
Ravenclaw of Hogwarts (HP)

Mike, formerly a career criminal, is reborn as a Muggle-born orphan in the Harry Potter world, focused on gaining power. With strategic cunning, he seeks allies and doesn't shy away from crossing moral lines for the "greater good." This tale explores a quest for power and societal change, presenting a gritty view of justice in a magical setting. Mike's journey, characterized by ruthless ambition and a merciless approach, also hints at the possibility of finding unexpected friendships along the way. "Don't call me Chen Ergou" is the author of this book. I'm just translating it and more importantly trying to make this story more "palatable" for an English audience. That means I will get rid of some of the darker and unnecessary undertones that many Chinese writers have - if you know what I mean. Also, I will be changing many of the more Chinese phrases (not all) around so that they are more understandable for us Westerners :) I plan to keep this translation going, especially if I receive help. I hope doing this will help me better my books in the future if I ever get the nerve to post them. My Patreon---- patreon.com/Lovetoread813 I will write a better synopsis soon. It should be noted that the MC is not a very good person.

Delvogen · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Chapter 33

After experiencing Christmas in the magical world, Mike devoted himself wholeheartedly to learning the Disillusionment Charm. The notebook Penelope gave him was perfect. Its pages were adorned with meticulous handwriting, reflecting a deep and insightful comprehension of the Disillusionment Charm that went beyond mere technicalities, touching the essence of the spell itself.

It was as if the notebook's original possessor had anticipated Penelope's eagerness to delve into the secrets of the Disillusionment Charm, curating a series of beginner-friendly tutorials. Judging by the ink, it seems it was written not long ago, which now benefited Mike.

Thanks to these tutorials for beginners, Mike cast the Disillusionment Charm before the holiday was over, but it was only a semi-finished product.

Mike's initial foray into the Disillusionment Charm was less than stellar. The spell unfolded at a painstakingly slow pace, and its fragile facade crumbled with the slightest unexpected movement. This challenge spurred Mike to redouble his efforts and delve deeper into the arcane art.

The notebook, a veritable font of wisdom on the Disillusionment Charm, also unveiled secrets of evading magical detection to achieve unparalleled invisibility. Penned with a flourish that betrayed the author's pride, it offered a triad of ingenious strategies.

The first method championed using raw magical prowess to dismantle the barriers of enchantment. The second proposed a sophisticated potion, Demon Powder, capable of cloaking one's magical aura from prying restrictions. The third, and to Mike, the most accessible strategy, involved using a potent magical artifact to obscure oneself from the vigilant gaze of magical safeguards.

Disregarding the first two options as beyond his current reach, Mike gravitated towards the third. The notebook elucidated that most magical restrictions operate on a principle akin to magical radar, detecting anomalies in the ambient magical field. By bearing an object saturated with a dense concentration of magic, one could effectively become invisible to such detections. This concept paralleled the notion of using thermal imaging to observe a red-hot sweet potato amidst the coals of a fire – it becomes indistinguishable from its surroundings.

Armed with the knowledge of circumventing magical restrictions, Mike felt a surge of confidence, bolstering his resolve to venture into the restricted section by the term's end with a higher degree of certainty.

Meanwhile, true to the tale as it has always been told, Harry received an invisibility cloak from Dumbledore on Christmas. Under Dumbledore's calculated guidance, Harry embarked on a journey of self-discovery before the Mirror of Erised. In contrast to Mike's focused ambition, Harry found himself trapped by the mirror's allure, spending countless nights lost in its depths. It took Dumbledore's intervention and some heartfelt advice to return Harry to his normal dull state.

Once his tumultuous emotions were stilled, Harry recalled his promise to Hermione: to uncover Nicolas Flamel's mystery during their holiday. Flamel was the missing piece in the puzzle concerning what Hagrid had retrieved from Gringotts.

Their adventures at school had already led them to the discovery of the trapdoor guarded by the formidable three-headed dog, and Snape's intriguing behavior hinted at his desire for what lay hidden beneath. Hagrid's inadvertent revelation connected the dots, identifying the guarded item as the one retrieved from Gringotts. The only piece missing now was the nature of the item itself.

