
Randomness of one shots

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_hazel_lee_4903 · Others
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Ride Or Die - Love Story- Dominic Toretto

"Money will come and go. We all know that. The most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here, right now." - Dom Toretto


This is a Dom X reader. So if you don't know what the fast and furious movies then google it. Plz don't kill me or hurt my feelings I actually feel like I'm part of this family. Anyways to the story we go.

~~~~~ Your p.o.v ~~~~~

"Y/n!!! What are you doing tonight?" Mia asked. "I don't know ask Hobbs if we have some FBI stuff." I said as I worked an my 1969 ss Camaro. She sighed as she could tell I'm too busy for her and when to Brain. "He said that you were on vacation for the rest of the month." "Who said that!" "Your brother." She said. I shock my head and signed.

Then the rest of the team got back. "So.....who was it?" Mia asked still turned around like me and Brain. "Well.....it was hard and we got hurt." Letty said. That's when I turned around and gasped. I run to them and asked, "What the hell happened!?!" "Just got in a street fight." Dom said just as plain and simply as he could.

Dom had the worst of all of them. He had a big gash on his back and chest, they were going to leave marks. He had some small cuts and bruises but nothing else. I dragged he into the bathroom and pulled off his shirt. I started to pull out the needle and thread to sew the gashes up but Dom put his hand on mine.

"I lost so much blood, I'm not going to make it," He paused. "I just wanted to say goodbye and that Ian will be here with a baby, it's yours y/n." The light of his soul was fading away. I had to act fast or I was going to him. I walked behind him and started to sew. He hissed in pain.

When I was done in the back, I went to his chest. He looked like he could fate because he lost so much blood. The sentence he said a few minutes ago played through my mind over and over again. 'Why would he say that? Is he really going to die in my hands?' I thought.

Then I got done with his chest, he just looked at me. "What?" I asked. "Why did you help me?" "Because you needed it," I paused. "Why did you say that?" " 'Cuz I thought I wasn't going to make it." He said. I nodded and I help he to his room in the safe house. I had tears threatening to fall down and I let them, when I got to Dom's room of course. I quietly cried when I set Dom down on his bed.

"Hey, y/n, it's okay. You don't have to cry. I'm fine, it's okay. Nothing is going to happen right now." He said and pulled me into him lap. I keep on crying, while he whispers sweet nothings in my ear. I started to calm down. "You okay hermosa. I'm okay. My corazón is still beating, for you mi amor." He said. I nodded and put my head back on his chest.

For a while it was peacefully quiet. Then Dom asks, "Y/n, will you be my girlfriend?" "Hell yeah!" I said. He kissed me and I kissed back.

Now we ride or die.

A/n: 585 words, wow, not the most I've done but I hope you enjoyed it. BUY GOLD!!! BYE!!