
Ramblings of a certain someone

As the title says, those are the daily ramblings of someone. Some days they will be long, others not.

Donutsaurio · Realistic
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10 Chs

Entry 7

Hi, Alpha here!

Haa, Monday, what a ba- great day. And do you know why? Because is the start of my fuc- marvelous school! Sigh, I love my asylu- school so much!

Anyway, today I started with mixed feelings, because I had maths. The thing is, the teacher gave me my exam, and it was almost a perfect score, and you would ask, where did you had the mistake? Well, before saying it, I have to explain something about me. I aren't a living being without coffee. My brain just stops working. And that was what happened the day of the exam. That for my useless brain, the operation 4 + 1, was 3, and so I put in the exam :)

So after swearing at my own uselessness, the teacher picked up our exams and started teaching class. And then it happened. To defend myslef, I have to say, today I didn't drank coffee, so it happened what it happened. I'm going to tell it as if it was a book, alright? Here it is:

The teacher wrote in the blackboard one operation, between several ones. That operation in particular, had such a difficulty that most of the students were speechless. That operation was 3 + 4.

But there was a student, that with his bright mind and his frightening intelligence, saw that question, and almost inmediatly got the answer, and so he did. He just said the most obvois thing one could do in face of such operation.

"It's 5!"

And the silence came, the teacher started with a blank face at the student who said that, and with a calm voice said:

"Try it again."

At such answer, the student's head became chaotic. What did he do wrong? It was such an easy operation, and he failed? 'There must be something wrong!' The student thought. And they he finally realized, he saw the numbers wrong. So with a confident smile plasted in his face, he answered again:


At that answer, the teacher smiled softly at the student, and said to him:

"It's okay."

The student's mind became blank, there wasn't any thoughts in there. And then, he finally understood. He had been seeing wrong numbers since the beginning, and until that moment, he didn't realized what was the real operation.

After such a revelation, the student remembered something his friends told to him not long ago: 'You are a teenager with dementia', and at that moment, the seed of doubt about himself, started growing.


That was the story, what do you think about it? Anyways, after telling such humilliation, I'm leaving, see you tomorrow!

Thank you for reading!

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