
Draacus's Terror

Thunder strikes more than it has always done

Screams of different maidens keeps ringing in my mind.It caused a revoke in my heart yet I could do nothing to ease the situation upholding in my castle

Then what am I a king for,Draacus comes anytime he desires

A vampire that kills my people every six days but this time he finally developed the urge to pick his prey from my palace.

He dragged one of the maidens hair, slightly using his index finger to rub the right side of her neck.

An obvious spot his vampire teeth will plung into.

He turned around releasing the maiden's hair

"King Hyne"

"it's been long since I've satisfied my constantly thirsty throat with your people's blood"

He displayed a mockery bow .

Hugh,a sacarsm.

When he comes here every six days to devour my people.

I pressed my palms together almost making them get white out of the pressure i had applied on them.

"Draacus,satisfy yourself all you want "

"My people are your prey so you can use them to satisfy your thirsty throat"

I closed my eyes but I could still feel the pressure


The maiden screamed loud as Draacus bit her right neck

He laughed out then walked to the palace door.

"Weak king"

Tears streamed down from my eyes

I can feel my people's pain

It burns like an endless fire in me but I don't have the ability to save them from their predator.

I have tried so many times to create a way to stop the usual killing because I'm definitely sure Draacus will come come for me soon.

He has an entire army of vampires

I have an army of soldiers.

Totally incomparable to his.

If I am to face him....it would absolutely be a kill off.

General Mccan walked in.

My loyal warrior who had worked with me for a decade.

He has done different research on how to get rid of Draacus but it always end up being futile.

Whenever he comes back from his usual research journey.

I always had a hope of victory inside me but when he delivers his message.

I suddenly feel like a bear with sore head

Futile as it has always been.

"King Hyne"

"I found no possible clues to destroy Draacus but I found something amazing"he brought out a map from his bag.

He brought the map forward to me

I collected it and opened it but it makes me more unsettled.

I never expected a map but a way to get done with Draacus.

"What's this about"I turned my grey eyes from the map then placed it on Mccan.

"Rind is the only one who knows how to stop Draacus from tormenting the Hyneg town"he replied with a rushing tone

"How can Rind a mere human like us stop the hungry vampire"I believe this is an unacceptable find.

"Rind killed Draacus father so he will also have the ability to perform the synonym again"Mccan stood up straight.

I was excited to discover that there is finally a way to stop the vampire I despises so much

"And where can we find Rind"I asked with a quick tone.

"It's on the map"

"Draacus,you are finally going to get crippled or dead by me"

I walked away with pride in me..