
50. Scrubcaps

I am not going to survive our wedding day.

-Mark Sloan

"Here, try the silver one," Camille said confidently, plucking the gold fabric marker from her hand and replacing it with the silver one. Emily smiled at her patient, taking it and drawing a moon on the black t-shirt.

"How's school? Or how was it before this?" the doctor asked, tilting her head as she filled in the outline. Camille sighed, flexing her broken leg's toes before returning to drawing some sort of abstract flower on her own white tee.

"This guy asked me out to the movies, but I don't know if I should say yes." Smiling, the brunette looked at her patient to prompt her for an explanation. "He's nice and funny, but he isn't too smart. But I like him, a lot. It's just my parents would hate him since he's not too bright."

"You like him, you like him," Emily said with a shrug. Capping the marker, she marvelled at the masterpiece. "You should just say yes, try for the first date. You like it, you ask for another. Or hint at another, whatever." Camille bit the end of her marker and Emily sighed. "Your parents are at a conference and I'm technically your doctor. You should listen to your doctor's advice." Laughing, Camille returned the marker to gliding across the fabric. "Hospital date. Always fun."

"And what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?" Camille asked, running a hand through her red hair to tame it. Tucking it behind her ear, she furrowed her eyebrows as she meticulously used the pointiest edge and drew an outline of the stem before switching to green.

"I'm a doctor. We have our lives put on hold for like a decade if we can't find anyone outside the hospital."

"You didn't answer the question." Rolling her eyes, Emily slipped the marker into her pocket, letting her shirt dry.

"Yes, I had a boyfriend. You know, Dr. Sloan? The one who did the skingraft on your leg? Since you somehow managed to burn and break it all in one day."

"It was a bad day!" Camille exclaimed, causing Emily to laugh. "He was your boyfriend?"

"Yeah. We broke up a few months ago."

"Oh, why?" Ever the teenager, Camille didn't know when to stop with the questions.

"We wanted different things. Just adult stuff, which you don't have to worry about right now with this nice, stupid guy." Smiling, Camille sat up straighter before wincing. Her pillows had deflated, no longer elevating her leg enough. Getting up, she told her, "I'm gonna get you some more pillows."

"Thanks, Dr. M."

"No problem." She grinned and left the room. Taking a left, she continued on her way for the extra pillows. Deciding to stock up on pain meds just in case, she went down to the lobby and main nurse's office. The big supply closet was near the pit.

She knew Mark was following her the moment she saw him.

"Em." He put a hand on her arm and she pulled away. "Let me explain."

"Mark, you're with Teddy." She pulled away but he followed. She sidled in beside Alex, grabbing a few pain meds as Mark sighed.

"We're not together. And we were never - Em, come on."

"I need some pillows," Emily murmured to herself and Alex was about to say something when there was a bang. "What the hell?" The three of them walked around the corner where the towels and pillows and gauze was held.

"Dude, what the-" Alex began to say as they spotted a man in a brown jacket. He turned around and Emily spotted the gun in his hand before the way his dead blue eyes pierced her soul. He raised his arm and Alex raised a hand to deflect it as if skin could stop a bullet.

"Alex!" She reached out to push him but Mark moved faster, pushing Alex behind him. The shot rang in her ears, deafening her as Alex pulled her away and around the corner. Her screams echoed down the hall but he clamped a hand around her mouth as Mark's still body disappeared around the corner. "Alex," she repeated as she breathed in raggedly. Her heart felt like a weight in her chest, dropping into her stomach. Her bones trembled in her body, her blood surged like a tidal wave.

"Wait for him to leave," he whispered and she nodded shakily. The gunshot still rang in her ears but she managed to stifle any tears as finally, there was the pad of footsteps that faded away. Ripping free from Alex's grasp, she swung around the corner as Mark gasped for air. He clutched onto his side as blood invaded the floor like an infection. He scrambled towards her and panic nearly blinded her.

But she was not someone blinded by panic. So she took those feelings and shoved them back in their cages. Turning to Alex, she crouched beside Mark and pressed her hands against Mark's side. Immediately, he screamed in agony and blood gushed out from between her fingers.

"Okay, we have to get the medical supplies." She managed to keep her voice stable. "Alex."


