
Raide Hail

You wanna know me? It's gonna take some time. But I guarantee you, it's not your typical story.

JeanneSeij · Action
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3 Chs


My vision got blurry as my eyes are focusing on the cockpit. It was too late. I felt the fall, the impact and the water...

and I tried to reach the surface of the ocean as I drown.

I passed out.

Then I woke up on my bed.

"Was I dreaming?" I thought to myself. I never imagined it to be just a dream as it felt too real.

Was I looking for someone? I can't remember.

I tried to relax, accepted that it was just dream.

Deep Breaths

After the 5th exhale, I stood up. I went to my closet and wanted to change clothes. But I was surprisingly wearing a newly washed pajamas so I just went back to bed, opened my laptop and noticed something. The screen was flickering and it just isn't right. I opened my laptop's back panel and noticed that the sticker indicator changed its color. Everything's dry on my table. There's no water.

I slowly realized something... My window frames aren't right, my closet looked a little new, and my bed felt a little bouncier when I got up. This wasn't my room. It's similar like it's replicated.

I rushed outside, felt the door's creaks and it wasn't right. This rhythm, this knob, they're not right! While the door was opened, a huge difference between the floor's finishings were revealed. The appearance of the door from outside is different from inside. It wasn't my house.

I am inside a dark cave.

I took my laptop's battery, pulled out a few wires from its charger, took out the lights off the sealing and made a lamp out of it. I ran outside my room which was inside the cave, looking for a way out of that cave. I never found one.

I am stuck. I memorized the pathways I've passed through with mind mapping and they all lead to each other's endpoints. They lead to no exit at all.

I went out of breath as oxygen in that cave is too limited and then I passed out.

I sensed a difference in the surroundings brightness and forced myself awake.

But I was once again on my bed in that room replicated to look like mine.