
Chapter 17

A Week Later

A week had passed and the Rebels had reached the field. N and his team had been slave drivers and had whipped the rebels into shape so that all of the rebels were at least chunin level. They were in an open field just outside of a lake and could see Yagura's army entering from the opposite side and Yagura at the very back on a raised pedestal. Yagura has a head of messy, light-grey hair, pink pupiless eyes and what seems to be a stitch-like scar running from under his left eye, all the way down his cheek. He wore a grey, sleeveless shirt with the Kirigakure forehead protector attached to the front, short-sleeved mesh armour over which he also wears a green poncho along with a turquoise sash around his waist, paired with a green apron over his pants. He wears a pair of brown boots, and on his back he carried a staff-like pole weapon with uneven sized hooks with a green flower on the larger end. N looks at Mei and her army and raises his hand to stop them from moving and to remind them of the plan.

"Yagura! I will give you the chance to surrender" N yells however Yagura does not respond.

"Kurama, ready for a war?" N says to his partner.

"Of Course! Let's beat up my little brother!" Kurama says causing N to sigh.

"3" N says causing the Loyalist army to tense and grab their weapons.

"2" N continues causing the rebel army to become nervous as everything they had prepared for was finally adding up.

"1" N says before drawing his Shakujo with his right hand and sighing as Yagura will not back down and save the lives of his men.

"Begin new life from ashes, Izanagi!" N yells as he slams his Shakujo into the ground causing Storm clouds to gather. He then lifts Izanagi toward the sky causing dozens of lightning bolts to strike the army. The Loyalist yell in rage and then charge N who just closes his eyes.

"Sozo! (Creation!)" N yells before he slams his Shakujo onto the ground. For a second there is nothing and the rebel army was about to attack but then animals made of lightning begin to appear. A realistic tiger made of lightning or a horse or a dragon appear and lunge at the army, decimating their ranks. The dragons were as large as a building and breathed out bolts of electricity, Tigers lunging at the shinobi, electrocuting them before killing them with ease. He's like a god! Creating whatever he wishes from lightning!, Were the thoughts of rebel army as they watched N. N then turns toward the rebel army and raises his shakujo into the air.

"REBELS! TAKE BACK WHAT HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM YOU!" N rallies causing the army to yell a battle cry and rush to fight their war. N turns to his friends and family.

"Be careful" N says and was about to flash away to fight Yagura when Yuki gives him a hug.

"I should be saying that to you. After all, you are the one fighting a kage and jinchuriki" Yuki says causing N to give her a heart melting smile before he disappears in a shunshin.

N vs Yagura

N and Yagura were firing jutsu like they were shurikens however they both knew that they were both toying with each other. Anyone watching would be awestruck at the Kage-Level combat as they summoned the forces of nature itself to do their bidding.

"Let's kick it up a notch" Yagura says before flashing through hand seals before slamming his staff onto the ground, sending a tidal wave of water.

"I'd thought you would never ask" N says before drawing Kazekiri and slicing the wave in half. N then flashes through hand seals before holding his right palm out with his left holding his forearm.

"Shiroton- Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō! (White Release- Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon!)" N yells before shooting a beam of white lightning as large as Kurama at Yagura who begins to spin his staff causing a humongous shield of water to form and block the strike. Yagura then spins his staff and shoots the water at N in the form of water whips which faze through N causing Yagura to raise an eyebrow.

"Tenso- Yon no Dan (Tenso- Fourth Step)" N says before drawing his walking stick and holding it out in front of him. The wood peels away to show an ordinary katana.

"Reduce all of creation to ash, Ryujin Jakka!" N yells causing the blade and the area around Yagura and N to erupt in gold flames.

"Jokaku Enjo! (Fortress Blaze!)" N yells causing a enormous wall of flames to surround them so that Yagura could not escape before he points Ryujin Jakka at Yagura.

"You cannot win" N says before flashing at Yagura and kicking him in the chest however Yagura dodges and goes for a thrust with his staff causing N to flash back.

"Fool, you cannot defeat me" Yagura says before pointing his staff at the sky, causing it to rain. N grins before focusing on the clouds forming or more importantly, the electricity inside of it. N raises his palm to the sky before pointing at Yagura.

