
Out in the woods (Frobo x reader)


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

It was around midday when I decided to go for a small stroll through the forest. It was a pretty nice day, the sun was shining strong but it wasn't too hot and there was a nice cool breeze. After a short while of walking I come across the perfect place to do a little reading. I love it when I get the chance to escape from everyone and just spend a few moments for myself.

I take a seat next to a tree stump so I would have something to lean against and pull my most recent read out of my bag. Just as I begin to read the first word I hear a rustling coming from somewhere next to me.

'Someone there?' I ask loud enough that whoever it was could hear me but there was still no response.

I wait for a minute more for any sort of response but nothing came. I shrug a little and go back to my book but again I am interrupted by a slight rustling.

'Hello?' I ask again, still no reply. 'I know that someone's out there!'

After I called that out the rustling increased until a large head appeared from the shrubbery. It's definitely not the face I was expecting to see, I was expecting it to be Anne, Marcy or one even of the Plantars but it wasn't. Looking back at me was the strange robot creature that Polly has found a few days ago.

'Oh it's you, what're you doing here?'

The robot -Frobo I think it's name was- stands up and cautiously approaches me. It tilts its head curiously and points towards my book, almost like they were asking a question.

'This is just my book. Do you know how to read?' I ask them.

Frobo just gently shook its head and crouched down in front of me.

'You're a silly little robot' I giggle at them.

Frobo tried to laugh with me but it sounded more like demonic screeching then laughing.

'Yeah maybe you should avoid trying to laugh Frobo'

Frobo stopped laughing but a strange screeching remained. We both turned to the side swiftly to see what was causing the noise. When we turned we saw some weird snake, bug hybrid hissing at us. And it kept getting closer and closer as it continued to hiss. I scooted backwards towards Frobo, quite scared of the foreign creature.

In one fluid motion the monster leaped forward and bit my arm. I fell back and clutched it in pain, scared that it would attack again. I freak out a little when Frobo suddenly picks me up and then jumped super duper high.

'AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! FROBO!!!' I scream as he jumps through the treetops while holding onto me. 'PLEASE DON'T DROP ME!!!' I yell.

Frobo continues to hop through the woods for another minute or so before finally landing somewhere I've never ventured far enough to see. Frobo gently releases me and I look around.

'Where are we?' I ask, not really expecting an answer.

I look around in confusion for a few more seconds before I'm brought back by the burning pain in my arm. I hiss at the sting and gingerly hold it. Frobo bends down a little and tilts its head in confusion. Their hand then somehow turns into some kind of spray bottle. They smile at me and hold their other hand out for my arm. I hesitate slightly but eventually hand it to them. Frobo gently holds my arm before spraying it with whatever they had, it stung for a short moment before the pain subsided. Frobo then quickly wrapped my arm in bandages that came from who knows where and did a little dance when they were finished.

To my surprise my arm had completely stopped hurting. Sure it had a few bandages on it now but seeing as it was bitten by an unknown potentially deadly creature I'd say I was pretty lucky in this situation.

'Thanks Frobo' I say in awe of the talented robot. 'You really are full of surprises' I smile up at them.

Frobo smiles at my comment.

'Hey Frobo? Do you have any idea where we are?'

Frobo then looks around with the same amount of confusion that I have.

'You're lost too huh?'

They look down and give a small nod.

'Well it's fine, we don't need to head back just yet, I still wanna get the chance to read my book- MY BOOK!? OH NO I LEFT MY BAG WITH THAT MONSTER THING!'

I start to get upset before I see Frobo holding out my bag.

'You grabbed my bag?' I ask, feeling myself light up, they nod in response. 'THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!' I squeal, jumping up and down a little.

Frobo seems to smile at the sight of me being so happy.

'Hey Frobo? Can I lean on you while I read, if you don't mind of course'

In response they walk over to a tree and sit down, patting the spot next to them. I grin a little and take a seat next to them, pull the book out from my bag and start reading.

An hour later -I think it was an hour- I finally shut my book and stretch a little.

'Hey Frobo, I'm ready to head back now, any clue which way we need to go?'

My voice seemed to startle the peaceful robot. They looked down at me and shook their head.

'Well you can jump super high, maybe you can jump above the trees and see which way Wartwood is' I suggest to my new friend.

They nod before jumping up with amazing speed. A few seconds later they land next to me and point in a direction before walking off that way.

'I guess Wartwood is that way' I smile before following the amusing robot.

We continue walking for quite a while before I finally start to recognise the area of woods we were in, meaning we were almost at Wartwood. Besides having my reading time interrupted a little, being bitten by some unknown snake thing and having to walk for an hour to get back, today has been pretty nice. I got to become closer to Frobo which has been rather enjoyable. I glance up through the treetops and see that it had become quite dark. Anne will never let me hear the end of this for staying out so late. I shake off the thought with a small laugh and look straight ahead, walking back home with Frobo.