"Alex, you have to tell Shepherd what just happened. You - you have to tell him that someone just shot Reed - th-that she's dead. That someone shot Mark. There is a shooter in the hospital." Returning her gaze back to Mark, she plastered a smile on her face, trying to keep herself calm. "Go." She looked over her shoulder when he didn't move, the smile dropping off her face. "Alex, now! Move, go!" she screamed and he snapped out of it. "Okay, Mark. Hey, hey." She slapped his cheek lightly as he began shuddering. Her scrubs were soaked to her skin as she whipped off her lab coat haphazardly. The blood wasn't stopping. Lifting him up, she checked to see if it was a through and through before tying her lab coat around him by the sleeves tightly. He groaned against the pressure, crunching up but she pushed him back down.

The sleeves tied into a knot, she secured it with her spare hair tie from around her wrist, and tucked the ends of her lab coat underneath fabric that was soaking up the most blood. Once she was sure it was applying adequate pressure, she took his hands.

"Okay, you have to help me. Hold onto that." She searched for gauze with one hand on his wound and he wheezed, eyes trying to find something to anchor onto.

Standing up, she grabbed the packets - as many as she could - and ripped them open as she stuffed the gauze underneath the lab coat which was soaked in russet at this point. He yelled in pain, tears leaking out of his eyes as she tightened the knot even harder, tugging the ends of the sleeves with more force.

Her skin was slick with blood as he reached for her wrist, trying to find a solid grip. The blood underneath her fingernails and between her knuckles was drying but he clutched onto her arm like a lifeline as she repositioned near his head and began dragging him across the floor.

"Mark, I need you to help me. I know it hurts but you have to try. I can't do this alone," whispered the brunette. He was shaking so hard against her and her lips quivered, tears blurring her vision. His feet pushed against the floor as she began dragging him, ignoring how his grip was becoming weak and how the floor squeaked when he pushed against the tide of blood.

Slapping the button with a red hand, she stared ahead of her, at the blood trail, at Reed's blank eyes. The elevator dinged - such a normal sound - and she began to pull him in. She had felt relief when it opened but it quickly faded as he slouched down out of her grasp. Hitching him up from under the arms, she pulled the rest of him inside and went down by his side, pressing the lab coat against the hole for him. His hand went limp and his eyes rolled back into his head. "Mark, Mark!" she whispered furiously through her tears. "No, no, no. Stay awake!" She shook him with one hand and with a jolt, he started.

"Em…" he slurred and the arm on his uninjured side twitched. Her eyes darted to the motion and with her heart pulsing in her throat, she realized he still wore the watch she gave him. "I..."

"It's okay," she whispered, pressing harder as the elevator began to move. Blood sponged out, squishing against his ribs. Can this elevator go any faster? Her hands felt sticky, clammy at the same time as ice cold. The doors opened and she opened her mouth to scream for help.

Glancing up, she met eyes with Alex and Lexie. "Help me, we have to get him out of here." Alex bent down, taking legs.

"Help me carry him," Alex grunted and Emily immediately hoisted up his chest and arms. "Lex, get everything you think we'll need and meet us by the conference room." They ran to the conference room and Emily busted it open. Lexie came in after with a suture kit, oxygen and scalpels and other medicinal supplies. Emily began untying the knot, using the lab coat as a sheet on the conference table.

"I grabbed everything I could think of," Lexie managed to say. Mark groaned as Alex settled him back on the side. Emily grabbed a pair of gloves despite her hands being scarlet already and she grimaced at the stains she left behind.

"Lexie, where's Taylor?" Emily asked as she began inspecting the wound. Snapping on a pair of gloves, she heard Mark mumble something through clenched teeth. Alex grabbed a pair of scissors and cut open the shirt.

"W-what? That's the first thing you ask?"

"The first thing I want is you out of here. I want you both out of here as soon as you guys can leave." Lexie slipped a pillow underneath his head as Emily stroked Mark's hair and leaned down so he could see her clearly. "Mark, you stay with me. You've been shot and I need you to stay still," she ordered, voice like steel. She couldn't feel in a situation like this. Right now, Mark wasn't the man he loved, he was just another patient. That's how she needed to get through this.

"We need to get out of here - that man could come back. We have to get him out of here."

"There's no exit wound," she announced, "Alex, help me flip him." Lexie continued speaking rapidly and Emily pinned her down with a icy glare. "Lexie, I need you to help. Okay? Now tell me where Taylor is."

