
You Belong (Sasha x Anne x Reader x Marcy)


Anne, (Y/N), Sasha and Marcy were all chilling at Sasha's house after a tough Friday at school but something seemed a little off.

'You seem distant (Y/N)' Marcy comments, turning her attention away from her switch.

(Y/N) doesn't hear her at first, too lost in her own thoughts. Marcy's comment also caught Anne and Sasha's attention.

'Marcy's right (Y/N), are you ok?' Anne adds in a slightly worried tone.

(Y/N) was still zoned out, staring out the window. Anne, Sasha and Marcy look at each other worried. Sasha then stood up and put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

'Huh' (Y/N) jumps, finally breaking out of her train of thought.

'We just noticed that you seemed a bit off' Sasha softly says, moving her hand to (Y/N)'s cheek.

'Oh it's fine, I just zoned out a bit' (Y/N) nervously chuckled, moving Sasha's hand away. But it wasn't a genuine laugh, (Y/N)'s laugh was always full of heart and joy but this laugh wasn't right it was soft and seemed forced.

'(Y/N)...' Anne mumbled.

'Seriously guys I'm fine' (Y/N) smiles, her smile didn't look right either, it looked... sadder.

'We've known you for years (Y/N), we know that something's not right' Marcy says.

'I said I'm fine, just let it go' (Y/N) says getting a little agitated.

'Something's clearly bothering you (N/N), just talk to us' Sasha pleaded, sitting down next to (Y/N).

'It really doesn't matter' (Y/N) looks away from the group 'it's a stupid reason' she mumbles.

'It's not stupid, if it's bothering you then it's important' Anne protests.

(Y/N) doesn't say anything she just goes back to looking out the window, ignoring the other three girls. Anne and Marcy then joined Sasha in sitting next to (Y/N).

'Please (N/N)' Marcy keeps trying.

'I don't wanna waste your time with something as dumb as this' (Y/N) says in a whisper, barely able to be heard by the other girls.

'No (Y/N)!' Anne declares, her loud voice startling everyone a little bit. 'It's not dumb because it's bothering you, and your not wasting our time because we've always got time for you' she continues.

'Your wasting that time, any time with me is a waste' (Y/N) sadly grumbled.

'WHAT!?' Sasha, Marcy and Anne yelled in unison.

'Don't you DARE think like that' Sasha says in a serious yet caring tone.

'I'm sorry...' (Y/N) apologises, tears brimming her eyes.

'For what?' Marcy worries, taking (Y/N)'s hands in hers.

'I don't know' (Y/N) cries. The other three girls were extremely quick to pull (Y/N) into a group hug.

'Hey hey, shhhhhh, it's ok, we're here (N/N)' Anne comforts, rubbing circles in (Y/N)'s back.

'We've got you' Sasha adds, running her fingers through (Y/N)'s slightly messy hair.

'We've always got you' Marcy finishes as (Y/N) clings to her.

Suddenly (Y/N) pulls out of the hug looking panicked and almost angry. 'BUT WHY?' She shouts.

'What do you mean why? We're your friends it's what we do' Anne explains.

'But why are you my friends?' (Y/N) asks sadly. 'You three are all amazing and I'm just... there'

'(Y/N) what are you talking about!' Marcy says, starting to get seriously worried about (Y/N).

'Tell me I'm wrong' (Y/N) cried. 'Sasha, you're the most popular girl at school, Marcy, you're the smartest person I've ever met and Anne, you're amazing with people and awesome at sports but me... there's nothing special about me' (Y/N) finally admits. 'I don't belong with people as brilliant as all of you' she finishes.

'THAT IS ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS (Y/N)!' Sasha yelled, making (Y/N) flinch slightly. 'You are one of the most amazing people I know' Sasha states. Anne and Marcy nod in agreement,

'How?' (Y/N) looks up at the other three girls.

'You're always there when we need help, no matter what' Anne starts.

'You brighten the mood of every room you enter' Sasha continues.

'And you are so generous to everyone' Marcy finishes 'plus no one can last minute an assignment like you can (Y/N)' Marcy adds on. The four girls chuckle at Marcy's comment.

'Thanks girls I just...' (Y/N) starts, pausing to free her eyes of remaining tears. 'I don't know where all that came from, I'm sorry'

'Again (Y/N) you have nothing to be sorry for' Sasha says tucking a piece of (Y/N)'s hair behind her ear.

'If anything is ever bothering you promise you'll tell us' Marcy says, in a soft caring tone yet still dead serious.

'I promise' (Y/N) smiles but unlike before, this smile was genuine.

The four girls all smiled at each other and then were in another group hug. (Y/N) falling asleep in the arms of friends who loved her.