"Kirin!" N yells causing a dragon made of lightning to shot from the skies and at Yagura in a second, causing a large explosion and cloud of dust to cover the area.

"Fuuton- Daitoppa!" N yells before blowing the dust away to see Yagura in his three tailed partial transformation.

"You have forced me to use the Sanbi's chakra" Yagura says causing N to growl and point Ryujin Jakka at Yagura.

"He has a name!" N yells as he and Kurama say the same thing in unison. N flashes and slices at Yagura who dodges before covering his fist in coral and punching at N who dodges. This continues until N manages to flash twice before Yagura notices and manages to slice off one of Yagura's tails.

"ARGH!" Yagura screams before he shifts into his Tailed Beast Form however N could tell he was still in control. Yagura roars causing the rain to increase causing N to scowl.

"Ready Partner?" N says before holding Ryujin Jakka in front of him in a kendo stance.

"LET'S DO THIS!" Kurama yells in his head before N is engulfed in golden chakra before turning into a chakra shroud. It is made of golden flames just like N's Kinton chakra and had six magatama, two distinctive pieces of hair-like horns resembling the Sage of the Six Paths' silhouette, and swirl designs that resemble the Uzumaki clan's symbol. The patterns on the shroud usually extend partway down the N's arms and legs. Ryujin Jakka changes as well as it now looks like an ancient and scorched katana. Yagura charges a Bijudama before letting loose the dense ball of chakra at N who just stands there and waits for it to get close.

"Zanka no Tachi, Higashi: Kyokujitsujin (Longsword of the Remnant Flame, East: Rising Sun Edge)" N says as he focuses Kurama's flames into the edge of Zanka no Tachi before he jumps into the air and slices the Bijudama cleanly in half before both halves distenergrate.

"I'm sorry brother" N says before slicing his sword, sending a wave of golden fire twice as large as his Goka Mekkyaku.

With Saiga

Saiga flashes through hand seals before his body is coated in blue lightning and he draws his swords.

"Shinryu no Mai! (Dance of the True Dragon!)" Saiga yells as he disappears only to reappear with his both of his words through 2 loyalists' chest. He then steps with his right foot, swinging his katana to decapitate another man. He then sheathes his swords and concentrates before opening his eyes which spark with blue lightning.

"Hitou Naname Juuji Kaimongeri! (Secret Sword Technique - Diagonal Cross Gate Opening Slash!)" He yells as he draws his swords in an X-formation, sending a giant wave of blue lightning in the form of an X, slicing through dozens of the approaching men.

"Dammit, they keep coming" He mumbles under his breath before jumping back into the fray.

With Darui and Mei

"Hey cutie, mind keeping me company?" Mei says to Darui as he slices through men with his chakra enhanced cleaver sword.

"Sure, things are getting dull" He says as he charges one fist with black lightning and punches a man in the face, sending him into 5 of his friends. A man tries to sneak up on Darui but Mei appears in a shunshin and stabs him through the skull with a kunai. Darui then looks her in the eyes and she nods before flipping though 10 hand seals.

"Suiton- Suiryuudan! (Water Release- Water Dragon Bullet!)" She yells as she draws on the nearby mist to form a looming water dragon which roars. Darui smirks as he flashes through his own signs.

"Raiton- Kuroryu! (Lightning Release- Black Dragon!)" He yells as an equally large dragon forms from his back before merging with Mei's water beast. The two dragons combine to form an 100 foot tall tornado of black twisting water with two beady red eyes that sparks fear in the heart of the army. Darui then reaches out and grabs the busty woman's hand as they both focus on controlling the dragon.

"Ranton- Kuroi Kaminari Suiryuudan! (Storm Release- Black Lightning Water Dragon Bullet!)" They yell in unison as the dragon slams into the wall of the army without hesitation. The soldiers are either crushed under the force of the dragon or electrocuted by the millions of volts traveling through the water. Mei watches with a sadistic grin before turning to Darui with a smile.

"We make a good team" She says causing the lazy man to smile as well.

