
Locked In (Boscha x Reader)

Prompt B———————————————————

'(Y/N) THAT'S THE FIFTH GRUDGBY BALL YOU'VE DESTROYED TODAY!' Boscha yells at (Y/N) while she stands there smiling nervously, scratching the back of her head.

Boscha and (Y/N) had spent the cold morning playing Grudgby. Well more like Boscha was teaching (Y/N) how to play Grudgby and now for the fifth time today (Y/N) had gone a little too hard with her fire spell.

'Sorry, sorry but we can just grab another Grudgby ball from the storage room right?'  (Y/N) asks.

'Well yes but that's not the point! you have REALLY got to get your magic under control (Y/N)'

'Yeah I know, I know, let's just go get another Grudgby ball' (Y/N) mumbles.

The two girls then walk off of the pitch and to the schools storage room.



'Did you just close the door?' Boscha asks, anger evident in their voice.

'Yeah? What's wrong with that?' (Y/N) asks confused as to why Boscha seemed angry.


'Oh no' (Y/N) mumbles. 'There's got to be a way out right?' (Y/N) asks, frantically trying to open the locked door.

'Nope, we've got to wait until someone opens it from the outside' Boscha explains.

'And how long till then?' (Y/N) nervously asks, scared to hear the answer.

'Because we booked the pitch I'd say an hour, maybe hour and a half'

'Oh crud' (Y/N) whispers.


'Can you stop whistling please' (Y/N) asks annoyance clear in her voice.

'You're the reason we're stuck in here, I can do whatever I want' Boscha casually replies, continuing to whistle.

'I didn't mean to get us stuck' (Y/N) mumbles, slightly embarrassed.

'Well you did so... ima keep whistling' Boscha replies with a smug smile.

'Why are you like this?' (Y/N) sighs.

'Like what?' Boscha asks, turning her attention to the other girl.

'Never mind' (Y/N) sighs, closing her eyes in an attempt to sleep.

'Whatever' Boscha rolls her eyes, returning to her whistling, annoying (Y/N) once again.


'Titan it's cold' (Y/N) complains, hugging herself to try and stay warm.

'Here' Boscha offers as she takes off her Grudgby jacket and puts it around (Y/N)'s shoulders.

'But aren't you cold?' (Y/N) asks, a slight blush on her cheeks from Boscha's action.

'Eh it's fine, I actually don't mind the cold' Boscha responds, going back to leaning against the wall.

'Thank you' (Y/N) whispers, resting her head on Boscha's shoulder.

Boscha looks down at the other girl, smiles and wraps her arm around her, resting her head on top of (Y/N)'s head. (Y/N) responds by snuggling closer to Boscha.

'Sorry about getting us stuck in here' (Y/N) apologises.

'It's fine, I'm sorry for being difficult' Boscha replies.

'I guess we can both be a bit dumb sometimes' (Y/N) chuckled.

'Hey! I admitted that I was difficult not that I was dumb' Boscha laughs, trying to act offended.

(Y/N) can't help but laugh 'I Love you Boscha' (Y/N) smiles, cuddling into Boscha's side.

'Love you too dork' Boscha mumbles into (Y/N)'s hair.


'Awwww' an unknown voice is heard taking a photo and waking up the two sleeping girls.

'Huh' (Y/N) asks, unable to comprehend anything curtesy of just waking up. Boscha on the other hand was definitely fully awake.

'NOCEDA!' Boscha yells at the intruder who seemed to be Luz.

'But your both just so cute' Luz continues, angering Boscha further.

'Luz' (Y/N) starts, gaining her attention 'for your own safety I suggest you run' (Y/N) gestures to an extremely angry Boscha.

'Oh crud!' Luz panics and runs off. Boscha goes to chase after her but (Y/N) grabs her sleeve.

'Let it go Boscha' (Y/N) tells the other girl.



'Urg fine' Boscha pouts as she sits down next to (Y/N) again.

'Thank you' (Y/N) sighs, returning to cuddling into Boscha's side.
