
Chapter 16

2 and ½ Timeskip

2 ninjas were walking down the path toward the gate of Kumo. The older one looked about 17 and had spiky golden blonde hair. His hair had black highlights in the form of tiger stripes along with piercing sapphire eyes. He had on a black tank top that were frayed at the sleeves and had white lightning bolts on the bottom along with a pair of Black ANBU pants and black shinobi sandals. He has an Akatsuki cloak wrapped around his shoulders causing it to billow behind him in the wind. But the most noticeable thing about him was the many weapons that he had attached to him. He had 2 katanas strapped to his hip, a Sake gourd and 2 black tonfa. He also had a Shakujo in his hand that jingled with every step, a Bishamon Yari (Three-Pointed Spear), a walking stick and a weird sword that the handle is as long its blade. He had a tiger fang on a next lace and kumo headband wrapped around his arm causing the gate guards to calm down a bit when they see it.

The other ninja a little bit younger at 14 and looked different from the other ninja. He had straight blue hair with bangs that covered one eye and gave him an air of mystery. white shirt with a blue tint under a hooded dark blue coat with light blue edges, two strings with shield-shaped pendants hanging down from the hood. He was wearing black anbu pants along with blue shinobi sandals with his ankles wrapped in bandages. On his forearms, he has gauntlets that are made of overlapping plates. But the most noticeable thing about his was the 2 swords at his waist and a Bo going across his back. The Bo was about 6 feet and was pure white which was broken every foot by a gold ring attached to the bo to reinforce it. The swords were an old Katana and Wakizashi Daisho set that even in their sheaths, onlookers could tell they had seen war. A group of BOLT appear in shunshin and the leader with a hawk mask holds his hand out.

"Halt! Who those there?" Taka asks causing the older ninja to look him in the eyes.

"I know I've been gone for 2 and ½ years but seriously Taka, you don't remember me?" The ninja says causing Taka to go wide eyed behind his mask and for him to fall to one knee.

"Welcome back, N-sama" Taka proclaims causing the rest of the BOLT to realize who it was and they drop to one knee as well. N nods before disappearing in a flash with the other ninja to follow in a blue flash.

Raikage's Office

N appears in the Raikage's office with a flash, scaring A who is behind his desk. A looked the same physically however his blond hair was a few shades lighter due to the stress of being the Kage. BOLT ninja drop from the ceiling and draw their katanas however A holds up his hand causing them to hide back in the ceiling.

"Nice dramatic entrance. You like scaring everyone, right...Otouto?" A says causing N to chuckle.

"I admit it's fun. A-nii, I never took you as someone to be behind the desk" N says with a sadistic smirk causing A to grumble about "disrespectful blondes" before looking to see the person next to N.

"Who might you be?" A asks causing the boy to bow to A.

"Hello A-sama, my name is Saiga Musashi" Saiga says causing N to look at N to explain.

"He is my protege" N says causing A to raise and eyebrow that his little brother had a protege and that he is claiming the name of Miyamoto Musashi making N sees this and sighs.

"He is the only known user of the Ao Kaminari (Blue Lightning) and I am his teacher in the style of colored lightning. He is also the only of son of the greatest swordsmen to ever live." N explains causing A to nod before raising an eyebrow for what seemed like the 239th time.

"What rank is he? Chunin?" A asks causing N to nod as Saiga was easily Jonin maybe Elite-Jonin but he could use the experience of lower rank missions. N was about to explain in depth when the door opens for Mabui to come in. She was as beautiful as ever however she was 6 months pregnant.

"N-kun!" Mabui proclaims before hugging her younger brother figure.

"Mabui-neechan! Congratulations!" N exclaims causing Mabui to blush.

"Thank you. A-kun, Mei Terumi is here along with 2 S-Ranked Kiri nin" Mabui says causing N and A to look at each other. Mei Terumi was the leader of Kiri Rebels so what did she want in Kumo?

"Saiga, leave us" N says causing his student to nod before disappearing in a blue flash. N then nods his head toward the secret button in the Raikage's desk causing A to nod and hit the button. There was a 30 second silence before Z and Darui enter through the open window.

"N!" Z yells before hugging his younger son, crushing him despite N being quite strong. Darui just gives him a manly fist bump.

"Why did you call us here?" Z asks A who just looks at his father.

"The Kiri rebels are here and I wanted your expertise. Besides the leader, Mei Terumi has 2 S-Ranked ninjas with her and I want a little back up to show our strength" A says causing N, Z and Darui to nod.