"Maybe we should consult Mike; he knows quite a lot, so maybe he knows?" Ron suggested to Harry, his words laced with envy.

Harry harbored little expectation for Ron's idea, acutely aware that Mike, having been raised in the non-magical world just like himself, was unlikely to possess knowledge beyond that of a pure-blood wizard like Ron.

Nevertheless, driven by a mix of curiosity and a sense of obligation—fueled by the anticipation of Hermione's potential displeasure—they set off towards Ravenclaw in search of Mike.

However, they encountered an unexpected challenge upon reaching the Ravenclaw common room entrance.

"When did the first goblin rebellion occur?" posed the eagle-shaped door knocker.

The question prompted blank stares between Harry and Ron.

Cursed it! The history lessons with Professor Binns were notoriously snooze-inducing, their monotony turning them into an almost guaranteed naptime. Who could blame them for not retaining a detail so obscure?

"Er, 520?" Harry guessed out of sheer desperation.



A first-year Ravenclaw student standing behind Harry and Ron, waiting to enter the common room, became impatient.

"201 AD." He said calmly.

"Correct!" declared the eagle knocker, granting access.

The first-year Ravenclaw student smugly squeezed past Harry and Ron into the common room, looking disdainfully back at them as he left.

Harry and Ron, red-faced with embarrassment, still brazenly followed him into the Ravenclaw common room. If they didn't seize this opportunity, they might never enter the Ravenclaw common room in their lifetime.

They found Mike in a cozy nook by the fire, deeply engrossed in a book. His relaxation was only occasionally interrupted by the indulgence in some nearby snacks. Upon noticing his visitors, Mike set aside his reading, curious about their unexpected appearance.

Mike polished off the last of his side snacks as Harry and Ron unfolded their tale.

"So, that's the situation. We're curious if you know who Nicolas Flamel actually is," Harry said, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment. The incident at the Ravenclaw entrance had left him feeling exposed, as if every gaze in the common room painted him the fool. Thankfully, the warmth of the nearby fire provided a convenient excuse for his reddened face, suggesting to any onlookers that it was merely the heat coloring his cheeks.

"I know him."

Harry's astonishment was palpable. "You do? But how?"

"Indeed," Mike affirmed, shifting to engage more directly with his guests. "Anyone paying close attention to the Chocolate Frog cards, particularly Dumbledore's, would come across Nicolas Flamel. He's not just any alchemist but the esteemed creator and sole possessor of the Philosopher's Stone."

This revelation left Harry and Ron momentarily speechless, their earlier frustration giving way to intrigue. Mike seized the opportunity to elaborate on the significance of their inquiry.

"The Philosopher's Stone isn't just legendary for its ability to transmute any metal into gold; it also holds the secret to immortality. Legend has it that Nicolas Flamel and his wife have been beneficiaries of its powers for centuries."

"So the thing Hagrid took from Gringotts that day must be the Philosopher's Stone! Snape must want to get his hands on it!" Harry said excitedly.

"Yeah! Turning anything into gold! Who wouldn't want that?" Ron said, his eyes shining with the glow of Galleons.

"Mike, Ron, we must go tell Dumbledore about Snape wanting to steal the Philosopher's Stone now."

Seeing the two so excited, Mike calmly shook his head, picked up his book again, and replied, "I won't go. I have to read."

"But..." Harry wanted to continue persuading, but Ron pulled him away.

"It looks like he's turned into a real bookworm, buried in those pages. Ravenclaw is notorious for its students' noses being stuck in books constantly. Hermione would've been just like him if fate hadn't landed her in Gryffindor," Ron murmured, believing his words were beyond earshot.

Catching every word with sharp clarity, Mike cast a disdainful look towards the exiting pair and settled back into his comfortable position.

He had no desire to engage in the intricate challenges Dumbledore had concocted, seemingly tailored for Harry's adventure.

I renamed it to the Philosopher's Stone following a suggestion from someone's comment.

Delvogencreators' thoughts