"He's not here - he's off shift. H-he's still recovering from surgery." Nodding, Emily asked Alex to grab Mark from under the shoulders. Mark moaned and more blood gushed out of the wound. Cringing slightly, she heard Lexie like she was somewhere far away but she was still talking about getting out of here. "Lexie! Shut up!" she snapped. "He's losing too much blood. He can't move." Whimpering, Mark tried to steady his breathing as Lexie hooked up the oxygen, and threaded the tubes into his nose and around his ears.

"He needs a chest tube. Em, can you do this?" Alex asked as he tore the plastic tube out from its packaging.

"We're just gonna have to wing it. Lex, set up an I.V."

"I… will fucking kill that… man." Mark grunted and his breathing hitched as she draped the field. "I swear to God."

"Mark, we don't need to hear about your homicidal promises just right now. I'm about to put in a chest tube and I need you to be strong, okay?" she whispered and she made the mistake of glancing into his face. It was full of sweat, morphed by torture as his icy blue eyes met hers. She nearly broke down at how much suffering was in his eyes. "Be strong," she repeated more to herself as she took the scalpel. "Betadine." Alex squeezed it out of the bottle and onto the gauze, wiping it all over the area. She dug the small knife into his skin. Mark let out a deafening scream.

"It's okay, it's okay," Lexie soothed as he held onto her hand and squeezed the life out of her. She tried to smile but failed to and tears leaked from her eyes.

"Okay, Alex, are you ready?" Her friend nodded and she swallowed painfully. Lexie glanced at them nervously, grabbing the tape to secure it. "Lexie, hold his arm, make sure he doesn't move."

"Please, no," Mark breathed out right before Emily inserted the scalpel again and wiped away the blood. A scream ripped from his throat and Emily paused for a millisecond before continuing to push it in. "Ah!"

"Mark, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she whispered before glaring at her friends. "Guys, we've got to shut him up. Lexie, shut him up! I have to focus!" Slicing through the chest wall, she extended a hand for Alex to place the next piece she needed. The chest tube was placed in her hand and she immediately positioned it before jabbing it in, breaching the chest wall, widening the cut. Taping it securely to the man's coated chest, she ripped off her gloves. "Alex, can you take over?" When he nodded, she went right above his head.

"Mark, you have to be quiet, okay?" she yelled as Lexie searched for something to stuff his mouth with. "Hey! Shut up!" she snapped and he paused for a moment but then Alex, in his haste, jostled the chest tube. Stabilizing it again, he prodded around the ribs to check for any bone fragments as the blue-eyed man roared in agony. "Mark," she whispered, stroking his face. "Hey, think about something. Take your mind off the pain."

"That son of a bitch,"

"Besides the man who shot you." His jaw set and he clenched his teeth. "Okay, um, what about confession time?" she suggested as Mark nodded shakily. "Lex, hang the fluids."

"I love you. These past few months - I just - I love you," he breathed and she nodded shakily, kissing his forehead. His blue eyes were wide, a ring of white around his eyes as he continued to try and cough.

"B.P's sixty palp," Lexie informed, calmer as she listened to his heart.

"He's losing too much blood. Damn it," Alex cursed, gazing at the blood streaked across the man's chest.

Emily piped up, "He needs a transfusion. One of us has to go out there and get blood-"

"That's way too dangerous," Alex protested when Emily stood. Lexie, by Mark's side and holding his hand, pressed her lips together in resolution. "You could die if you go out there."

"And he'll die if I don't," she argued as Lexie looked up.

"I'll go - you guys - you guys know what to do and I - I don't - I…" Lexie trailed off as she took off her gloves.

"I can go. Alex can keep Mark alive. Lex-"

"I can't do nothing!" she exclaimed. "I have to do something or I'll go insane. Mark, don't die. Okay, please don't die." The brunette squeezed Mark's hand before letting go and she headed for the entrance. Emily intercepted her, hugged her tightly.

"Stay safe, okay?" she whispered into her hair and Lexie nodded tearily.

"Okay," the younger Grey murmured and she left the room. Emily stared after her for a few seconds, blinked and returned to Mark's side.

"Karev," Mark muttered, "don't let me die."

"I'm trying man. If I did, Em would kill me." Alex managed a shadowed, dark smile and Mark nodded. He was gasping for air and she held onto his hand. The action and feel was so familiar as she kissed him on the lips to assure him that she wouldn't leave.