"Bring them in!" A yells causing the door to open and 3 people to enter. Mei is a tall, slender woman in her thirties. She has green eyes, and ankle-length, auburn hair styled into a herringbone pattern at the back, a top-knot tied with a dark blue band, and with four bangs at the front. Two bangs are short, with one covering her right eye, and two are long, crossing each other on her bust, just below her chin. She wears a long-sleeved, dark blue dress that falls just below the knees. It seems to be closed at the front with a zipper, and is kept open on the front-right side from the waist down. Underneath, she wears a mesh armour that covers slightly more of her upper body than her dress. She also wears a skirt in the same colour as her dress and, underneath those, mesh leggings reaching down over her knees. Around her waist, she wears a belt with a pouch attached to the back on the left along with high-heeled sandals and shin-guards reaching up over her knees, dark blue polish on her fingers and toes, and purple lipstick. But the thing most noticeable about her was her large...uh assets. A, Z and N all look at each other then at Darui while all thinking the same thing, She's a perfect match for Darui! Next to her was a middle aged man with blue hair which is styled in a moused-up manner. His left eye was blue and his right eye was covered with an eye-patch. He wore a talisman in each ear with the kanji for a humble form of "to hear" written on them twice on each side. He also wore the standard striped, grey suit, with a green haori that had white trimmings that stop halfway down, over them. The last ninja was wearing square, black-rimmed glasses connected to ear protectors, a blue pin-striped shirt and camouflage pattern pants but the most noticeable thing is the bandaged wrapped, doubled handed sword on his back.

"Hello my name is Mei Terumi, leader of the Kiri rebel faction" Mei says but N isn't listening.

"Hey Chojuro!" N says with a wave causing Mei to raise an eyebrow at this boy knowing Chojuro.

"Hello N-san" Chojuro says causing Mei to look at him.

"You two know each other?" Mei asks as she did not go to the Chunin Exams with them.

"Yes, that is N Yotsuki-Namikaze also known as the Raijin. I met him at the Chunin Exams" Chojuro explains causing Mei to once again raise an eyebrow. So this is the Infamous Raijin, interesting, She thinks to himself before she shakes her head.

"As I was saying, my name is Mei Terumi and I am the leader of the Kiri rebels. These are my right hand men, Ao and Chojuro. I would like to petition for assistance from Kumo in our war in exchange for a alliance." Mei says causing there to be silence before the four kumo S-ranked Ninjas to look at each other and communicate before A nods.

"Sure" A simply says causing Mei to nod in understanding.

"I understand, thank you fo- Wait what!" Mei begins before yelling in shock as none of the other nations wanted to help.

"This war in Kiri has been going on for too long and us in Kumo love in our bloodlines so to see so many bloodline users die hurts us. As such, we will send out some of our ninjas to help you" A explains causing Chojuro and Mei's other ninja to nod as that sounded like a good offer but Mei raises an eyebrow.

"Some of your ninjas?" Mei asks as if Kumo was only going to give 5 ninjas, there was no point on coming here.

"Don't worry about it. Meet at the Kumo gate tomorrow morning" A says before handing Mei a scroll on the details of the S-ranked mission.

"Thank you, Raikage-sama" Mei says although a little skeptical before her group leaves the office.

"N, Darui, get everyone ready for a S-Ranked mission. I'm putting you 2 in charge" A says causing the black and white lightning users to nod at his serious tone.

"Hai, Raikage-sama!" They say before N disappears in a flash and Darui disappears in a shunshin.

Uzumaki-Namikaze Compound

"I'M HOME!" N yells as he enters his own compound to hear rampant scrambling before everyone enters the living room.

"N!" The girls yell as they tackle him to the floor.

"Hey girls, miss me?" N yells as he gets up slowly. He then notices Kimimaro, Gaara, Zabuza and Haku standing there. He then sees that Haku is hanging onto Gaara's arm and Kimimaro has his arm wrapped around someone's waist. N disappears in a flash to appear next to Gaara and Haku,

"Hello my brother! It looks like you've been busy while I've been gone" N says to Gaara causing Haku and Gaara to erupt in blushes and Haku was about to punch N in the face but N had already flashed away.

"Kimi-nii, it appears you have finally fallen in love" N says while forming a heart with his hand. He then realizes that the girl had crimson red hair.

"You're an Uzumaki?" N asks causing the girl to look at him.

"Yeah I am, jack-ass" She says causing N to smile and disappear in a flash only to reappear next to Kimimaro.

