
Midnight Meetups (Sasharcy)


Sasha P.O.V

I ask myself as I hold my adorable nerd close to me.

On one of the first nights of me being in Wartwood nightmares had kept me from sleeping. So instead of laying awake till morning I decided to go for a walk to try and clear my head. What I didn't expect was to find a muttering Marcy hunched over a plant with a notebook. I startled her when I first announced myself but after that we'd gone for a walk together. She told me about the plant that was only visible at night, hence why she was out her and I told her how I just wasn't able to sleep. We then started to talk about other things like what we'd been up to on our own in Amphibia. After that night we'd started to meet up every night, just to talk. Well it started off as just talking. Blah blah blah getting comfortable with each other again blah blah blah some other stuff blah blah blah now we're leaning against a tree, cuddling together under the stars.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Marcy shivering a little. One of the downsides to meeting up in the dead of night was that it was hella cold. I respond to her silent request by unclipping my cape and throwing it around her like a blanket.

'That warm you up at all?' I ask.

'Mhm' she answers, backing against me more. 'Thanks Sash' she mumbles.

I smile and hold her tighter. 'No problem Mar-Mar'

Oh how I would love to lay here with Marcy in my arms forever. But unfortunately that wasn't an option. We'd silently agreed to keep our little relationship a secret which meant that we couldn't let the others know that we sneak off together.

'Hey Marbles, the sun's gonna start to rise soon. We're gonna need to head back soon' I say, shuffling into more of a sitting position.

'Nooooooooooo' she whined, moving up and burying her head in the crook of my neck. 'I don't wanna' she grumbled.

I chuckle lightly at her reaction. 'I don't wanna either Mar-Mar but we've gotta, don't want others getting suspicious of us or anything'

'Fiiiiiiiiiine' she groans, rolling off of me.

'Thanks Mars' I smile, leaning down to give her a light kiss on the forehead.

Her whole face lights up from suck a little kiss and it makes me so happy that I'm the one making her happy like that. I sigh and sit up fully before eventually standing up, stretching out a little. I look and see Marcy doing the same. She stands up and goes to hug me but she somehow trips on nothing and literally falls into my arms.

'What am I gonna do with you?' I shake my head at her.

'Carry me back?' She asks, looking up at me with an adorable pout.

How could I possibly say no to that. 'Fine' I grumble 'but only so you don't get yourself hurt' I say, before picking her up bridal style.

She giggles up at me, her sleep deprivation clearly catching up to her. She nuzzles closer to me as I carry her back to the Plantars house or their Fwagon to be precise. I place Marcy down in her bead, careful not to wake her up. I then sneak through town and back to where me and Grime were staying, climbing back into bed just as the sun began to rise. I should be able to get a few house of rest before I need to get up.


'WAKE UP LIEUTENANT' Grime bellows as he opens the curtains wide.

'Mmmmmm, what time is it' I grumble, rolling over to block out the sun.

'Time for you to wake up, those frogs need help with their farm work and we have to help them so they continue to believe our act' he explains.

Right. The....act.... I need to constantly remind myself that this is only temporary. Once we get to Newtopia and take over there's no telling what will happen, especially between me and Mar-Mar....

I groan at the thought. I can't lose them, I won't. This is just a small complication. Everything will be back under control after Grime and the roads are on top. I finally find the energy to get up and out of bed, putting on my armour and grabbing my sword before joining Grime outside.

'Is the sword really necessary?'

'I-well, no-'

'Didn't think so, go put it back'

I grumble and storm back inside, putting my sword down and turning to leave again. I stop at the door for a second before quickly running to my bedside to grab a dagger. 'I think as I shove it into my boot.

'You grabbed a dagger didn't you' Grime deadpanned.

'Mhm, now lets go'

Marcy's P.O.V

'You seem more tired than usual Mar-Mar' Anne comments as I carry a bag of fertiliser, her doing the same.

'Hmm?' I ask absentmindedly. 'Oh right yeah, I just......couldn't sleep, yeah that's it' I mumble, honestly struggling to keep my eyes open.

'You sure that's it Marbles?'

I was about to answer when I lost my balance and toppled forward. Instinctively I put my arms forward to break my fall but before I could my fall was stopped by someone else. I sigh in relief when I realise that I was safe in Sasha's arms.

'I knew you were falling for me Mar-Mar but you don't have to literally fall for me' she jokes, smirking down at me and chuckling slightly.

'Shut up' I mumble in embarrassment as I stand upright.

'Wow thanks Sash, Mars was about hit the ground hard' Anne laughs.

'No problem, heard you guys need help with some farm stuff so we came to lend a hand' Sasha says as Grime comes up behind her.

'That'd be great, Ima go help the Plantars, can you guys finishing moving all the stuff out of the shed?' Anne asks.

'You got it Anne' Sasha says, picking up the bag that I had dropped.

Anne nods then walks off to her frog family. We then got to work on moving bags of fertiliser, tools and other farming equipment out of the shed. We ended up spending a good portion of the day assisting the Plantars. As well as sharing a few sneaky kisses and hugs with Sasha.

Anne's P.O.V

Sasha and Marcy have been acting.......different. More....... affectionate? I think. I'm probably just looking too far into this. It's a totally normal thing for friends to stare at each other all day and whisper things to each other to make the other blush and to-


Yeah those two were definitely dating now. These bitches gay. Good for them.

Sasha's P.O.V

Although my entire day has been wasted on helping the frogs with farming, it's been fun. Although any day I can spend with Marcy is fun. After we'd all finished helping the frogs Grime and I had headed back to where we were staying. After lounging around for a few hours I headed out into the woods to meet up with my adorable chaotic nerd.

'Took you long enough Sash' Marcy jokes, looking up from her journal.

'Yeah yeah whatever, I brought you something' I smile, holding up a small bag.

'Aww, what's this for?' She asks as I take a seat next to her.

'Just saw it and thought that you'd like it, it's just chocolate' I shrug, as she opens it up.


'Yeah I know, that's why I got it. No problem by the way, anything for you' I smile, wrapping my arm around her.

'Love you' she whispers, leaning up to kiss my cheek.

'Love you too. Hey can I have some?' I ask as Marcy starts to scoff down the snack.

'Nope' she mumbles, mouth full.

'Oh c'mon pleeeeease'

'No! It's my chocolate'

'Well I guess I'll jut have to take it' I grin, snatching the chocolate and holding it high and out of her reach.

'Nooooooooooo' she whines. 'Fiiiiiiine you can have some'

'Thanks Mar-Mar' I smirk in victory, snapping off a piece and passing her the rest.

'I hate you, evil chocolate thief'

'Mhm love you too' I mumble into her hair.

Anne's P.O.V

Mhm, these bitches gay. Good for them, good for them.