"I love you, okay? I love you," Emily confessed and he nodded and managed a stupid, cheeky smile. "Don't say I told you so," she warned and he shut his mouth. Alex looked out the window for Lexie as the hazel-eyed woman whispered things to him to assure him that he'll be okay. "I love you so much, Mark. So you can't die because we're going to get married." She scrambled for words to say and remembered the silver fabric marker in her lab coat pocket. "Right now. We're going to get married, right now." Digging in her scrub pant pocket, she took out the Milky Way scrub cap.


"Alex, call 911 or something. Tell them that we're here," she ordered and he nodded as Mark kept speaking gibberish. His vitals were plummeting. "Okay, okay. Vows?"

"Wait a minute," Mark rasped and she looked at him. "You're serious?" Kissing him again on the lips, she pressed their foreheads together before pulling back. The feel of his lips was so familiar she nearly sobbed into his mouth.

"Yeah." She flipped her scrub cap inside out and popped off the cap of her marker. "Mark, are you in this?" He squeezed her hand weakly and she took it as a yes. "Okay, okay. Look, it's my lucky charm."

"Like you're mine," he recalled his words and she smiled slightly. That was Christmas - what seemed like so long ago.

"Okay, we're gonna be okay," she repeated to herself, trying to calm her rapidly beating heart and weak lungs. "First?"

"We love each other. Even if it doesn't - d-d-doesn't seem like it - we do." Writing it down, she looked at him again. "I can't lose you. I won't survive losing you."

"I - I know. I love you," she whispered. "We talk about it. We trust each other - at work and at home. But church and state. We need a limit, so I'm calling church and state." Their fingers intertwined and he nodded although it was hard to tell - he was shaking so much that everything seemed like he was nodding. "To never give up?"

"Never give up," he agreed and he raised his head to look up at her. A groan escaped his lips and he flopped back on the pillow. "I sw-swear, we-we're getting ma-married as soon as we g-get out of here."

"Okay," she agreed. "Whatever you want. I can't live without my best friend." His eyes rolled to peer at the silver writing and he managed the faintest of smiles.

"C-can we-"

"-we can always add more," she murmured, showing him how much space there was still on the inside of her scrub cap. "Mark, I love you."

"You may now kiss the bride," Alex muttered and she shot him a half-glare but leaned down as their lips met quietly. Her hand cupped his jaw, the other still holding onto his. "This is so post-it."

"We're in the middle of a shooting. Do you think we care?" Emily snapped.

Sorry, sorry." Alex held up his free hand whilst on the phone. She glared at him for a moment longer before unwrapping the stethoscope from her neck. Her eyes travelled to the I.V. and she scowled. Running low.

"Okay, happy times are over. His vitals are tanking and any minute now, he's going to pass out." She listened to the man's heart as a loud bang echoed throughout the hospital. Starting, she pulled off her stethoscope and looked out the door. With practiced motions, Emily tied the scrub cap around her head and Mark smiled at the sight before his eyes closed and his grip on her hand relaxed, unaware of the gunshot.

"Fuck," Alex swore, eyes darting around. "Who'd you think that was?"

"Lexie?" Emily's eyes widened and she ran to the door, peering out the window. She could see the younger Grey running towards them with a cart and opened the door. "Was that you? Are you alright?"

"Is he okay?"

"He's unconscious and his vitals are tanking." Alex grabbed the pillows to make Mark somehow more comfortable. "We needa hang another unit of packed cells."

"This is my fault." Lexie took the unit and hung it on the hat stand they were using instead of an I.V. pole. They had a few more bags and Lexie eyed them nervously. "I unplugged his wife - this is all my fault."

"Lexie, this isn't your fault. It's - it's God's fault. But Mark's gonna be fine. Mark will be fine - we'll be fine, everyone will be fine. Just hug me and close your eyes. Just hold onto me," she whispered and Lexie went into her arms. Emily perched on the edge of the table, dried blood caking off her hands as she held the younger woman against her. "There's nothing we can do for Mark but you can hold on to me and I can talk and Alex can wrap up Mark in a blanket because he's getting cold."

Alex nodded, unfolding the blanket from the stack on the cart and layering it on.

"Lex, you're so incredibly brave. You're amazing and brave and just hold on, okay? Just imagine Taylor waiting for you at home, okay?" Emily whispered into her hair. Lexie cried into her shirt, breath hiccuping.

"Em? Was she shot? Em!" Mark tried to get up from the table, groaning in pain and Emily tore her gaze away from where they had stared outside the blinds, on the dead nurse just a few meters away.