"Yes we do" Darui says as his Kuroi Kaminari no Yoroi appears and he rushes into battle, eager to attempt the woman he cared for despite her considerable skill.

With Naruto and Yagura

"Zanka no Tachi, Kita: Tenchi Kaijin! (Longsword of the Remnant Flame, North: Heaven and Earth End in Ashes!)" N yells the name of his technique as the wall of flames strikes Isobu/Yagura causing it to scream before it falls over unconscious. N let's Kurama's chakra recede back to the seal when he feels someone enter his Jokaku Enjo (Fortress Flame) causing him to turn around to see Tobi. He is wearing a white cloak with black clouds and has a orange swirl pattern mask on his face that had one hole which held a sharingan.

"Ah, N-kun. Is this some of the power you have received after your training?" Tobi says to N who just looks at him before disappearing in a flash only to reappear with his arm around Tobi. He's gotten faster, Tobi thinks.

"Yep. I'm strong enough to take down you and the rest of the Hakumei. So why are you here? Do you want to die?" N says before holding a kunai to Tobi's neck however Tobi just fazes through him to reappear about 10 feet away from him.

"Not at the moment, I felt my puppet begin to die so I came to check up on it" Tobi comments causing N to nod. To anyone else, it felt like a conversation but it was more like a game of shogi. One mistake and you lose.

"Are you here for the Sanbi?" N asks making Tobi shake his head.

"Oh, you can keep him for now but soon we will have all of the bijuu, including yours, N-kun. Good day" Tobi says before melting into the ground. N didn't follow as he knew Tobi could be on the other side of the elemental nations by now so there was no point.

"What have I done?" Yagura says as he returns to his human form and falls to his knees. So he really was controlled this entire time, N says with a lad pity before looks toward the sky.

"You have done many horrible things but the best way to seek redemption is to try to serve your village with your life" N says before walking away not looking back. N lowers the flames to see the war still going on causing him to run ahead to meet them.

"Your leader has been defeated! You have lost! Stand down!" N yells with his voice laced with Kurama's chakra causing half of the soldiers to lay down their weapons in defeat while the other half refuse.

"I REFUSE TO LIVE WITH THOSE BLOODLINE FREAKS!" A soldier yells causing a roar of agreement coming from the ones who refuse to stand down. N sighs before flashing through hand seals and creating a halo out of white lightning in front of his hands.

"Shiroton- Reiza Sakasu (White Release- Laser Circus)" N yells as he shoots beams of white lightning that only hit the people who spoke out. Mei walks forward and she has only one or two cuts but other wise she is okay but the thing that N notices is that she is leaning on Darui's shoulder. Mei forms a platform out of the earth with Doton chakra so that she was taller then everyone.

"My name is Mei Terumi and I will be your Godaime Mizukage. Follow me into a new path for Kiri" Mei announces causing everyone to cheer as their time as the Village of the Bloody Mist was over.


"WE'RE BACK!" N yells as he walks into the Raikage's office along with Darui and Kimimaro to see Z and A at their desks with thoughtful expressions on their face.

"Welcome back! I heard that the war was over and that Mei became the Godaime Mizukage" A comments causing N to nod as that was true before he pulls out a scroll and hands that to A who opens it.

"An alliance. Darui, Kimimaro, you are dismissed. N can give me the mission report" A says causing both of the jonin to nod and disappear in a shunshin. N opens his mouth to begin his report however A just raises his hand.

"N, I don't care about the report right now" A says causing N to raise an eyebrow.

"N, there is something you must know. I am retiring" A says causing N to go wide eyed.

"But you've only been the Raikage for 3 years!" N yells in shock making A lean back in his chair with his hand on his chin.

"I can't deal with the office life. So I am going to replace Shineku who is retiring and become the Jonin Commander" A explains causing N to nod in understanding but then remembers 1 important thing.

"But who'll be the Raikage? Darui won't do it, Dodai likes to teach, I fear for our future if Bee-nii became Raikage. So who's going to be the Raikage?" N asks causing A and Z to look at each other before A turns back to N and opens his mouth to answer N.

"You are"