
Journey to the unknown

*****King Hyne**

Insects kept chirping not obeying the silence of the night.

I,Mccan and three of my guards kept moving forward with torches in our hands which provided a source of light for us to keep us stable from freaking out.

"Mccan,how many days will it take to reach Rind"

"I feel suffocated"

That was the fourth pit I had fallen into.

I embarked on an unknown journey with Mccan and three of my guards.

The only lead we have is the map but it seems we aren't able to understand the map.

It looks confusing to me,my guards but not Mccan because he keeps leading us forward.

We walked on till it felt like the end of the journey was a world away.

General Mccan would stop,look back and sides before continuing.

We had no complaints

We just followed like a zombie.

"King Hyne"Mccan stopped and I don't think he is planning to move forward as usual.

"Draacus is aware of this secret journey"he made a statement that made my heart beat faster.

"How did he notice?"

I was about to continue pestering but I was stopped by seven red eyes which came out of nowhere.

Their fingers were as long as a python and they have long canines just like Draacus.

"Vampires"I screamed then the shining bronze sword that was on me was pulled out by me.

"Protect the king"Mccan ordered after pulling out his sword.

One of the vampires dragged my hair

He placed his hand on my neck while opening his mouth.

He was about to plunge his teeth into my flesh.

I kicked his face with my boots causing him to scream in pain.

He scratched my flesh with his long fingers.

My torch fell and went off .

I could only see his red eyes but this time I am sure three red eyes are now visible to me.

How did Draacus notice we were looking for a way to destroy him.

There must definitely be a mole at my palace.

I held my sword tightly making my grip stronger.

I slit the first vampire with just one blow.

The second tore my arm with his fingers.

I covered my arm with my left palm.

How can I defeat Draacus if I don't have the capability to fight his guards.

Mccan looked back .

"King Hyne"

I closed my eyes because I don't want to witness the spillage of vampires blood.

I know what Mccan will do to them.

Everywhere became silent like a graveyard,I opened my eyes.

The vampires were all dead.


I stepped into Hyne's palace and sat on his throne.

It's time for a legend war between humans and vampires.Humans have gained the authority to discover a vampire secret.

I picked the second prince of Hyneg kingdom,I dragged his leg since he doesn't want to be obedient.

"Do you know what your father has caused"I spoke close to his face.

He shivered before gaining the strength to answer"I don't kno...w.....an.. .d i am not my father" he stuttered.

I dipped my fingers into his stomach pulling his intestines out .

His mother screamed loud"Rynk"she rushed to the throne with tears in her eyes,that is what humans get when trying to draw a battle line against immortals.

I caught her by her neck before biting the left side of her neck.

All the mortals present in the palace screamed and they were overwhelmed with fear.

I dragged the first queen.

" Tell Hyne not to find a way to destroy me in your afterlife"I dipped my hand into her throat till I felt my hand has reached her lung region then I pulled out pulling her heart with it.

I licked my fingers before laughing out loud."No mortal can stop my reign over them not even Rind"