"Alex." He took Lexie away and wrapped her in a hug as Emily went to her husband's side and held his hand. "Hey, I'm right here, okay? And we just got married, and after this - we're going to the minister. And we have to get everything sorted out, all those legal papers."

"I shoulda told you I loved you." His murky eyes met hers lazily and she tried to smile reassuringly. "I love you. I think I'm gonna die and I love you."

"You're not going to die." Hand cradling his face as his hand brushed against the scrub cap on her head, she leaned down and fit her mouth to his, tasting the blood from where he had bit his cheek, hard. "We're married."

"That's good. That's… good."

The only sound in the room was just their breathing and her heartbeat in her ears. Then, the door clicked and they all spun around to see a SWAT member.

"This floor's clear. We're going to evacuate you now." Nodding, Emily asked for a stretcher and for them to take Lexie out first. The woman was crying silently, too numb to say anything more as Emily turned to Mark, gently waking him up. New members came by, a gurney pulled behind them and they transferred Mark onto the bed. Emily unhooked the I.V.s and carried them out the hospital where he was loaded into the hospital.

Emily's hands trembled uncontrollably as the paramedics helped her in. This situation was all too familiar and as they drove to Seattle Presbyterian, all she could do was keep her eyes on the monitor and her hand above his heart.


They took him up to surgery.

So she was waiting.

Except she couldn't stand being the wife in the waiting room. She hated it. She needed to do something, to drive, to get away. So she got up.

"Em, you shouldn't leave," Alex began and she looked distantly at him. Her eyes were blank and her scrubs were stained with a dark, dark red that coatede her hands and her face where Mark cupped her cheek. "You should clean up."

"Meredith. I need to see Meredith, and Cristina." Walking past Alex, she went for the hospital entrance, her shoes leaving footprints behind her. Alex ran after her, putting himself between her and the door. Unlike his friend, the man had changed into new scrubs courtesy of "Alex! I can't be the wife in the waiting room. I've been her for two hours and I can't. I need to see if they're okay."

Alex paused and took her hand. He had driven Lexie back to the house where Taylor was so he was the one with the car.

'You can't drive, but I can," he said as they got in and buckled their seatbelts. With that, they sped back towards Seattle Grace Mercy West over speed limits. Jumping out of the car, she ran through the crowd. The police were walking in and she approached the chief.

"Can we go in? We - uhm, we work here," she said and the police chief looked down at her scrubs before back to her blank eyes. "Is he dead?"

"Yeah. Take a few of my guys with you," he said and she nodded. Alex held her hand as they walked through the empty hospital. There were paramedics loading dead bodies onto gurneys to be transported to a morgue. She needed to get away from all of this. Taking a turn when no one was looking, she walked down an empty hallway and into a stairwell.

As Emily walked down the stairs, she heard the door below her open and paused, running back up the stairs. Hiding by the rails, she swallowed as the steps became unsteady.

He's dead, he's dead, he's dead. She could keep telling herself but she knew that she'd never believe it. The figure appeared and she raised her head.


The man spun around and she stood, raising her hands.

"Who's there?"

"It's me. It's Em." He raised his eyes to meet hers and she felt pure relief flood her system as she ran down the steps. He was still in a surgical gown but she flew into his arms anyway. As soon as they made contact, he squeezed the hell out of her, face burying in her neck. "Jackson, oh, my God. Are you okay?" His green eyes are wide and frantic as she cupped his face.

"He held a gun to Cristina's head. He held a gun to both of our heads. I - I don't-" He kept stammering and she merely hugged his neck. "Meredith had a miscarriage and Cristina had a gun to her head. Hunt was shot, I… unhooked the leads. I unhooked the leads so he would leave."


"I was so calm in there. I… I don't know how I stayed calm in there. He had a gun to our heads."

"You're okay," she breathed and he hugged her tightly. Her fingers curled against his neck as she sniffed, crying. "You're all okay, right?"

"Yeah. They're… they're coming up. I just needed to get out of there. I operated on Derek Shepherd with Cristina Yang with a gun to her head. And there was a gun to my head."

"Okay." Balancing on her toes, she pulled his head back and wiped away his tears. "Can you take me to them or do you want to get out of here?" His eyes drifted down and he took in all the blood in her scrubs.

"Did you get shot? Don't tell me you got shot, please," he whispered and she shook her head. Tears spilled over her hands as he crumpled to the floor.

