

"Goodness, being the strongest is not as I expected at all. Everything and everyone are too weak and terrified. "My students are scared of me as well?" "Even powerful magic beasts die before I touch them!" "Hmm? Oh, he has the protagonist star but he is too hidden and might not shine. Hehehe, I'll groom this one and make him into the strongest too" Realizing that being the strongest comes with not only power and authority but extremely loneliness and unbearable boredom, vee fakes his death and travel to a far away land to live as a commoner. But just a few years after his retirement, his planet was invaded by a strong force that seek to conquer their home. But vee decides not to act this time and rather watch from the sideline while secretly helping someone else to become the main character in the darkest moment of their planet.

Vee_High · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Some of you, if not most of you, might not have been able to attend pre-learning classes and had not gotten any educational aid before coming here. But have you ever wondered why you were able to understand the meaning of these words and why you were able to easily read what was in the textbook?" Bree asked and a lot of stunned gasps sounded all over the class as the students came to realizations before Bree could finish her words. Alex was one of these students as he suddenly came to realize that he was able to read the manual which he found in his storage device even though he had never attended school before, he was able to perfectly understand what was in the manual.

'So this was why? I didn't even think of why I was able to read on my first try, so it was because of mana' Alex thought to himself in amazement.

"Indeed, it was due to the mana that had gone to your brain and given it an upgrade, saving lots of you from being hopeless dummies" Bree was still as harsh as ever and her words stung quite a lot of students badly, Alex being on of these students but they could not say anything because what the instructor had said was true.

Bree continued.

"Other uses of mana is that it heals disabilities in newly awakened mages such as kids with poor eyesight, disabled limbs, and other health issues. Newly awakened mages get cleansed of all of these upon awakening to avoid causing problems and limiting their talents''

Gustavo and Alex looked at Helen when they heard this, their expressions saying "Is that true?"

"Hehehe, don't mind my glasses. I decided to keep wearing them because I look good in them" Helen laughed shyly and explained before swiftly using the excuse that they should listen attentively to the instructor to ignore them.

" There are lots of other ways to use mana but those will be for later, next on the introduction of magic are the elements.

There are a total of ten elements from which a mage can only possess one after awakening, they are the fire element, water, earth, wind, ice, lightning, light, healing, curse, and the plant element.

You all should be aware of this since all of you just went through awakening a few days ago. So, why don't you all use this chance to introduce yourselves? It will be beneficial to you all in the future to enable you all to work together when needed. Simply state your name and your element, you begin" Bree said and pointed at the kid sitting in front.

"Brovaski, fire element!"

The kid in front quickly stood up and said I'm a loud voice, he sat down and the kid next to him did the same thing.

The trend continued for quite a few more minutes when a student made an announcement that stunned all the students in the classroom.

"Lucas, curse element"

A student with blue hair and pale skin stood up from the corner of the class and said in a soft voice, that he had a stunning height that easily towered over many adults despite being a kid. But that wasn't what made the students stare at him in astonishment; although it was one of the reasons because the blue-haired kid who identified himself as Lucas had easily blended into the background and even the person sitting right next to him had not been aware of his abnormal height and pale skin.

"Goodness lord, someone awakened the curse element?"

"And he's even in our class, the ranking is going to be really difficult"

"Why do you say so? Is the curse element that strong?"

"You don't know? I once heard my grandpa saying to my dad that the curse element is one of the two cosmos elements, it's extremely sinister and dangerous although I don't know the details"

"Really? I'm actually from a small family and we don't know much about mages, would it be dangerous to be in the same class as him?"

" I don't think so, I think it would be best to make friends with him instead since his element is very powerful once awakened. There is even a place in my family's ancestral records that they gain two elements when they grow stronger"

" What? So powerful!"

" Why do you think there are only two cosmos elements and only a few people awaken them?"

The students began to whisper amongst themselves upon discovering that there was someone with a cosmos element in their class, although their voice was low, it did not prevent the blue-haired kid, Lucas, from hearing some of their words.

But unlike how normal kids would have reacted, Lucas had an expressionless face with cold eyes as if he could not hear anything as he sat down.

" Silence! Don't interrupt the process, next person"

Bree quickly calmed the students and continued with the introduction. She stared at Lucas after the students had at least stopped talking about the matter for now, a pitiful glint flashed past her eyes for a brief moment.

'Sadly, he only has a low talent grade despite having a cosmos element'

Bree sighed in her thought, the class continued all the way till it was Gustavo's turn.

"Gustavo, light element" Gustavo stood up elegantly and announced, only a few girls reacted to his announcement and what fascinated them were his looks and long hair. It wasn't rare to see girls under the age of 18 having a crush on someone since it was the same for the boys too.

Gustavo sat back as Vee stood up.

"Vee, lightning element"

No reactions, although the lightning element was a rare element, this was the special class and quite a few students had rare elements.

Alex stood up after Vee sat down.

"Alex, ice and healing element"


The class instantly exploded after Alex's announcement, Vee could not help but give a silent chuckle at this.

'Seems like I should have hidden it instead, being in the spotlight all the time isn't too good'