
Random Writing Practice

This is a Random Writing Practice book. You should expect some short stories of various qualities. All these are practices so please don't expect to much. I get the prompts from a Twitch Streamer friend called Okami_Eevee.

Kurama199 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Random Chapter VIII

Oneliner: "Okay, stop it, 'who' did what?"

"I'm sorry I didn't understand."

"Um okay, you turned you on?"

I'm still waiting for that right electronic device to turn my heart on."

Genre: Sci-Fi

(A/N So this is a continuation from 'Random Chapter VI. I hope you enjoy it!)

"Keep smiling through the void?" Alex was more confused than he ever was. "What do they mean?" All of a sudden, Alex got a holo call on his Future Asset. "Wha-? Crap its dad!" He picked up the call, just to be greeted by a hologram of a 6 feet tall man in a business suit yelling: "ALEX! Where in God's name are you?"

Alex straightened up instantly "I'm asking for forgiveness, father. I was about to pick up my friends and head straight to the plaza to start planning the festivals." As soon as Alex finished talking, the man closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Let me get this straight. Did you waste the last 30 minutes picking up your friends and haven't even started planing the festivities yet?"

Alex didn't answer. "Do I have to remind you again? YOU ARE THE SON OF THE CEO FOR INTERPLANETARY RELATIONSHIPS!"

"Dad there is more than enough time to-"

"I don't want your sorry excuses, Alexander! How many times do you wish to disappoint me? If the festival becomes a disaster, you will need to find yourself a new home! Have I made myself clear?"

"Loud and clear!"

The man seems satisfied with Alex's response and takes a chained pocket watch out of his overall. "Well, I cannot afford to waste any more time with you! This will be your last warning!" With that, Alex's dad hung up. "Sandra, Xander! Could you stop fooling around! We need to get going."

Sandra and Xander got shocked by how serious Alex sounded. Xander still was regenerating from the wounds Sandra gave him. Sandra, on the other hand, was already on her feet, yet worried. "Hey, Alex? What's wrong?"

"My dad called me."

"Oh, golly. That man is a real arsehole, you know that?" Alex only responded with a quick nod. "We need to go. He wants a good festival." Sandra chuckled: "More like a perfect one! Anyway, Xander! As soon as you can move again, come to the plaza asap!" Sandra took Alex's hand and teleported to the plaza.

The plaza was a big, round area in the middle of the city. There was a big well in the center. One statue of a dog and its owner crowned the midpoint of the well. The plaza was surrounded by skyscrapers, supermarkets, hospitals, and pharmacies. Next to the well stood a couple of people in business suits, perking up as soon as Alex appeared. The most significant looking person approached. "So you must be the young Mister Graham. My name is Pete Patters. It's nice to make your acquaintance."

Alex was never fond of all those boot lickers, his father employed. "The pleasure is all mine, gentlemen. I need to apologize for my rudely delayed arrival. Shall we begin with the planning immediately?" Sandra, who stood right next to Alex, had to hold her laughter. "You sound like a snob!" She whispered, only to receive an elbow in her ribs. "Please, Sandra. I'd really appreciate it if you could behave."

"And who might this young lady be?" Mister Patters asked.

Now it was Alex's turn to hold his laughter, as Sandra politely shook Mister Patters' hand. "May I introduce myself: I am Sandra Vav'ea. I'm one of the first interplanetary immigrants." Mister Patters immediately brightened up. "Oh my, it is a most undeserved honor to meet you, Miss Vafea." Sandra shot a smug grin towards Alex. "Sandra. I know my surname is difficult to pronounce. Sandra is okay." Alex walked away while Sandra held a conversation with Mister Patters. A volunteer worker was calling out: "Mister Graham! Over here! We found something in the dumpster of a pharmacy.

Alex hurried over to see what was found. "It's a cyborg. Type: 1.692354 XYZ" Alex was amazed as the volunteer worker read out the type number: "I didn't even know these were still in production." Alex kneeled down to inspect the cyborg more thoroughly, handed the worker 100 $, and signalized him to go back to preparation works. "Alright then...let's see." Alex cleared the rubble and trash of the cyborg to see her heart piece intact but deactivated.

Suddenly, the cyborg's black box restarted itself: "They *static did *static. It's their *static fault" Alex was confused: "Okay, stop it, 'who' did what?" All he got was a static response. "I'm sorry I didn't understand. The cyborg responded: "Um, *static* you turned *static* you on?" Alex was intrigued. His train of thoughts ran around and played all kinds of scenarios out. This time instead of the black box, the Main System started talking: "I'm still waiting for that right electronic device to turn my heart on" Alex retried talking to her, but the system kept repeating itself. Alex gave up after several attempts.

"This might be worth looking into!" Alex stated as he made a few calls on his Future Asset.