
Ramblings of a certain someone

As the title says, those are the daily ramblings of someone. Some days they will be long, others not.

Donutsaurio · Realistic
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10 Chs

Entry 8

Hi, Alpha here!

Well, today nothing really special happened. Oh yeah, our city always does a contest of writing, and you can write either a poem or a short story. I've always done a poem, since it was faster, but this year, with the thing of starting writing, I will do a short story. Also, there is the option of doing a one sentence text. But I won't do it! Why? You may ask, fufufu. The reason is because...

I am motivated enough to make an amazing story! I am determined to win! No, I will win!


The people who know me will only laugh if they see this, and they have their reason, because this is such a lie that even I don't believe it.

The thing is if the teacher likes your story/poem, he gives you points for the evaluation, so yeah, I kinda want that those points. And that's my reason for participating. I have yet to think about what it will be about, but any ideas are welcomed.

Another thing that I could mention is that lately I have been making quite silly mistakes in maths and other subjects, maybe I'm tired?

Anyway, see you tomorrow!

Thank you for reading!

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