"Oh, someone's got a mouth on her. You literally found your exact opposite, Kimimaro-nii. Hi, I'm N Yotsuki-Namikaze, your cousin" N says before drawing the weird sword from his back causing the girl to suck in breath.

"Is that…" The Girl asks when N holds it in front of him. It was about 6 feet long and the blade itself was 3 feet long and had the Kanji for "Wind" on it while the handle was solid chakra wood and had a circle made of metal as the pommel.

"Yep, Kazekiri (Windcutter), the Sword of the first Uzumaki created through the Tamashi no Ken no Jutsu (Sword of the Soul Technique). I found it in Uzushio and it accepted me as it's new wielder" N says causing the girl to nod in understanding as N puts the blade back onto his back.

"My name is Tayuya Uzumaki" Tayuya says causing N to nod before he facepalms when he realizes something before facing everyone and gesturing toward Saiga who flashed in.

"Guys, this is my protege, Saiga Musashi" N explains causing everyone to get surprise but nod in understanding. N then facepalms once more before realizing something else.

"Sorry, I got side tracked. Tomorrow morning, we have a S-Ranked mission to stop the war in Kiri" N says causing there to be silence before there is pandemonium as everyone leap to their rooms and began to get ready. This is going to be a long day, N thinks before he goes to help his friends.

Early Next Day, Kumo Gate

"Where are they?" Karui asks before Omoi points at 3 ninjas coming down the way. Yugito, Samui, Usagi, Yuki, Konan, Kei, Kimimaro, Karui and Omoi were already there and were waiting for the remaining 5 members of the mission.

"There they are" Omoi points out as Mei, Chojuro and Ao walk up to the group. Everyone waits in silence until they hear Darui and N appear in shunshin. N looks around to see everyone was here before he claps his hands, the sound resonating through the area.

"Okay guys, we are heading to Kiri and if we tree hop at Elite-Jonin speeds, we should be able to reach there in a day" N says causing Mei to look skeptical.

"Can all of your Shinobi keep up with Elite-Jonin speeds?" Mei asks causing N to chuckle.

"Mei-san, all of my ninja are A-Ranked and above, we'll be fine" N says causing Mei to nod but inside she is in shock that Kumo was offering them 11 A and S ranked ninja. An average A-ranked ninja could take on 25 B-ranked ninja at the same time while an average S-ranked could take on 100 A-ranked ninjas.

"Let's go!" N says before hopping onto the road, his group following.

At Kiri, Next Day

The group had reached Kiri the next day as they expected and had gathered with the Rebel faction. At first, they had been rather skeptical of the Kumo nin but that changed when N drew Kazekiri and did one slice, sending a wave of black wind that cut through 2 buildings with ease. Today was the day however today was the day that everything came into play as N and Usagi would be taking out the Suiro (Water Prison). It was manned by one of Kiri's top loyalist generals, Hotaka Kazuhiko who had captured several thousand bloodline users in this inescapable prison. N and Usagi were right outside of the Rebel camp to see everyone gathered around him.

"This war depends on you guys succeeding" Darui comments causing his N to sigh because it was true. The rebels were out numbered 3 to 1 but if N and Usagi broke the Suiro, then the battle would be even.

"Don't worry, we got it!" N says before him and Usagi disappear in a flash.

The Suiro

"I must admit, Yagura and Hotaka hid this place pretty well" N comments when he sees an island surrounded by a layer of mist so thick that they couldn't see through. Usagi nods before she jumps on top of the water. N follows suit and they begin to sprint at the island at jonin speeds. This goes on for a minute or so until N hears a Kunai flash through the air. N draws Kusanagi and slices the kunai in half causing 2 noises when they hit the ground.

"Dammit" N says before he sheaths Kusanagi and waits. 2 water dragons erupt from the water and shoot at N and Usagi. N draws his spear and spins it in his hand before jumping 10 feet into the air and stabs the dragon straight through the jaw, causing it to disperse.

"No more stealth. Mizuhime! (Water Princess!)" N says as he stabs Mizuhime into the water, sending water in all directions. N then swings Mizuhime at the mist, sending a wave of water at it causing a cry as several people were hit by the water. N then begins to spin the spear in both hands and the mist responds to his commands and disperses leaving the Suiro visible. It was a large building that took up the entire island, with heavy fortifications which is most likely why no one has been able to crack it before.

