
Raide Hail

You wanna know me? It's gonna take some time. But I guarantee you, it's not your typical story.

JeanneSeij · Action
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I tried to keep myself calm maintaing composure while the people inside the house are fighting. Mom, Dad, and my Uncle, They're all yelling at each other and I don't understand what it's all about and I only heard how bad sleeping can be.

I was just 6 years old that time when my dad left me and my mom. I can only remember her suffering. She's staying at bed all day and all night and she barely eat leaving the food untouched prepared by our butler Charlotte.

Yes, we have a butler. We are rich. We are powerful.

But what we are not, is famous.

My mother used to run a farm of drugs that a lot of people seemed to go after. Either they wanna sell it, use it, or destroy it. These people make such a thing very valuable. I never used one even though I'm someone who can get access to it in a blink of an eye. That's because I've seen the people who've used them and didn't really liked what I saw.

You might be wondering why we never got caught. It's because my mom knows the ways in and out of that business and she knows when to stop. She cleaned up everything after my dad left and maybe it's because of my dad that's why she got herself into that kind of business or I don't know. At least we got off that, had a lot of money from that and settled. Well at least financially.

1 year after dad left, I noticed my mom wasn't getting any better. I didn't know what to do... I was just a kid.

And after a week. She passed away. She was buried at our back yard with a Lily on the ground above her body. It was her favorite flower.

I moved on and everything was passed on to me. Wealth and responsibilities. At least I have Charlotte. She guided me. Taught me everything I needed to know to run the family's wealth. She was like the mother I never had. Only younger and prettier. Lmao.

5 years later, I turned 12 and everything is under my control. I learned how to deal with businesses and other people. I never went to school. I never had any classes. I studied on my own. Charlotte praised my superior intellect surpassing even the greatest minds she had known. I became a man of my own.

Another year passed and I'm 13 years old but an unorthodox teenager capable of running companies all over the world. Our millions worth of assets were multiplied hundredfold in just a couple of years. That's how I became a billionaire at age 13.

Well enough of my bragging, let's get right to the interesting parts.

One afternoon, I was staring blankly and realized I was facing my mother's old room. Somewhere I've never been since she was gone. I was curious. I stood up and I didn't realize it until I raised my hand to the door knob. I was nervous. I tried to keep composure but my hand was shaking. I backed up for a second, but then continued to twist the knob and as I opened the door, its creaking sound makes me much more nervous. I had no idea why I felt that way. I went inside and a heavy wind just came through closing the door. I thought it was just the windows opened so I closed them. The wind stopped and I felt something behind me. It was heavy. I turned around and I saw a shadow that slowly faded towards my mom's drawer.

And now out of curiosity, I tried to open it. I picked it since it was locked and I don't wanna waste time trying to look for the key. I opened it and it was surprisingly clean. I was expecting a dusty entrance but I guess Charlotte is good at doing her job. It was empty except for one thing.

I saw an envelope; a letter.

It was written by my mom supposed to be sent to my dad but she did not bother sending it. I tried to peek on what's inside but there wasn't a paper. Instead, there were 6 petals of Lilies.

And I'm drawing a blank.

I have nothing.

I can't understand it.

I tried everything to get in contact with my dad to ask what the petals meant but I couldn't reach him in any way.

So I decided to go search for him and ask him about the petals. That's if he's still alive.

I had Charlotte prepare my plane and I flew on my own to go every country I could. I managed to go to countries all over Europe and America and my next destinations were in Asia.

Right above the East of China Sea I saw a huge dark cloud coming close. I turned back to avoid it but it was too fast and and it hit my plane. The turbulence was no joke, it stalled the plane and I can't do a thing. The engines were hit by hail and it exploded. The windows were cracked by pressure and the fuselage bursted. I knew it was my final moments.

I crashed in the middle of the sea. Nowhere to be found.

I regained consciousness underwater while being locked by my seatbelt. I used my swiss army knife to get out of that breathtaking situation and I finally reached the surface of the sea. It was getting dark, the tides are crashing, and the skies are storming. Every 10 seconds a monstrous wave crash at me, and every second of it, I'm trying to catch my breath. My body is starting to cramp all over the place starting with my right leg. "I'm barely gonna make it out of this alive" That's what I was thinking. Until another huge wave crashed and I was unable to think.

I'm drowning.

Slowly sinking.

I opened my eyes, and saw a light.

I gave in.