
A Simple Sleepover (Marcy x Reader)


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Alright have fun kiddo" Dad said as I got out of the car.

"Of course, thanks for dropping me off" I smile, shutting the door behind me.

"No problem. I'll be here to pick you up around midday tomorrow, sound good?"

"Sure thing dad, bye" I wave as he drives off.

Marcy and I have planned for me to spend the weekend at her house so the two of us can just play games, watch TV and chill. Her parents are out on some business trip so we've got the house to ourselves which means we can comfortably watch Anime on the big screen. I walk up the small path to the front door and ring the doorbell. I can hear sounds of movement and then a loud crash, most likely from Marcy falling over or something. After just under a minute Marcy opens the door, wearing her pyjamas and smiles at me.

'(Y/N)!' She greets, hugging me.

'Hey Mar-Mar, how are you?' I ask the shorter girl as we part from our hug.

'Good good. C'mon, c'mon I've got snacks, pillows and that show we started last time all ready to play' she smiles, pulling me inside and towards the lounge room.

I smile back and follow her through the house. As we walk into the lounge room I see that she has indeed gotten everything ready. I see drinks and chips and a pile of pillows and blankets set up at the couch. The two of us sat down together and clicked play, her cuddling up to me as we watched. We watched the show for a good few hours before I started to get bored.

'Hey Marbles can we move onto something else? Wanna play Smash?'

'Pfft you suck at Smash' she laughs at me, earning an elbow to the side from me. 'But sure gimme a minute I'll set up the Switch' she says, standing up to set up the game.

She opens the game and passes me my controller. She wasn't lying before though, I do suck at Smash Bros. But it's Marcy's favourite game to play with friends so I'll suck it up and lose so she can have her fun.

'I'll go easy on you' she teases as we pick her characters and start the game.

'C'mon Mar-Mar I'm not THAT bad' I defend as I begin to use my amazing gamer skills known as button mashing.

To absolutely no one's surprise, I lost. I lost many, many, many times.

'C'MON (Y/N)! I WAS BARELY TRYING THAT TIME!' Marcy laughs, leaning back against the couch.

'Oh shush you, no need to rub it in. I play videogames on the lowest difficulty for a reason'

'Yeah cause you suck!' She laughs.

'That's it!' I declare, softly tackling her so I could hit her with a tickle attack.

'Nonononono stop! (Y/N)!' She whines as she laughs uncontrollably, flailing her arms in an attempt to get me to stop.

A few more seconds pass before I finally call off my attack.

'Sweet sweet revenge' I triumphantly smile.

'You are the WORST!' She playfully yells, throwing a pillow at my face.

'Yeah yeah whatever' I chuckle as Marcy sends an adorable pout my way. 'You know you love me'

'Yeah, I do' she replies with a sweet smile. 'It's getting pretty late, wanna head to bed?' She asks, standing up and offering me a hand.

'Yeah we probably should' I agree, taking her hand and following her to her room.

We arrive at Marcy's room. It was relatively small with a bed, desk and her wardrobe. She also had posters of her favourite shows and games covering the walls. Marcy walked to her bed and flopped backwards onto it.

'Did you bring a jacket (Y/N)?' Marcy asks me. 'It's pretty cold tonight and you're only wearing your shirt and shorts' she states, sitting up and gesturing to my outfit.

'Nah I didn't. I probably should have checked the forecast before I came. Do you have a hoodie or jacket I could borrow?'

'You still haven't given me back the other three you've borrowed!' She complained.

'Pleeeeeaaaaaase' I plead, sitting beside her and resting my head on her shoulder. 'We can cuddle together if you let me borrow another hoodie' I offer, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

'Urg fine' she groans, standing up to find me a hoodie. She was trying to act grumpy but I could see a small smile creeping onto her face.

'Love you Mar-Mar' I thank as she hands me a green hoodie. I slip it over my head and then lay down on her bed. 'Wanna cuddle now?'

'Mhm' she confirmed, climbing into bed with me.

We laid there together, Marcy burying her head in the crook of my neck and me running my fingers through her raven hair. I sigh in content as I completely relax, my perfect nerd in my arms.

'Night Mar-Mar'

'G'night (Y/N)'