"I'm okay. Mark got shot, but he's okay." Huddling on the floor, she held him to her as he cried into her shoulder. "Come on. You have to get out of here." Getting up unsteadily, she pulled him up and he nodded, sniffing. "I'm going to go find Meredith and Cristina, and you'll be okay, okay?" she whispered. He nodded against her hands and she pressed their foreheads together momentarily.

"Don't get shot," he whispered and she promised. Helping him up the stairs, she signalled an officer to get him out before continuing down the stairs. Down in the O.R., Cristina, Meredith, and April were all scrubbing out. As she came in, all three jumped.

"You're all okay," she whispered faintly. April lunged into her body and she wrapped the woman in a hug before looking at Cristina who slinked into her arms. Holding them both to her, Emily met eyes with Meredith before looking down between her legs where blood stained her scrubs. "You guys should go upstairs. There are police officers and they'll take you out of the hospital."

"April, let's go get Owen and Derek," Cristina said with a last look at Meredith. The two best friends shared an unspoken conversation before leaving Emily alone with her.

"I had a miscarriage in Boston," she said and Meredith nodded. "If you want me to come with you, I'm more than happy to."

"No, it's okay, I just - make sure you don't tell Derek." Frowning, Emily crossed her arms.

"I know for a fact that that is not healthy," she said and Meredith sighed. "Look, okay, it's your choice but you have to tell him."

"I know. You look like hell," Meredith said with a raking gaze up and down. "You didn't get shot."

"Mark did."

"We seem to be having a lot of shared life experiences," the blonde said and Emily scoffed. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah. Altman's operating on him now." Emily sighed, wiping at her red-rimmed eyes. "It's good to see you alive, Mer." The blonde laughed shakily and the brunette opened her arms. "Just come here."

And the two hugged.


"He did great in there," Teddy began and Emily stood. She had change dinto a pair of clean scrubs courtesy of Seattle Pres. Alex looked up as the blonde continued, "He's stable. I've taken out the bullet and he should be able to make a full recovery." Taking in a shuddering breath, Emily nodded.

"Okay. Can I… Can I see him?"

"Of course." The brunette followed the cardio surgeon alone. "He's just waking up."

"Thank you, Teddy." Entering, she smiled and wiped away tears when she saw him open his eyes.

"Hey," he rasped around the tube in his mouth and she came to his bedside. The surgeon's eyes flickered up to hers and reached a hand towards him. He winced and she took his hand.

"Hey yourself," she whispered and untied the scrub cap from her head. "It really happened," she added and he smiled when he saw the silver ink describing their marriage vows. "We're married." He grinned as she leaned over the rail and kissed him on the cheek.

"Come here," he mumbled around the tube and he shifted slowly over the bed so there was just enough room for her. Kicking off her shoes, she climbed and snuggled into him, inhaling his scent. "Mmm, nice to feel your body against mine again. Does things to a man."

"Don't ruin the moment," she scolded and he chuckled. Raising her head, she kissed him again, on the jaw. His hand cupped her cheek as their eyes closed and they fully indulged in each other's presence. A nurse came in to remove the tube and he opened his mouth, eager to get it out. Giggling under her breath, she waited patiently until it was out.

When it was finally out and he angled his head to look at her, she planted her hands on his cheeks and pulled him towards her. The kiss was like a quiet dance, one someone hadn't done in a long time but remembered it in their bones. She leaned away to take in his face but he pulled her back towards him and their mouths met again until her head became dizzy and light.

"Hey, get my scrub cap from my pants over there." He nodded to where there was a bag of his dirty clothes. Scrunching up her nose, she climbed off the bed and rummaged around for it. Finding it in his pocket but not soaked with blood - untouched, actually - she grabbed the silver marker. "Hand me yours." When she did, he signed it in the upper half of the scrub cap, large compared to the vows she had written. Getting the idea, she signed her name below his. Then, they could fill in the remaining space with whatever they wanted but what really was the centerpiece was their names together.

Writing down exactly what she wrote on hers on the inside of his scrub cap, this time signing her name on top before handing it to him. "We can't let you have all the power, can we?" she teased and he shook his head in amusement, his signature below her name. "Now, we're married."

"Good. Because I've been waiting a whole year for this," he whispered and she sighed against him.

"Me, too."

A/N: Edited - October 28, 2018

The first write of this was lacking Emily and the gang. I just wanted more friendship scenes.

Next: The life after.