"Let's go!" N yells before he stabs the head of Mizuhime into the ground, sending a tidal wave at the Suiro. N grabs Usagi's hand before they jump onto the wave and ride it into the wall of the prison, collapsing it allowing them to enter. Kiri nins jumped as him however he ripped through them with either Mizuhime or Usagi would trap them in a genjutsu only to kill them with a kunai. This continues on for several floors until they reach the top floor to see Hotaka himself. He wears a samurai like outfit which entails a black suit completed with armour that has the kanji for "Water" on it. On his back was a large double headed battle axe that looked extremely heavy and had to be as tall as him. He also wears a rope belt, hand-guards, and instead of a forehead protector — he had the Kiri symbol on his battle axe.

"Ah so you are the people who have been causing my men so much trouble. The Bishamon (God of War) and The Genjutsu no Megami (Goddess of Genjutsu)." Hotaka comments with a villain's smirk on his face causing N to look at him with a bored expression before he turns to Usagi.

"I thought he would be be bigger" N says making Usagi giggle and all collectiveness that Hotaka had left him as he pulled out his battle axe and tries to decapitate N who dodges to the left. N puts Mizuhime away before he flashes directly above Hotaka and getting ready for an axe kick.

"Girochin Doroppu! (Guillotine Drop!)" N say before coating his foot in shiroton chakra and dropping his foot onto Hotaka's head. Hotaka slams into the floor with enough force to create a crater but he gets out slowly. Hotaka then looks at Usagi before lunging at her and bisecting her with a psychotic smile.

"Ha! I killed your girlfriend!" Hotaka says before looking at Usagi's remains to see them turn to crows and reform behind Hotaka with a kunai at his neck. She then slits his neck with ease causing his body to fall lifelessly to the floor.

"Arrogant bastard" Usagi says which N nods in agreement. N then writes a note that says "The Warden is Down" before sending that away to Mei in a flash.

"Let's go free the bloodline users" N say before drawing Kusanagi. Usagi runs ahead when she sees a guard walk by and looks him in the eye, putting him under her genjutsu. She then slits his neck before walking back to N.

"They are 2 floors downstairs" Usagi says before she starts walking downstairs with a sway in her hips.

In the Cells

N reads the chart saying which prisoner was where and what was their charges. A majority of the prisoners were there for "Bloodline" related crimes causing N to just cut the locks of their cells. After about an hour of freeing prisoners, N and Usagi were standing in front of about 3000 ninjas.

"Okay guys! Onto the Rebel base!" N yells getting a loud cheer from the crowd before they all begin to walk on water back to the base.

3 Hours Later

They had ran at Chunin Speed for 3 hours until they finally reached the rebel base which open their doors for their friends and family they had lost.

"WE DID IT! THIS WAR IS OURS!" N yells getting a loud cheer from all of the Rebels before they go back to their families. Usagi walks up to Mei with the chart in hand while N and Darui were going over plans as they knew that Yagura would most likely attack them very soon.

"We found 30 Yoton users (Lava Release), 25 Futton Users (Boil Release), 10 Shoton Users (Crystal Release) and many other bloodline users. Here's the list, I think we should go check on the boys" Usagi explains before her and Mei begin to walk to the War Tent. They enter to see Darui and N leaning over a map of Kiri.

"We should engage them at the field" N says causing Darui to nod as that was the most logical way to go through.

"It'll take us a day to get there and I think that Yagura will engage us in battle in about a week" Darui says causing Mei to get a shocked look.

"A WEEK!" Mei yells as they were expecting Yagura to come in about a month or so.

"Yeah, after we broke into the Suiro, Yagura or rather Tobi will get antsy and will want to get it over with" N explains causing Mei to raise an eyebrow.

"Tobi?" Mei asks causing N and Usagi to get a dark expression on their face.

"My nemesis, Tobi or as he wants everyone to believe, Madara Uchiha. He is the leader of the Hakumei and the cause of all the bad shit that has happened in the past 20 years in the elemental nations. He caused the Kyuubi attack and I believe that he has Yagura under a genjutsu." N explains causing Mei to put a hand to her mouth in shock.

"So Yagura may not be behind this?" Mei wonders as this could change everything.

"Perhaps not but we still have to fight him" Darui responds causing Mei to nod before she realizes one thing.

"How are we going to take him down? He's a perfect jinchuriki!" Mei wonders as a perfect jinchuriki is one of the most dangerous shinobis.

"I'll take in Yagura. As for him being a perfect jinchuriki so am I" N says before filtering some of Kurama's chakra to his eyes causing them to become red and slited. Everyone shivers at the sight.

"Let's go get ready. We have a week before this war come to an end" N says before walking out of the tent to go train to fight a kage.