
Weak spot

**"*Prince Liam**


Father has found a way to stop Draacus.

This is not a part of my plan.

It will ruin my connection with Draacus and my hope of becoming a king.

I just desire to put an end to this old man so I would have the opportunity to become king.

I have the urge to hold power within me

I desperately want to order everyone in the palace around even my mother.

I thought joining hands with Draacus will provide a faster way of becoming that but I overheard father and Mccan discussing about Draacus fall.

That's a huge blow to my wicked ambition.

I have to..."feeling disturbed"the voice came from nowhere not even the door but I have an hint that it's...

"You can pour out everything instead of keeping it in your feeble mind"the talker teeth opened .

His canine was long

It's Draacus.

" I have prominent information to disclose "I stood up from where I was sitting then walked forward to the door.

He showed himself.

"Are you scared Hyne is going to find out that you have been betraying him"he smiled and walked past me.

He sat on my bed.

"No,he discovered a way to destroy you"I turned around to look at him.

He moved swiftly,grabbed my neck and pinned me on the wall.

"If Hyne has gotten a way to attack me then you should halt him instead of telling me the disheartening news"he added more effort in pressing my neck.

"You are just as weak as your father"

"Humans are so weak"he released his grip

I fell down.

I coughed before replying him.

"How can you claim that humans are weak when it was a human that killed your father"


"Is that Hyne's way of stopping me" he spoke with a shaky tone.

Finally,who would have believed Draacus had a weak spot.

He disappeared into thin air.

******* Draacus

I sat down on my throne in my vampire palace

I was served a cup of blood yet I was still unsettled.

"Rind"I screamed out loud causing all my guards to vibrate in fear.

"Summon jirin here right now"I ordered with annoyance.

Jirin, an old seer who had worked with my father before he died.


"Have you finally realised that humans are unpredictable"

"You believe they are weak but their weakness can protect them "

"If you don't stop terrorizing them ,you will definitely end up like Zaig your father"He closed his eyes.

I stood up.

I came closer to him

"I am obviously different from my father"

"He thought Rind was a good human friend and trusted him but he made a mistake"

"And that mistake will never repeat itself through me so you had better stop spilling trash from your mouth"

I went back to my throne.

"Draacus,stop it before it gets too late"he continued his upsetting advice.

"Lock him up and don't offer him blood for three days"I ordered

"Draacus stop it....."Jirin continued screaming as he was being dragged away


"Hyne you can never stop me"

I spoke inwardly.

I drank my cup of blood.

I laughed sarcastically"Humans are unpredictable yet they have done nothing to me"

"Bring me another drink"

"King Hyne,I am coming to suck your attractive blood"I rested my head on the throne.
