
Ravens Short Stories

A group of short stories that range from master cook in a fantasy world to a sci-fi pirate tailor and more. Each chapter is a new short story

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Cook With Stockholm Syndrome

In a land of dragons and sorcery, there was a chef named Kai. He was known throughout the kingdom for his incredible culinary skills. He owned a small restaurant where he cooked the most delicious dishes using rare and exotic ingredients.

One day, while Kai was busy preparing for the dinner service, he was suddenly abducted by a group of space travelers. They took him aboard their spaceship and flew away from his world of magic.

Kai was frightened and had never seen anything like the spaceship before. He had no idea what the travelers wanted from him or where they were taking him. As they traveled through the vast expanse of space, Kai felt completely lost and alone.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, a space station orbiting a distant planet. The travelers told Kai that they needed his help in the station's kitchen. Kai was hesitant at first, but he realized that cooking was the only thing he knew how to do.

Kai followed the travelers to the kitchen and was amazed by the advanced equipment and strange ingredients that were used. He started cooking, using his knowledge of spices and flavors to create dishes that were new to the travelers.

As he cooked more and more meals, Kai began to learn about the universe beyond his land of dragons and sorcery. He was fascinated by the strange creatures and technologies that he encountered and started to incorporate them into his cooking.

Kai's dishes became legendary among the space travelers, and he became known as the best chef in the galaxy. He created dishes like asteroid sushi, alien soup, and cosmic casserole.

The travelers appreciated Kai's talent and rewarded him with the finest ingredients and equipment. They even allowed him to experiment with their technology to create new flavors and textures.

Although he missed his land of dragons and sorcery, Kai had found a new home among the space travelers. He had learned to adapt to the new world around him and had found a new passion for cooking. Kai knew that he would cook for the travelers until the end of his days, and he was grateful for the opportunity they had given him.