she turned to leave, but then she heard a voice.

"Excuse me, miss. I couldn't help but notice you admiring my wares."

Onyx turned to see a small, wiry man standing behind her. He had a friendly smile on his face, but his eyes were sharp and intelligent.

"I'm the shopkeeper," he said, extending his hand. "And you are?"

"Onyx," she replied, shaking his hand.

"Well, Onyx, I couldn't help but notice your interest in those dragon-scale bullets. They're quite rare, you know. But I might be willing to make a trade."

Onyx raised an eyebrow. "What kind of trade?"

The shopkeeper grinned. "I'm in need of a skilled sniper like yourself. There's a group of bandits that have been causing trouble in the nearby town. If you can take care of them, I'll give you those bullets for free."

Onyx hesitated. She was a soldier, not a bounty hunter. But the thought of those powerful bullets was too tempting to resist. She agreed to the deal.

The next day, Onyx set out for the town where the bandits were said to be hiding. She tracked them down to an abandoned mine, where they had set up camp. With her magical sniper rifle in hand, she took aim and fired.

The bandits never stood a chance. Onyx's shots were so precise and powerful that the bandits were taken out one by one, without even knowing what hit them. When the last bandit fell, Onyx made her way back to the small shop to claim her reward.

The shopkeeper was waiting for her, a sly grin on his face. "Well done, Onyx. You took care of those bandits with ease. And as promised, here are your dragon-scale bullets."

Onyx took the bullets, admiring their gleaming surface. "Thank you," she said. "But why did you need those bandits taken care of so badly?"

The shopkeeper chuckled. "Let's just say they were causing trouble for a friend of mine. But I have a feeling you're not the type to ask too many questions."

Onyx nodded. She was used to working alone, without asking too many questions. But something about the shopkeeper intrigued her. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but there was something different about him.

As she left the shop and made her way back to the army camp, Onyx couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the world held. She had always been a skilled sniper, but now she realized there was more to life than just taking down enemy leaders from afar.

Over the years, Onyx continued to hone her skills with the sniper rifle, mastering its every nuance and becoming an even deadlier marksman than before. She became known as one of the greatest snipers in all the land, feared by her enemies and respected by her allies.

But even with all her skill and power, Onyx never forgot the small shop in the forest, and the strange shopkeeper who had given her those dragon-scale bullets. She knew that there were still mysteries out there waiting to be uncovered, and she was determined to uncover them all.